Count Coudenhove-Kalergi
(or "Kudengove-Kalergi"?)

"The founder of the first grassroots
movement for the European unity"

Coudenhove-Kalergi (1894-1972)

In the early years of the 20th century, quite a number of projects were thought up for the creation of some sort of United States of Europe, such as Friedrich Naumann's "Central Europe Plan" or the blueprint for the "United States of Greater Austria" published by Karl Renner under the pen-name Rudolf Springer. After the end of the First World War, with Europe economically and politically split up in nation states, there was another round of attempts to unite Europe economically, if only, as a first step, in theory.

The "best work" in this field was probably done by Count Richard Nikolaus Coudenhove-Kalergi. An "Austro-Hungarian by birth", he had found himself a Czechoslovak citizen as a result of the outcome of World War I. Richard not only dreamed about a united Europe but also did everything he could to make it a reality. Thus he thought that Europe should be one not only politically but economically as well. Consequently, Europe should have a single currency.

The climax of Coudenhove's Pan European movement came when the French Foreign Minister, Aristide Briand, in 1929 advocated the creation of the United States of Europe at a session of the League of Nations. The reply to Briand's speech came from another great European, Gustav Stresemann, who thought that an economically united Europe with a single currency was no longer a utopian scheme. In 1930, Briand followed up his League of Nations appeal by sending his Memorandum on the Establishment of a European Union to all European governments. But the political situation in Europe was such that it made the construction of a united Europe impossible. This was a lesson which the young Austrian Republic, too, had to learn. Its Foreign Minister, Johannes Schober, revived the old Central Europe project which had failed in the 19th century as a result of Prussia's opposition. As a first step, Schober tried to form a customs union with Germany. This frustrated attempt at economic integration went down to history as the Schober-Curtius Plan of 1931 (Curtius being Schober's German counterpart).

When Hitler came to power in Germany in 1933, he soon banned the Pan European movement. Coudenhove moved to Vienna, which he tried to make the center of Danubian Europe. He also shifted the focus of his activities to economic integration and in 1935 he was able to open the "Paneuropean Economic Center" in Vienna. But Europe had to go through another devastating World War before work could start in earnest after 1945 to make the visions of an economically, politically and monetarily united Eruope finally come true.

"[Coudenhove-Kalergi] wanted to unite the people of Europe in a political and economic community and propagated for this in a number of books. His book Pan-Europe was published in 1923. It was followed by the foundation of the Pan-European union [the same year], an organization dissolved during the second world war. (The ideas from the Pan-European union then was transferred into the European Movement, which among other things supported the creation of the Council of Europe and the predecessor of the EU of today [EEC].)"
(From the Illuminati book "Can one be black and Swedish?")

Pan-European union (1923-1940s)
European Movement
Council of Europe (1949)
European Economic Community (EEC; 1955)
European Union (EU)

Nikolaus mother was from a "noble Japaneese" family. And his father was an Austrian diplomat. He was born in Tokyo.

The tomb of Richard's mother:
Maria Thekla Mitsu "Graefin"
Coudenhove (Aoyama; 1874-1941)

His first book - in fact a manifesto - titled Pan-Europa was published in 1923, and each copy contained a membership form which invited the reader to become a member of Pan-Europa movement. Thus, Coudenhove-Kalergi is the founder of the first grassroots movement for the European unity.

The French (Jewish?) statesman Edouard Herriot
writes in his book "The United States of Europe":

"A large body among the leading spirits of Europe's youth devotes itself today to the achievement of the lofty teachings of Kant. At the head of this intellectual group it is only fair to put Count Richard N. Coudenhove-Kalergi, the man who has certainly done most in recent years for European federation."

Having seen the beginning of his vision's materialization, Count R.N. Coudenhove-Kalergi died on July 27, 1972.

"Die Tätigkeit der Großloge und ihrer Logen ist in diesem Jahre eine besonders rege. Schon jetzt zeigt sich, welch glücklicher Gedanke es war, allen Logen ein gemeinsames Thema zum Studium aufzugeben; eine ganze Reihe interessanter Vorträge bildeten höchst beachtenswerte Beiträge zum Friedensproblem. Wohl der hervorragendste dieser Vorträge - die wundervollen Ausführungen des Br. Coudenhove-Kalergi über die 'Nation als Kirche' - wurde auch einem weiteren Kreise zugänglich gemacht. Auf Einladung des Br. Großmeisters sprach der junge Gelehrte, dessen Ideen schon viele Tausende begeisterter Anhänger haben, im überfüllten großen Saale des Konzerthauses zu einer andächtigen Menge von Angehörigen und Freunden unserer Brüder. Der große Beifall, den Br. Coudenhove-Kalergi und die Veranstaltung fanden, wird die Großloge wohl ermuntern, auf diesem Wege fortzuschreiten"
("Wiener Freimaurerzeitung" No. 9/10, 1923)

Related untranslated German information (from 1930):

Dr Adolf Grabowski, der Leiter der geopolitschen Kurse an der Berliner Hochschule der Politik, hatte schon recht, wenn er im Mai 1928 in der "Zeitschrift für Politik" (laut Germania Nr. 344, 1928) darauf hinwies, daß die eigentliche treibende Kraft für die Zusammenfassung mehrerer europäischer Nationen zu einer geschlossenen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft der Hochkapitalismus ist, der im Interesse großer geschlossener Absatzgebiete entweder auf Imperien oder auf Staatszusammenfassung oder aber auf vollkommene Verwischung der Staatsgrenzen hinarbeitet.

"Ein wirtschaftliches Paneuropa wäre ausschließlich im Interesse der Großen, es würde die Großen noch größer und die Kleinen noch kleiner machen. Und wir können hinzufügen: die Schwachen (nämlich uns) noch schwächer. Auch würde das Niederreißen der Zollgrenzen für Industrieländer wie Deutschland einen katastrophalen Zusammenbruch der ganzen Landwirtschaft und damit die schwerste Schädigung des gesamten Volkstums bedeuten. Aber das wären ja nur Nebenerscheinungen. Die Hauptsache wäre, daß das vom Judentum und Logen beherrschte Frankreich noch mehr zur gebietenden und führenden militärischen Macht würde, die jederzeit in der Lage wäre, dem gesamten Paneuropa ihren Willen aufzuzwingen und es ihren Plänen dienstbar zu machen.

Kein Wunder, hat Coudenhove in Briand den mächtigsten Förderer und Verehrer seiner Pläne gefunden, der die Verwirklichung derselben sogar zu französischen Staatsaktionen macht. Im Jahre 1926 fand in Wien ein erster Paneuropakongreß statt, zu dem Staatsmänner, Gelehrte und Künstler aus allen Winkeln Europas herbeigeeilt waren. Dr. Theil, der Hauptschriftleiter des "Siebenbürgisch-deutschen Tagblatts" schilderte (laut Deutscher Zeitung, 19. Oktober 1926) die Teilnehmerschaft dieses Kongresses wie folgt u.a.: "Ein blauer Vorhang mit der goldenen Erdkugel und dem roten Kreuzband darüber fiel über eine Szenerie, auf der sich Deutsche und Franzosen umarmten, es gab Tränen, Küsse (wie die Berichte meldeten), das große Versöhnungsfest, das einige Tage vorher gefeiert worden war, konnte in dieser Aufmachung wiederholt werden, denn die Juden waren in der Tat bis auf wenige Renommierarier fast unter sich ....

