The "progressive goal" of Socialism. Progress towards...
Global Unity and the World State

the kingdom of the Messiah established among the Gentiles
and worldwide recognition of the "Judaic" Law

"And the devil, taking him [Jesus] up into an high mountain [Mount Zion],
shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time..."
(The temptation of the Devil, offering the World; the New Testament, Luke 4:5;
some Jews continue to this day to say stupid things about this dead man,
the Muslims honor him as a Prophet - the Talmud call him "son of a bitch")


"[According to 'Israelitischen Familienblatt', 14 October 1926, reporting on the first congress of Pan-Europe (EU), Vienna, 1926] Count Coudenhove has maintained the best relationship with Jewish personalities in different countries, and he expressed in a discussion with Jewish journalists that he expected the Jews to promote the Pan-European Movement in all countries . . . Pan-Europe is thus quite a Jewish affair."
(Handbuch der Judenfrage, Theodor Fritsch, 1933, p. 231; and it is reported that the name of Coudenhove's Jewish wife is Mrs. Ida Roland, actress - she spoke at the congress)

Today, 8 May, is Day of Europe!

8 May is also known as Robert Schuman-day. About 15 000 EU employed people have got the day off.

Official History:

1. Jean Monnet came up with some idea.

2. He discussed it with Robert Schuman - who had "the political courage" to get this project on the road

3. Monnet wanted - for some reason - France and Germany to get closer together. "To prevent war"

4. May 9th 1950 Robert Schuman told the world that France, Germany and a couple of other nations would form the pan-state union - that is why we is forced to celebrate this day

The day has been promoted since 1986 "to celebrate the cooperation" of a pan-state movement and its "European people".

The crock policy of EU

The transfer of:
1. State to Global State
2. State tax to Global tax

1. States willingly transfer and abondon their nationional power bit by bit to a international organization. Topics such as Health, War/Peace and Law.
There is NO NEED to do this, since it is actually the same system abandoned by one country and adopted by a inter-national pan-state.

The EU Council ueber alles!

The concept of EU is based on the "smaller" system of state-population taxation. Rich people has to pay more money than poor. Transferred into a "global system" each member county of EU has to pay money that disappears into EU - only 50% are returned to the country. Some as distributed to poorer countries - but much goes to fund and keep alive the "global system" administration.

Besides losing 50% without any good reason, each member country also has to abandon its patriotic needs for the benefit of the global (elite) interest.

The same designer?

United States - Union
of America

"The major Jewish communities in Europe include France, Britain, Germany and even such communities as Spain[.] . . . Add to this the communities in Eastern Europe that began to reemerge in an organized fashion only after 1989, including Poland and the sizeable numbers in Hungary, Russia, and Ukraine.
As the new postwar Europe began to emerge, Europeans opted for a substantial degree of integration in the European Union, yet the European Jewish communities have not created an equivalent European Jewish union. At most there are a few specialized pan-European leagues, most of which are sustained from the outside by the efforts of Jews of the United States and Israel. Without such linkages, most Jewish communities, possibly with the exception of France and Britain, will remain too weak to provide for their own needs. They will also be unable to bring to bear the true weight of their numbers. Thus the first item on the European Jewish agenda must be to establish a European Jewry to achieve union in a manner similar to that of the European states.
Important to any Jewish agenda will be the maintenance of political and representational 'foreign relations' activities in a judicious and sober manner, in order to continue to live peacefully an[d] securely in a world where Jews remain a highly visible minority. In this regard, Jews are notably underrepresented in Brussels, the center of the European Union. . . .
[A] new relationship between Israel and European Jewry must be constructed . . . Unlike the Jews of the United States of even Israel, the leading circles of European Jewry display the least religious commitment, viewing their Jewishness as a matter of ethnicity or even disability. Many intellectuals [like Marx] are working to develop a new secular Jewish identity[!] . . . Clearly, Jewishness cannot survive without Judaism and no entirely secular solution to the Jewish question, not even Zionism or Israel, has the power to sustain humans born Jewish in their Jewishness. . . .
This report discusses the shape of postmodern Europe and the revival of European Jewry, the lag in linkage among European Jewries, and the place of European Jewry in world Jewish affairs."
("Summary of Policy Study No. 12: How European Jewish Communities Can Choose and Plan Their Own Future" by Daniel J. Elazar and Shmuel Trigano; from the World Jewish Congress site; emphasis added)