Das wurde bestätigt vom "Israelitischen Familienblatt (14. Oktober 1926) Danach sollen sich unter den Rednern u.a. folgende Juden befunden haben: der Geiger Bronislav Hubermann, Rudolf Goldscheid, und die Schauspielerin Ida Roland, die bekanntlich die Gattin Coudenhove-Kalergis ist. Ferner brachten dem "Israelitischen Familienblatt" zufolge "mehrere" jüdische Persönlichkeiten ansehnliche finanzielle Opfer, um den Kongreß zu ermöglichen. Das Blatt betont, daß Graf Coudenhove zu jüdischen Persönlichkeiten in Verschiedenen Ländern die besten Beziehungen unterhalte, und daß er im Gespräch mit jüdischen Journalisten die Erwartung ausgesprochen habe, daß die Juden in allen Ländern die Paneuropa-Bewegung fördern werden, die ja einen Abbau des Völkerhasses, also auch eine moralische und materielle Lage der Juden mit sich bringen müsse.

Paneuropa ist also durchaus eine jüdische Angelegenheit. Man gewinnt den Eindruck, daß im Hinblick auf den alles unter seine Botmäßigkeit zwingenden amerikanischen Großkapitalismus durch Paneuropa eine neue Möglichkeit gewonnen werden soll, die gesamten europäischen Völker in geeigneterer Form unter die Herrschaft des amerikanischen Börsenkapitals zu beugen. An Stelle des amerikanischen Finanzkapitals soll das scheinbar europäische die Rolle des Geldgebers für ein "geeinigtes" Europa übernehmen, wodurch die allgemein-europäische Abneigung gegen Amerika berücksichtigt wird.

Zu diesem Zweck schwebt dem Grafen Coudenhove-Kalergi die Verschweizerung Europas vor. In seiner Zeitschrift "Paneuropa" (Dezember 1929) führt er aus, die Schweiz sei "das Modell und die Retorte Europas". Gäbe es keine Schweiz, so wäre die Möglichkeit Paneuropas unbewiesen. Die Existenz der Schweiz beweist dessen Möglichkeit ... darum gebührt der Schweiz der Dank Europas; und darum ist jeder, der sich mit der paneuropäischen Frage befaßt, verpflichtet, sich mit der Struktur der Schweiz auseinanderzusetzen ... Diesem großen Vorbild ist entschlossen zu folgen". Darum fordert Coudenhove gemeinsame Bundeszölle mit gemeinsamer Währung, eine Bundesarmee, gebildet von allen Bundesstaaten unter einem gemeinsamen Oberbefehl und Generalstab, eine gemeinsame Außenpolitik gegenüber der außereuropäischen Welt. Nur dann sei der Friede gesichert. Denn hinter diesem Plan stehe die erste Militärmacht der Welt.

Books by Coudenhove-Kalergi

Pan-Europa, New York 1923

Praktischer Idealismus, Wien 1925
(Practical Idealism)

Held oder Heiliger, Wien 1927

Los vom materialismus!, Wien 1931
(Let go of materialism!)

Stalin & Co., Leipzig 1931

Bol'sevizm i Evropa, Berlin 1932
(Bolshevism in Europe)

Österreichs europäische Sendung, Wien 1933

The Totalitarian State Against Man,
Switzerland 1938

Crusade for Pan-Europe, New York, 1943

Kampf um Europa, Zürich 1949
(Struggle for Europe)

An Idea Conquers the world, London 1953
(this title was later changed into "Eine Idee
erobert Europa, Wien 1958" - An Idea
conquers Europe!)

Die europäische Nation, Stuttgart 1953
(The European Nation)

Geschichte der Paneuropabewegung, Basel 1962
(History of the Pan-Europa movement)

Totaler Mensch, Wien 1965

Paneuropa 1922 bis 1966, Wien 1966

Weltmacht Europa, Stuttgart 1971
(World Power Europe)


Books on the subject of anti-Semitism!

Richard's father (?) Heinrich Graf C-K.:

Das Wesen des Antisemitismus, Berlin 1901
(The Being of Anti-Semitism; updated: Wien
1929 and Wien 1932; with supplementary:
"eingeleitet durch Antisemitismus nach dem
Weltkrieg [anti-Semitism after WW1]" by

Anti-semitism throughout the ages, London 1935
(edited and brought up to date by Richard)

Richard C-K.:

Judenhass!, Wien 1937
(Hatred of Jews!; Paneuropa Verlag)

The Jewish Question, Swedish edition 1939
(translation of Judenhass!?)

In Richard's revealing authorship of the book "The Jewish Question" Richard writes that Jews are falsely called Semites, and that White people are "Semites too." Very strange ideas indeed, but partly true! He goes on to declare that "Semitism" is really the "Semitic language," and nothing else. Well... RCF agrees - but do all Jews? But he seems to have this strange idea that White people and Jews are really one and the same. (Maybe because of his own background.)

Excepts from his book "The Jewish Question":

"According to this theory the White race was separated into two sections: the pure Aryans [or Israelites? -RCF] - and the inferiour Semites [Judahites-Jews? -RCF]."

"... and the so-called Semitic people had created national and personal works and results that are unsurpassed in the history of human kind [this would be... Marrano Jews among Christians? -RCF]."

Apparently he didn't want to publish his true ideas about the "Jewish race," or didn't even know himself. But one thing he did know:
"... the word 'anti-Semitism'... its current meaning is not hatred against Semites [has it ever been? -RCF] but only: hatred of Jews [unprovoked racial hatred, that is?! -RCF]."

"The thesis of anti-Semites didn't correspond with historic science and anthropological researches, which resulted in its disappearance: it was abandoned even by the most modern anti-Semites and race 'experts', who instead often used the word 'Aryan' but never "Semite". That's why the Third Reich uses the word 'non-Aryan' instead of 'Semite' for Jews and their descendants."

(Written 1937-1939!)

As noted Richard gives no clear answers - by "explaining."

The periodical "Pan-Europa" (not the book) of Count Coudenhove-Kalergi
proclaims that the Aristocracy of the future will be Jewish!


("Praktischer Idealismus," 1925, pp. 22, 50):
"The future man will be a mongrel. As for a Pan Europe, I wish to see there a Eurasian-Negroid mixture with great variation in personality types... The Jews shall take the leading positions, since good providence has given Europe a spiritually superior race of nobility called the Jews."

"It is the Israelites who have received sons' right... Israelites are not all that comes from Israel [Jacob], and not all [that claims inheritance] from Abraham are his children... not all are children from God... Jacob [Israel, has God...] chosen, but Esau [Edom] has [he...] rejected. [---] You have heard of a coming anti-Christ, and now many anti-Christs [or 'anti-Christians'] have stepped forward. [...] They have begun from us but are not part of us. Because if they were they would have stayed with us. But it should be known that none of them belongs to us. [...] You know that no lie comes from truth."
(Romans 9:4 & I John 2:18, The New Testament)

Coudenhove-Kalergi's movement "Pan-Europa" continues
to exist under the leadership of Otto von Habsburg!

(It is safe to say that von Habsburg, Monnet and Coudenhove-Kalergi are all part of the so-called "Black Nobility," with bloodlines from ancient "Jews." They think of themselves as "Jewish nobility," but are in fact only Canaanites or mixed Judahites-Canaanites. And mentally sick, of course.)

Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, in 1924, referred to Paul
Warburg as "the founder of the Federal Reserve System"!

In 1924 the Pan-American Union was founded by Coudenhove-Kalergi after he received a call from Baron Louis Rothschild. Rothschild said Max Warburg, his friend, had read his book. "To my great surprise," said Count Richard, "Warburg spontaneously offered us 60,000 gold marks, to tide the movement over for its first three years." Max remained a convinced Pan European until his death in 1946.

"In the beginning of 1924 we [the Pan-Europe movement] got a telephone call from baron Louis de Rothschild. A friend of his, Max Warburg... arranged his journey to the United States in 1925 so he could introduce me to Paul Warburg and Bernard Baruch"
(Richard N. Coudenhove-Kalergi, in his self biography)

The men who wanted the EU:
Rothschild, Warburgs & Baruch

"We shall have world government whether or not we like it. The only question is, whether world government will be achieved by conquest or consent."
--James Paul Warburg, banker and son of Council on Foreign Relations' founder Paul M. Warburg (and Nina Loeb, daughter in famous banking firm Kuhn, Loeb & Co.), in the United States Senate on February 17, 1950

A book entitled "The United States of Europe" was written by one Mr. Woytinsky and appeared in 1926. It described a Pan European federation as the first needed step toward a world economy. At this same time Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi "for a time secured much publicity and a measure of official encouragement."

Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi was named after Richard Wagner. His father was supposedly an intimate of Richard Wagner, Theodor Herzl and Houston Stewart Chamberlain! (That should be two "anti-Semites" and one "self-hating Jew.")

Jean Monnet

"The Father of Europe"

Jean Omar Marie Gabriel
Monnet (1888–1979)

Monnet was a Jewish French-Canadian (Internationalist) "financier and politician" and advisor to President de Gaulle. He was also one of the most important people behind the creation of the "European Economic Community (EEC)," which later got the name "European Union (EU)" - next to Joseph H. Retinger (the founder of the European Movement - and the Bilderberg group!) in 1957. He once worked with the (Rothschild?) bank "Lazard Frères," a Jewish firm of Paris. He was also involved in the creation of the League of Nations, later United Nations, and became vice secretary general.

The "Monnet method"

The "Monnet method" is the same as the "politics of the small steps" of Nahum Goldmann, Zionist world leader. It means that changes are made little by little: many small steps makes a long step in the end. It's a way of deception. A way of fouling "the mob" (as stated by the Protocols).

Fischer launches the old idea of a
"European Federation" (May/June 2000)

Joschka Fischer and Gerhard Schroeder
(German Foreign Minister and Chancellor)

Joschka Fischer was chosen for this perticular task. With reference to the "great vision" of Robert Schuman (Jew) 50 years ago Joschka told the world what it already suspected: a European Federation may be on its way. The final goal is a World Federation (as wished for in the Torah and other Jewish sources). The "project gone wrong" USA, United States of America, is the inspiration. First the United States of European will occur and later the whole world will follow. The power will be moved away from the people (mob, or goyim) and to this new "Internationalist Elite".

Robert Schuman

Wars have been and will be used as a "bad example" and David Ben Gurion will get his prophetic vision fulfilled with a "world army".

"It will be just as easy for nations to get along in a republic of the world
as it is for us to get along in a republic of the United States."
--President Harry S. Truman, in a speech, June 28, 1945

"I am devoting my lecture in this seminar to the discussion of the possibility that we are now entering a Jewish century, a time when the spirit of Community, the non-ideological blend of the emotional and the rational and resistance to categories and forms will emerge through the forces of anti-nationialism to provide us with a new society. I call this process the Judaisation of Christianity, which will be the vehicle by which this society will become Jewish."
--Rabbi Martin Sugal, top spokesmen of Zionism;
reprinted in the "New York Magazine," Jan 18th, 1972

"I believe that the active Jews of today have a tendency to think that the Christians have organised and set up and run the world of injustice, unfairness, cruelty, misery. I am not taking any part in this, but I have heard it expressed, and I believe they feel it that way. Jews have lived for the past 2000 years and developed in a Christian world. They are a part of that Christian world even when they suffer from it or be in opposition with it, and they cannot dissociate themselves from this Christian world and from what it has done. And I think that the Jews are bumptious enough to think that perhaps some form of Jewish solution to the problems of the world could be found which would be better, which would be an improvement. It is up to them to find a Jewish answer to the problems of the world, the problems of today [i.e., a 'Jew World Order']."
--Baron Guy de Rothschild, on the NBC-TV show "The Remnant," August 18, 1974

On August 1, 1972, it is alleged that Philippe Rothschild sent some papers to the Council of 13 in San Antonio, by state courier.

The plan included getting rid of US-president Nixon. It also included:

1) Federal gun control,

2) Removal of tax exemption from churches.

3) The Genocide Act making it a crime equal to murder to convert a person from one faith to another,

4) National Emergency Powers for President. (This was passed),

5) Anti-Hoarding Act making it a crime to have more than a 30 days supply of food, fuel or medicine. (This was also passed),

6) Anti-Business Acts. (This is Presidential Directive #10-289).

Is this symbolic for the coming world empire under the EU, later assimilated with the USA and Japan territories? Is it all secretly led by the Rothschilds?

"B'nai B'rith, the secret Jewish fraternity, was organized in 1843, awakening world Jewish aspirations, or Zionism, and its name, meaning 'Sons of the Covenant', suggests that the 12 men who organized the fraternity aimed at bringing about the fulfillment of 'the Covenant,' or the supposed Messianic promise of rulership over all peoples. To rule all peoples, it is first necessary to bring them together in a world federation or world government - which is the avowed aim of both Communists and Zionists."
--Major Robert H. Williams; "Fecp and the Minority Machine," p. 10

The Biedermeyer synagogue in Vienna may deserve mention, too. Its highly unusual domed roof is painted like a light blue sky with bright white stars. This was apparently a visual metaphor for the Enlightenment, with possible overtones of the Kabbalah and Freemasonry. An odd coincident? Enlightenment = Illuminati

A masonic flag

"Big brother is watching you."
(From George Orwell's book '1984')

Icon from an official
EU home page

This symbol was also visible to all Serbs-Albanians during the Kosovo war in 1999. I saw it myself on a something similiar to a "territorial sign" in Kosovo on a TV coverage (EuroNews). Maybe the Eye makes them feel watched? At least the EU are honest about it.