"The Star of David steadily ascended as the will to national self-preservation declined. . . . The trend of development which we are now experiencing would, if allowed to go on unhampered, lead to the realization of the Pan-Jewish prophecy that the [union] will one day devour the other nations and become [lord] of the earth.
"Consider how an astronomer would handle a similar situation. Suppose that he has been carefully observing the motion of a certain group of celestial bodies over a long period of time. Examining his records, he suddenly notices something amiss: 'Damn it!' he says. 'Something's wrong here. Normally, these bodies would have to be situated differently relative to one another; not this way. So there must be a hidden force somewhere which is responsible for the deviation. And, using his observations, he performs lengthy calculations and accurately computes the location of a planet which no eye has yet seen, but which is there all the same, as he has just proved. But what does the historian do, on the other hand? He explains an anomaly of the same type solely in terms of the conspicuous statesmen of the time. It never occurs to him that there might have been a hidden force which caused a certain turn of events. But it was there, nevertheless; it has been there since the beginning of history. You know what that force is: [Jewish influence]."
(A.H., My struggle, Vol 1, ch. 11 & Vol 2, ch. 5; From Moses to Lenin, ch. 1)

The hijacking of Europe

The European Union - EU - IS Europe, re-made. Some try to sell Europe to the Europeans once more. But this time it is not the Europe of the Europeans anymore.

EU - the first two letters of EUrope.

EURO - the first four letters of EUROpe.

What is more appealing to the Europeans than granting them what they really have, and are pleased with?

The Pan-European Movement of Kalergi was a continuation of the Pan-German idea. Pan-anything attracts.

"The picture, shown on the coin, is the sign of power. . . . even enemies of my regime are forces to have my portrait in his pocket. This aversion [against the ruling force] will soften . . . They day when my insignia is on the coins I am king."
(Maurice Joly, 8th dialogue)

One World - One Army - One Currency

Five countries have now surrendered to the Euro. Their old national coins have been replaced with the coins of the New World Order.

To satisfy the countries involved, EU has allowed each country to have its own side of the coin. And these are national, often pre-Christian symbols. As for example Finland which has chosen its national lion.

All changes occure slowly, so this wont last for long, i.e., soon both sides will be EU's. But the importance of using a side of a coin and have ONE currency can't be underestimated.

This is also mentioned in the "Protocols" of the Jew, Maurice Joly (attributed to Napoleon).

The dead currencies are:

Mark, Germany

Mark, Finland

Drachman (the oldest in the world)


A new term for "Progressive" is "Successful". Every chairman country meetings are closed by proclaiming it "Successful". Unity of mind means totalitarian dictatorship orchestrated by the elite.

International-global Democracy (liberalism and equality, etc.; ruled by the same elite as revolutionary socialism of course) and Socialism is The Ideology for the World. Next to Atheism, that is.

Political Cartel - International control:
Social Democratic International - again

The International has been resurrected. This was done in 1998 on the (second?) initiative of Tony Blair and Bill Clinton. Febr. 22-23 twelve (Cabbalistic 12?, twelve member countries was first into the EU) government leaders will meet from five contintents.

Most members of this political cartel belong to the Social Democratic fraction
(the largest), also called "center-leftist". The meeting is called... "PROGRESSIVE Summit", since the Soc. Dem. Int. has a negative history connected to it.

The leaders involved come from Sweden ("the host", did also host earlier Internationals!), Canada, Great Britain, Poland, France, Germany, Chile, Holland, New Zeeland, Brasil, Portugal and South Africa.

The only official politics that will be discussed is AIDS in Africa. Quote from news paper: "This exclusive club which includes four out of eight members of the Group of Eight (G8)"

At least 4 of the leaders have a possible Jewish immigrant ethnic background. (Have not done any further research into this.)

Lionel Jospin, with a extreme leftist background, says his French government is the most leftist yet - and it is also the government that has done most selling of state property. And in connection with this a Swedish government spokesman says Sweden only qualifies in the group because of it own budget fix (selling of state property) of done lately.

Officially nobody doesn't like to talk about "political cartel", but calls it "to learn from each other".