Similar to "the Council of 13" is the use of "the Council of Europe", which is supposed to be the council of the European Union.

Coudenhove-Kalergi's replacements
in the Pan-Europa/EU: Karl and his
father Otto Habsburg

Intro-text to Swedish newspaper (Svd) story
about Karl Habsburg in money swindle and father
Otto talking about "Nazi persecution of Jews";
famous Jewish chutzpah (and defense mechanism)

Backcover of the first English 1920
edition of "the Protocols": "Read about
the destinies of the nations of the world."
Anti-Semitic hoax?

"The future man will be a mongrel. As for a Pan Europe, I wish to see there a Eurasian-Negroid mixture with great variation in personality types... The Jews shall take the leading positions, since good providence has given Europe a spiritually superior race of nobility called the Jews."
(Richard Nikolaus Coudenhove-Kalergi, initiator of the European Union, in "Praktischer Idealismus," pp. 22, 50, 1925)

"[I]f the Messiah arrives one day and there is no more anti-Semitism, I still hope that there shall be a Jewish people. Even if others forget, that the Jews exist, I still hope that these shall be able to maintain themselves as a people. [...] The Jewish philosophy, thought, ideology consist of many contradictions. One is, that we are both the most separate people and the most universal people on earth. [...] This is the characteristic of our people: we are by ourselves, isolated from others but at the same time destined to fulfill a mission, which concerns the whole world, to be the servant of mankind [i.e., minority 'serving' majority]."
--Nahum Goldmann-Leibmann; "The Jewish
Paradox," 1976, p. 77, Sw. Edition)

"Late us take a more modest example: the European [Economic] Community [today: the EU]. It doesn't surprise anyone that their organization takes time. I have often declared to my American friends, who are surprised of the Europeans not entering [EU] faster... It isn't easy for them to abolish, not from their identity, but from their absolute sovereignty. I am certain that in fifty years from now [2026] there will exist a united western Europe... In the same way there will in one or two generations be a United Nations equipped will real power. In such an organization the minorities - and not the states - will be represented. [...] The minorities will have their way in culture and upbringing. [...] the totalitarian states have a great advantage: five, ten, at most twenty people make the decisions."
--Nahum Goldmann-Leibmann; "The Jewish
Paradox," 1976, pp. 122 & 126, Sw. Edition

"All armies will be abolished, and here will be no more wars. In Jerusalem the United States (a truly United States) will build a Shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the Supreme Court of Mankind, to settle all controversies among the federated continents, as prophesied by Isaiah."
--David Ben-Gurion (Grün), first Prime Minister of Israel; Look magazine, January 16, 1962, p. 20
"Why do they not settle the issue with us, convince us of our folly and demonstrate their lofty, heavenly wisdom? We have never fled from them; we are still standing our ground and defying their holy wisdom. Let us see what they are able to do. For it is most unseemly for such great saints to crawl into a corner and to curse and scold in hiding."
--Martin Luther; "On the Jews and Their Lies," 1543, pp. 262

"All animals are equal but some animals
are more equal than others
[for example the Communist pigs"
(Policy of the "Socialist elite," according
to George Orwell, in his "Animal Farm")

"The conclusion of this analysis is that democracy is identified not with the power of the people to pursue their perceived interests. Rather, democracy is conceptualized as guaranteeing that majorities will not resist the expansion of power of minorities even if that means a decline in their own power."
("The Culture of Critique" by Kevin MacDonald, p. 195)

Before the 1999 Swedish elections of candidates to the EU, Swedes got to listen to 10 seconds of Adolf Hitler's speech in the media. This was to frighten the majority that "If you don't vote some idiot might talk for you." And this was also the accurate message following the speech. Well, in the previous EU election only 41% of the Swedish population voted, so the democracy is going through a democratic crisis anyway - mainly because the EU isn't really democratic. An in the 1999 elections only 38% voted in Sweden and in whole Europe less than 50% voted, including those countries with a vote duty. So now the use of pro-EU propaganda must be used to raise this voting level since "the Union" won't leave the people alone, and to rule the world politics they must have the support and the legitimacy of the majority.


A study made in October 4th, 1999 shows that:

"Swedes and Englishmen are the most nationalistic within the EU" (OH NO! Horrifying!).

The Swedish paper Dagens Nyheter (Todays News) asked a number of people the question (why?): "Do you have a national or European identity?"

Weird way of asking that question!
Either the journalists should use "national-international" or "Swedish-European."

The result was:

60 percent felt "national,"

2 percent "European,"

the rest "both."

The reader of this paper got the (important?!) information that Luxembourg and France were "most European"!

Totally within the EU, 45 % felt national and 4 % European (Wow!).

In a investigation about the people's trust for politician in Sweden (990729) 9 in 10 had little or no trust in their politicians! People think that the politicians only care about their own careers.

In Dec. 1999 a Swedish survey showed that:

53 % want to leave the EU

39 % want to stay

The government doesn't care what the Swedish people think. Their will is not worth any consideration. And they know that it is fluctuating with the use of propaganda.

In March, 2000 only 35 % wanted to join the EMU in Sweden. A total of 40 DID NOT want to join. Some time later this figure was 41%. The rest didn't know (as usual). One might add that there has been next to NO PROPAGANDA during this period. Thus only showing the natural feeling.

A later report stated that people STILL DIDN'T WANT the EMU, but that the number "positive" to EMU had increased some.

In June 2000 32% wanted to join EMU and 42% did not want to.

As Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) put it:
"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."

"[T]he Jewish nation is the sole mediator between God
and the rest of mankind [...] At the end of history, all
other nations will be converted to Judaism"
(Jehuda Halevi, 1085-1141; the 'greatest Hebrew poet of Spain')

Central Banks - lending onto nations
IMF, World Bank, ECB, Federal Reserve
and national Central Banks

"And thou shalt lend onto many nations, but thou shalt not borrow: and thou shalt reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over thee"
(Deuteronomy 15:16, The Torah)

"[T]hou shalt lend onto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow. And the lord shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath."
(Deuteronomy 28:12, The Torah)

"To a foreigner you may lend upon interest, but to
your brother you shall not lend upon interest"
(Deuteronomy 23:20, The Torah)

"This is the Levitical priesthood speaking,
not God of the New Testament."
--Douglas Reed; "The Controversy of Zion"

"[E]very penny of interest enclosed therein
was like a sacrifice offered to his God."
--Werner Sombart, famous German writer;
"Les Juifs et la vie economique," p. 286

"We have never met before, but I instantly know him. One look, one phrase, and I know where he grew up, how he grew up, where he got his drive and his sense of humor. He is New York. He is Jewish. He looks like my uncle Louis, his voice is my uncle Sam, I feel we've been together at countless weddings, bar mitzvahs, and funerals. I know his genetic structure. I'm certain that within the last five hundred years--perhaps even more recently--we shared the same ancestor."
--Robert Reich, US Secretary of Labor, about Alan Greenspan, the Federal Reserve Board Chairman, 1997

"We shall replace the money markets by grandiose government credit institutions, the object of which will be to fix the price of industrial values in accordance with government views. These institutions will be in a position to fling upon the market five hundred millions of industrial paper in one day, or to buy up for the same amount. In this way all industrial undertakings will come into dependence upon us. You may imagine for yourselves what immense power we shall thereby secure for ourselves"

"In our hands is the greatest power of our day -- gold: in two days we can procure from our storehouses any quantity we may please.
Surely there is no need to seek further proof that our rule is predestined by God?
[...] Our authority will be glorious because it will be allpowerful, will rule and guide, and not muddle along after leaders and orators shrieking themselves hoarse with senseless words which they call great principles and which are nothing else, to speak honestly, but utopian. [...] Our authority will be the crown of order, and in that is included the whole happiness of man."

"How clear is the undeveloped power of thought of the purely brute brains of the goyim, as expressed in the fact that they have been borrowing from us with payment of interest without ever thinking that all the same these very moneys plus an addition for payment of interest must be got by them from their own State pockets in order to settle up with us. What could have been simpler than to take the money they wanted from their own people? [...] "Of foreign loans I shall say nothing more, because they have fed us with the national moneys of the goyim, but for our State there will be no foreigners, that is, nothing external."

"But when the comedy is played out there emerges the fact that a debit and an exceedingly burdensome debit has been created. For the payment of interest it becomes necessary to have recource to new loans, which do not swallow up but only add to the capital debt. And when this credit is exhausted it becomes necessary by new taxes to cover, not the loan, but only the interest on it. These taxes are a debit employed to cover a debit."

"If everybody expressed his unwillingness and demanded his money back, the government would be hooked on their own flies and would be found insolvent and unable to pay the proposed sums. By good luck the subjects of the goy governments, knowing nothing about financial affairs, have always preferred losses on exchange and diminution of interest to the risk of new investments of their moneys, and have thereby many a time enabled these governments to throw off their shoulders a debit of several millions.
Nowadays, with external loans, these tricks cannot be played by the goyim for they know that we shall demand all our moneys back.
In this way an acknowledged bankruptcy will best prove to the various countries the absence of any means between the interests of the peoples and of those who rule them."

"Economic crises [IMF vs Russia and Serbia, plus international boycotts, for example] have been produced by us from the goyim by no other means than the withdrawal of money from circulation. Huge capitals have stagnated, withdrawing money from States, which were constantly obliged to apply to those same stagnant capitals for loans. These loans burdened the finances of the State with the payment of interest and made them the bond slaves of these capitals. [...] The concentration of industry in the hands of capitalists out of the hands of small masters has drained away all the juices of the peoples and with them also of the States."

"When we ascend the throne of the world all these financial and similar shifts, as being not in accord with our interests, will be swept away so as not to leave a trace, as also will be destroyed all money markets, since we shall not allow the prestige of our power to be shaken by fluctuations of prices set upon our values, which we shall announce by law at the price which represents their full worth without any possibility of lowering or raising (Raising gives the pretext for lowering, which indeed was where we made a beginning in relation to the values of the goyim.)"

(Source: "The Protocols of the learned elders of Zion," Protocol Number 20 [Financial Programme], 21 [Loan and Credit] and 22 [The Power of Gold])

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

IMF, International Monetary Fund, mainly works with the international payment system. IMF "contribute" to countries with a shaky economy by loaning them money. IMF often demand political changes as a part of the deal. This often includes cutting down on "welfare." IMF is financed by the member countries who allows IMF to use their money. "Europeans" are chairmen. The current one is Frenchman Michel Camdessus (1999).

World Bank

The World Bank is - as IMF - located in Washington. The institutions are neighbors! The chairman of the World Bank is contrary to the IMF always an "American." The current is the Jew James D. Wolfensohn (also an active Bilderberger). The Bank helps poor countries to progress more than the IMF does. It also finances the "International Development Association" and "International Bank for Reconstruction and Development" working with poor countries. The World Bank deals with "customers" which ordinary banks wouldn't deal with - for example political reasons! It lends more than 250 million dollars.

Evelyn - part of
the conspiracy?

"Will the Euro Work?" you might ask. Well go to this page to find out yourself. It's a study sponsored by NM Rothschild & Sons, with a preface by Sir Evelyn de Rothschild.
Look at it here (sadly put offline)

"This report brings a timely reminder that meeting the Maastricht criteria for economic convergence and launching the euro is only the beginning. Hard policy choices will have to be made by governments and the EU's institutions if monetary union is to work well. Success is not assured, but will depend on sensible management of the new currency and, crucially, on the difficult decisions needed to make Europe's labour and product markets more flexible. Countries that have opted to stay out of EMU for now face equally hard choices about whether and if so when to join. I hope that this report will contribute to clear thinking, sensible analysis and forward-looking debate both among policymakers and among the wider public."
--Sir Evelyn de Rothschild


1946: Winston Churchill calls for creation of a United States of Europe.

1950: French Foreign minister Robert Schuman purposes pooling of
French and German coal and steel production in one organization. Says all
European countries may join.

1951: Belgium, West Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the
Netherlands sign treaty forming the European Coal and Steel Community

1952: French Statesman Jean Monnet is named the first president of the
ECSC that he conceived as the first step toward European economic and
political integration.

1955: Monnet organizes the Action Committee for a United States of
Europe, which advocates creation of the Common Market.

1957: Treaty of Rome establishes the European Economic Community and
European Atomic Energy Commission. Creams a free-trade area: birth of
the Common Market.

1962: Common agricultural policy established.

1963: Gen. Charles de Gaule of France declares Britain is not ready for
membership. As a result, negotiations for membership are broken off with
Britain, Finland, Denmark and Norway, which all had applied to join.

1967: The Common Market, coal and steel, and atomic energy
communities are merged into a single Commission of European

1968: All customs duties between member states are eliminated.

1973: Britain, Denmark and Finland join, enlarging the EC to nine.

1974: The European Council is created, under which heads of nine
governments will meet on a regular basis.

1979: First elections by universal suffrage for members of the European
Parliament. European Monetary System is created, establishing a common currency known as the ECU.

1981: Greece becomes 10th member of the EC.

1986: The EC increase to 12 as Spain and Portugal join. Single European
Act passes with goal to create a "Europe without frontiers" by 1992.

1989: Communism fails and Germany reunified.

1992: Europe further unifies.

1999-2002: Political union Euro-dollar single currency. 2002: full unity
achieved Political - Military -Monetary

"The union which we shall create will not be a French, English, Irish or German, but a Jewish World Union... Under no circumstances shall a Jew befriend a Christian or a Muslim; not before the moment comes when Judaism, the only true religion, shines over the entire World."
Isaac Adolphe (i.e., Isaäc Mose) Crémieux (1796-1880), Grand Master of Grand Orient de France, in his manifesto to L'Alliance Israélite Universelle (its organ: the B'nai B'rith lodge - motto: "All Israelites are comrades!")

"Sign of the times"? New and old Rothschild seal;
Shield of David equals Shield of Solomon?

"[T]he priest is the past, the Jew is the future."
--Léon Gambetta, famous liberal and Freemason, at a banquet given by
the French Rothschilds, in the 1870s

"Everything is going to be different. Many will suffer. A New World Order will emerge. It will be a much better world for those who survive. In the long run life will be better. The world we have wanted will be a reality...
"We will get a New World Order. We may not get it in our generation, but if we do not get it in our generation, we will get it in the next generation."
--Henry-Heinz A. Kissinger (Avraham Bel Elazar)

On EuroNews Feb. 2000 on could see a pro-Israeli Jew (an Israeli?) speaking about the EU in Brussels and he was wearing a blue tie with many large yellow stars of David on it. They were not in any special formation, as we are aware of.

The Rothschild Century (modified drawing
by C. Léandre, France 1898)

It is interesting to note that it was "anti-Semitic" to draw like Léandre in 1898 - and use the words "Prot Israel". But since then the Rothschilds was the one most important factor in establishing Palestine as a Jewish state in the midst of Arab states, with the help of Britain. Rothschilds has also been involved in Kalergi's proto-EU and the current EMU system.

The "big plan" in action

In Jan. 2000 we got a feel of the "New Deal" of the EU. First Israel (of all nations, not even in the EU!) reacted on the political "extremist" (political incorrect and not in line with the NWO) Jörg Haider and his liberal FPÖ party. Then a gathering storm occurred (multinational discussions referring to the Holocaust and the immigration of today!), and later officials of 14 countries signed a paper threatening of "political boycott" of Heider and his "populist" (dirty word!) party got any influence in Austria. Then USA (and its Jews in leading positions) reacted also. To top it off EU "aproved" the whole thing as "right." And one high "EU person" said it "of course not can be accepted by Europe" that somebody like Jörg is considered in a government position. He is "reactionary" and not "progressive." (I.e. listens to the people and not to the big plan. As Tsar Romanov in Russia.) Israel has pulled back its ambassadors from Austria!

(Now USA has pulled back its ambassadors and as a universal organized network other EU countries - excl. Austria - has frozen their contact with Austria!)

"[Austrian minister Schüssel makes] a historical mistake
[by dealing with Haider.]"
--Joschka Fisher, German Foreign Minister, in an
interview in the Austrian paper "Profil"

Joschka Fischer (left) and Schroeder

An investigator said that the 14 member states have violated the "people rights" by opposing Haider being treated as everybody else. EU = "Progressive" Socialism = World State.

Of course there were some discussions earlier about Turkey (with the democratic problems) entering the EU - they weren't even Europeans! (And Russia and their Chechnya-terrorism, of course.) But nothing beats Haider (he's no crypto-communist)!

The fore-play to this whole story was a UN organ ordering (or "suggesting") Europeans to open up their borders for Third World immigration - to "preserve" the nativity of declining nations.

(Of course Israel doesn't let Palestinians, who fled militant Jews, return. They want to "preserve their identity." And they are "scared to death" of the "quiet Holocaust," also known as "integration.")

In N.Y. city organized Jewry protested outside the Austrian ambassador. One Israeli flag was waving in the wind!

The weird thing about this story is that Haider is no no-nazi or "extremist." He hasn't said that Hitler's employment politics were good (which they were) but rather that they EVEN were better than the Austrian social democrats' politics - it was an "assault" on them.

Israeli Jews has now "forced" Haider to condemn everything they don't like, and promise them large "compensations" for Nazi "slave-labour" and lost Jewish gold. But Haider is a "liberal," so the whole point in all this is rather that they want to set a standard against "extremist" in EU. ("Reactionary" extremists that is.)

It is so obvious why all this is happening and
hat the result will be in the future.

What was all the fuzz about Austria about?

At first one might think that "the élite" is actually genuinely interested in the "fundamental human rights". But if one looks behind the most obvious thoughts one realizes that "the élite" actually doesn't care about anything else than their hidden agendas.

So what was all the fuzz about?

Well, one can summarize it like this:
x higher control other sovereign countries (no real democracy)
x only accepted politics allowed - or else organized EU boycott against member country
x the old Communist agenda: equality and "human values" (the proletariat)
x no reactionary politics/parties: no acceptance of anti-élite, anti-Israel or anti-"hidden agenda" parties
x statute example: do not bother starting a "reactionary" force - it will be crushed

The pro-Jewish line of EU


"Terrorism" was one of the many anti-Arab comments by Mr. Lionel Jospin, Jewish Prime Minister of France during his visit to Israel; he was describing Hizbollah attacks on Israeli occupators, and therefore taking the pro-Zionist side against Arabs; France is/was the protector of Syria and the pro-Arab force in that region; Arabs are now scared of losing the only friend they got in the whole world against the sadist, Zionist threat

Prodi when visiting Israel some day afterwards (27-feb-00; for some reason) defended Jospin(!) but said it didn't effect the general view of EU (whatever that means).

Romano Prodi visited Israel in Feb. 27, 2000, to "strengthen ties in that region". He shook hands with Barak and other Jews. It is evident that Israel some day will enter EU.

Fontaine and Prodi among progressive Jewish comrades
in Israel (assassinated Yitzhak Rabin on the wall, right)

"The western world doesn't want to understand
the terror produced by the Zionist state of Israel."
(Lebanon girl speaking during a demonstration
following the anti-Arab speech of the Jew Jospin)

"Hizbollah is our friend. Attack Tel Aviv."
(Palestinian slogan, reported by EuroNews TV;
riots followed Jospins speech)

Israel is as "democratic" and "European" as Turkey,
which entered EU in 1999.

April 7, 2000. Prodi (who was threatened to lose his job, just some days ago) and Mrs. Fontaine were in Austria - the so-called "Nazi headquarters" of Jörg Haider and his liberal "Freedom Party" (which has a large number of Jews in the party). This was just about ONE MONTH (Feb. 27, 2000) after their visit to ISRAEL (Israel being the one who initiated the "Haider debate" in EU)!!!

They were opening some kind of "forum against racism" there. Fontaine started by reading this famous (nonsense) words:

"First they for the Communists (!) but I didn't protest, since I was no Communist;
Then they came for the Jews - but I was no Jew (statistics show that many Jews must have gone with the first group);
Then they came for the union workers - I was no union worker;
Then they came for me, and then there was no one (Communist, Jew, union worker) left to protest."

Fontaine, a Jewess, also said - quite boldly - with reference to the fictional "Austria situation" that "racism is xenofobia and ANTI-EUROPEAN"!!! (Sounds like "Cold War" American Jewry describing anti-Communism as "anti-Semitism".)

(Remember Israeli prime minister 1997 during the Zionist Congress in Jerusalem talking about the horrible "quiet Holocaust" - that is assimilation.)

Now... imagine if she was in Israel, said they were racists, and "suffer from xenophobia" and that they are anti-European. Imagine...

Ah, what a "brave new world".

Fontaine also used the vague phrase "all forms of racism."

The conference was in NWO and USSR style called "EUMC". It was dedicated to combat "the dangers of xenophobia" and to "strengthen the legislation to combat racism." ("EUMC" means "European MONITORING CENTER on Racism and Xenophobia" - there is a underlying connection to Mr. Kalergi and his work on anti-Semtism - or "Hatred of Jews," as he calls it - here.)

The meeting, Vienna's Hofburg Palace, Austria

From left: President of the European Commission Romano Prodi from Italy, Austrian President Thomas Klestil (Jew?), chairman of the EUMC Jean Kahn (a Jew), of France, and European Parliament Speaker Nicole Fontaine.

Klestil & Kahn

It seems that the mass-hysteria against Mr. Haider in world-wide media had a certain purpose after all. One wonders what was scheduled first: the meeting or the mass-hysteria?

Austrian President Thomas Klestil

Since they Jews probably will be in all key positions of EU it might be a good idea to condemn all criticism as anti-Semitism - worked for Lenin & Stalin.

Finally she used a vague, next to cryptic description: "danger of denying the worst form of racism known to man: the Holocaust". This means that it in the future will be as illegal to question the basis of the Holocaust dogma in EU, as in post-war West Germany.

So... learn the truth while you are allowed to.

"Racism is becoming increasingly accepted in the European Union as politicians pander to voter fears over immigration, the head of the European Union's anti-racism watchdog said. 'Europe is going through a dangerous phase', Beate Winkler, head of the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC), told Reuters in a recent interview. [...] Winkler, a 50-year-old German lawyer, said the EUMC backed sanctions against Austria's new government by other EU members. Sanctions include a freeze in bilateral political contacts. [...] 'A taboo has been broken', she said. 'For the first time a far-right party [Haider's liberal FPÖ party] has become acceptable for society.' [...] She said there were fears that exploiting anti-foreigner feeling could become increasingly acceptable in other countries. [...] 'It starts with discrimination, then comes exclusion and it can go as far as the Holocaust, as our terrible history has shown', she said. [Integration = World State, no integration = Holocaust; idea established by Israeli Jews in Stockholm, Jan. 2000.] Winkler said the pace of globalization had overwhelmed many Europeans who saw familiar structures disintegrate with the fall of the Berlin Wall. 'A clear concept of who the enemy is makes life easier. This concept got lost with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War, she said. [!] Research into anti-semitism in Germany had shown that a firm position could be effective. 'Anti-Semitism in Germany receded whenever a distinct political discussion took place and it was made clear that anti-Semitism is not permitted', she said."
("EU Monitor Fears Racism Becoming Acceptable" by Karin Taylor, Reuters, Vienna, Mar. 30, 2000)

"From the very first day of its existence, the Soviet Union took steps to eradicate anti-Semitism. On July 27, 1919, a special decree was issued against anti-Semitism."
--Rabbi Moses Miller; "Soviet 'Anti-Semitism' the Big Lie," p. 23

"The Council of People's Commissars instructs all Soviet deputies to take uncompromising measures to tear the anti-Semitic movement [anti-Bolsheviks] out by the roots."
--Vladimir Lenin, in his "Decree of the Council of People's Commissars," August 9, 1918; "Lenin on the Jewish Question," p. 23

"We were told that hundreds of agitators had followed in the trail of Trotsky (Bronstein) these men having come over from the lower east side of New York. Some of them when they learned that I was the American Pastor in Petrograd, stepped up to me and seemed very much pleased that there was somebody who could speak English, and their broken English showed that they had not qualified as being Americas. A number of these men called on me and were impressed with the strange Yiddish element in this thing right from the beginning, and it soon became evident that more than half the agitators in the so-called Bolshevik movement were Jews... I have a firm conviction that this thing is Yiddish, and that one of its bases is found in the east side of New York... The latest startling information, given me by someone with good authority, startling information, is this, that in December, 1918, in the northern community of Petrograd -- that is what they call the section of the Soviet regime under the Presidency of the man known as Apfelbaum (Zinovieff) -- out of 388 members, only 16 happened to be real Russians [...] I was impressed with this, Senator, that shortly after the great revolution of the winter of 1917, there were scores of Jews [...] Up to that time we had see very few Jews, because there was, as you know, a restriction against having Jews in Petrograd, but after the revolution they swarmed in there and most of the agitators were Jews. I might mention this, that when the Bolshevik came into power all over Petrograd, we at once had a predominance of Yiddish proclamations, big posters and everything in Yiddish. It became very evident that now that was to be one of the great languages of Russia; and the real Russians did not take kindly to it."
--Dr. George A. Simons, a former superintendent of the Methodist Missions in Russia; "Bolshevik Propaganda Hearing Before the Sub-Committee of the Committee on the Judiciary," United States Senate, 65th Congress

"The twenties was the Golden Age of the Yiddish culture in the Soviet Union"
(Salomon Schulman, "Yiddishland," p. 143)

Anti-Semitism in Russia after the Bolshevik takeover
was a big problem, as this poster shows (1920s)

"World famous men of the past accused the Jews of founding Communism. This charge is well founded. The Communist philosopy was drawn up by Karl Marx who descended from a long line of Rabbis. His ideology of anti-Christian and Socialist thought is outlined in the Jewish Talmud which is the bible of the Jews. Of the four political groups which overthrew the Christan Czar of Russia two were 100% Jewish. They were the 'Mensheviks' and the Jewish 'Bund'. The other two were the 'Socialist Revolutionary Party' and the 'Bolsheviks'. Both were headed by Jews but had some Gentile members. Today we now know that Lenin was Jewish and all of the leaders of his first government were Jews. They were Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev and Sverdlow. The wealthiest Jewish banker in the world at that time, Jacob Schiff of Kuhn, Loeb investment bank of New York City, gave Trotsky and Lenin $20 million to overthrow the Czar and establish the Soviet tyranny"
("New York Journal-American", Feb. 3, 1949)

"Out of a list of 165 names published [of Lenin's men crossing Europe in a sealed train], 23 are Russian, 3 Georgian, 4 Armenian, 1 German, and 128 Jewish [...] At about the same time, Trotsky (Jew) arrived from the United States, followed by over 300 Jews from the East End of New York"
--Mrs. Nesta H. Webster; "The Surrender of an Empire," 1931, pp. 73, 77

"The word anti-Semite literally signifies a person who adopts a hostile attitude towards all the descendants of Shem - the Arabs, and the entire twelve tribes of Israel. To apply the term to a person who is merely antagonistic to that fraction of the Semitic race known as the Jews is therefore absurd, and leads to the ridiculous situation that one may be described as 'anti-Semitic and pro-Arabian.' This expression actually occurred in The New Palestine (New York), March 23, 1923. One might as well speak of being 'anti-British and pro-English.'"
--Mrs. Nesta H. Webster; "Secret Societies and Subversive Movements," 1924

"...this Folk, sprung from the ghetto, has
become a spiritual nobility in Europe."

Wolfgang Schüssel, the former Austrian prime minister, who started the debate over Haider has in an interview (Der Spiegel) said in a diffuse way that EU will/might have an agreement with Austria about the supergovernment of EU monitoring that things develop in a "democratic manner and [Austria] respecting human rights"! And EU will stop their sanctions against Austria! Sounds like the regular Judaic threat-and-power-situation.

The biblical "deception of nations" in action?

April 7, 2000. Report in (another) news media about "more than" 10.000 Islamists protesting in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. They were described as "anti-Communists" in the news - mainly protesting against Indonesian Communist - and they had banners in the demonstration saying: "Communism and Zionism are the poison of Mankind". They were also burning Israeli flags as well as old replicas of the Soviet flag.

"Behind the government's reluctance to accept them [the Judaic Shinlung people] lies a serious fear about the Jewish character of the state of Israel. More than half of new immigrants from the former Soviet Union last year were not Jewish according to rabbinical standards[!]. There are many other 'lost tribes' which might want to enter Israel, including the Pathans, who live in Afghanistan and Pakistan"
("Black Africans also claim to be Jews"; Jerusalem Post, April 1998)


Haider gets support from Gaddafi

VIENNA: -I am ready to do business with any honest businessman, said Moamar Gaddafi, leader of Libya, in a interview yesterday. He alluded to Jörg Haider, right-wing leader of Austria, who last month was in Libya to buy cheap gasoline.
    In an interview in the weekly paper News Moamar Gaddafi argued against the boycott against Austria by the EU.
    If the Austrians choose Jörg Haider one got to accept it, said Gaddafi. Nobody should interfere.
    Jörg Haider's friendly relation with Gaddafi got public attention last month when it was known that the controversial right-wing man made a "mystical" journey to Libya. After the return the gas stations in Kärnten, where Haider is in charge of the government, sell cheap gasoline.
    -It can't be accepted that European interests shall be sacrificed to benefit the particular interest of one group. EU needs to prioritize the interests of the European people and not the Zionist ones, said Gaddafi and was obviously [?] alluding to the ties between EU and Israel. (TT-AFP)

(Translated by RCF)

Col. Moammar Gadhafi of Libya

"Israel's strength today ensures that... no one in the world will dare rise up against the Jewish people. At the same time Israel conducts a determined and brazen struggle against those who try to deny the Holocaust. [It is...] the free world against the dark forces seeking to obliterate the memory of the lowest point humanity ever reached."
--Ehud Barak, Prime Minister of Israel;
quoted in Jerusalem Post, April 2000

"The net which Israel is throwing over the globe of the earth is widening and daily spreading, and the momentous prophecies of our holy books are at last to be realized. [...] The time is near when Jerusalem will become the house of prayer for all nations and people, and the banner of Jewish mono-deity will be unfurled and hoisted on the most distant shores."
--Isaac Adolphe (i.e., Isaäc Mose) Crémieux (1796-1880), leader of Alliance Israélite Universelle, in Les Archives Israelites, Number 25, Paris 1861

"We don't need the League of Nations [United Nations] to end war. Put under control the fifty most wealthy Jewish financiers, who produce wars for their own profit, and wars will cease."
--Henry Ford, Sr., Daily Mail, September 21, 1923

"[N]either, I am a social democrat!"
--Lev Trotsky-Bronstein, answering a question
by a member of the Yiddish Bund about him
considering himself "Russian" or "Jewish"

"As far as the Jews are concerned, their role in world socialism is so important that one cannot pass quietly over it. Does it not suffice to recall the names of the great Jewish revolutionaries of the 19th and 20th centuries, such as Karl Marx, Lasalle, Kurt Eisner, Bela Kun, Trotsky and Leon Blum, so that in this manner it is clear who are the theoreticians of modern Socialism?"
(Kadmi Cohen, "Nomades," Paris, 1929, p. 80)

"The Jews looked for a special savior, a messiah, who was to redeem mankind by the agreeable process of restoring the fabulous glories of David and Solomon, and bringing the whole world at last under..."
--H.G. Wells, Fabian Socialist and British 20th century writer; "The Outline of History"

"Zionism is an expression of Jewish refusal to assimilate. If the Jews have suffered, it is because they have regarded themselves as a chosen people."
--H.G. Wells, Fabian Socialist and British 20th century writer; "The Anatomy of Frustration"

"[W]hen the struggle seems to be drifting definitely towards a world social democracy, there may still be very great delays and disappointments before it becomes an efficient and beneficent world system. Countless people . . . will hate the new world order . . . and will die protesting against it."
--H.G. Wells; "The New World Order," 1939

"Judaism is indeed the reconstructed political ideal of many shattered peoples... it is to the Phoenician contingent and to Aramean accessions in Babylon that the financial and commercial tradition is to be ascribed. . . . The main part of Jewry never was in Judea and had never come out of Judea!"
--H.G. Wells, Fabian Socialist and British 20th century writer; "The Outline of History"

"The term Internationalism has been popularized in recent years to cover an interlocking financial, political, and economic world force for the purpose of establishing a World Government. Today Internationalism is heralded from pulpit and platform as a 'League of Nations' or a 'Federated Union' to which the United States must surrender a definite part of its National Sovereignty. The World Government plan is being advocated under such alluring names as the 'New International Order,' 'The New World Order,' 'World Union Now,' 'World Commonwealth of Nations,' 'World Community,' etc. All the terms have the same objective; however, the line of approach may be religious or political according to the taste or training of the individual."
--H.G. Wells; "The New World Order," 1939

"Only knowledge of Jewry offers the key to
grasping the inner and therefore actual
intentions of the Social Democrats."
--Adolf Hitler

"[A]s I learned to track down the Jew in all the different spheres of cultural and artistic life, and in the various manifestations of this life everywhere, I suddenly came upon him in a position where I had least expected to find him. I now realized that the Jews were the leaders of Social Democracy. In face of that revelation the scales fell from my eyes. My long inner struggle was at an end. . . . This newly acquired knowledge alone enabled me to make a practical comparison between the real content and the theoretical pretentiousness of the teaching laid down by the apostolic founders of Social Democracy; because I now understood the language of the Jew. I realized that the Jew uses language for the purpose of dissimulating his thought or at least veiling it, so that his real aim cannot be discovered by what he says but rather by reading between the lines."
--Adolf Hitler; "My Struggle," Vol. 1, ch. II

"Nazi anti-Semitism . . . was born out of a political fantasy, in which the Jews, without a shred of justification, were held responsible for all that the Nazis believed was wrong with the modern [Jewish?] world."
--Richard Evans; right or wrong

EU = U.S.S.R. v2.0
The final revolution!
"We made some improvements!"

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