The wicked invention of yearly "chairman-countries"

In order to speed up the process of turning the fractured Christian Europe and former socialist Soviet Union in a world empire (together with the "super-power" of United States of America) the hidden hand behind promotion of the Coudenhove-Kalergi/Judaic [not only was Richard's father BOTH a philo-Jew and a World Government advocacy - Richard also married a Jewess] utopia has invented the stupid superficial idea of "chairmanship of the EU".

Each year some stupid European country is chosen a the nation of "chairmanship". In accepting the role the nation is obligated to follow the elite agenda set forth. Each meeting of the EU turns into a Grand Spectacle - corruption from the top down.

The tool of the chairman held by
one selected country yearly


The current "TOP-man", Belgian (Jewish) Foreign Minister and President of the EU Council Louis Michel next to the two front men of the NWO-elite: Javier Solana (right; EU Foreign Security policy chief, ex NATO aggressor) and "Lord" Robertson (left; NATO Secretary General, took Solanas earlier job?).

Main progress of yearly "chairmanship countries" (actions that MUST be taken):

In year 2001: "the Swedes" wanted an extention of the European Union into the remains of the Soviet Union. Many Baltic nations must be hurried into the EU before they change their minds. The Baltics fear another Soviet Union in EU.

In year 2002: "the Belgians" want the members of the European Union uniting in a United States of Europe. (Don't try to ask any Belgian on the street, "Why?".) The countries will have ONE law to follow - the "european".

"Without power one won't be able to fulfill any ideas, but in my view the messianic era will begin, when one will be able to fulfill ideas without having power, yes, even without power ever existing. It was this Lenin had in mind, when he wanted the state to disappear. [...] I am convinced that the idea of the sovereign state in fifty or hundred years will have disappeared, to prevent a world- and nuclear war from breaking out and the whole civilization dying.
When one created the United Nations one should have abolished the sovereignty of the single states or at leas try to constitute some kind of world power. Notice, that despite the apparent image, the balance is moving in that direction. The sovereignty of states is only a dangerous theory, but the reality, is The Common Market [EEC-EU], the Warsaw Pact, The Organization of American States, The African Union etc. This shows, that every state little by little will be forced [!] to abandon more and more of its famous sovereignty because of the complication of the threat that concerns us all. [...] The Jewish ideal would be to be a spear [an élite] among them who fight against the state."
--Nahum Goldmann-Leibmann; "The Jewish
Paradox," Sw. edition, 1976, pp. 118, 120, 121

"Thou [Israel] art my battle axe and weapons of war: for with thee [Israel] will i break in pieces the nations, and with thee will i destroy kingdoms"
(Jeremiah 51:20, the Old Testament; good thing most Jews are atheist - or?)

"And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed, nor shall its sovereignty be left to another people. It shall break into pieces all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, and it shall stand for ever"
(Daniel 2:44, the Old Testament)

"It shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established as the highest of the mountains, and shall be raised above the hills; and all the nations shall flow to it and many people shall come, and say: 'Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob [Israel]; that he may teach us his ways and that we may walk in his path.' For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem."
(Micah 4:1 f., O.T.)

"He [Messiah] shall judge between the nations, and shall decide for many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more."
(Isaiah 2:4, O.T.)

"We will probably not see a United
States of Europe within our lifetime."
--Erik Asbrink, former Swedish Minister
of Finance, 1999

"If I want a United States of Europe? Yes."
--Margot Wallstroem, Swedish EU
commissionaire, 1999

"EMU may turn the EU into a state."
--Goran Persson, Prime
Minister of Sweden, 1999

"EMU is the engine of the new
United States of Europe."
--Birger Schlaug, (Green) party leader

"...there are big similarities between EU
and the Soviet Union... anti-Democracy"
--Birger Schlaug, (Green) party leader, May 9, 2000

"A federation doesn't mean [?] the
disappearance of national states"
--Mona Sahlin, Social Democrat and pro-EU

"EU is already a federation"
--Carl Bildt, NATO and international

"As a Prime Minister I sit on two chairs: one is the welfare of Sweden
and the other is EU and international economical interests...
the pressure from abroad is strong and not without importance."
--Goran Persson, Prime Minister of Sweden, 1999

"... people like George Soros, who can crash
the economical situation of nations."
--Goran Persson, Prime
Minister of Sweden, 2000

"EMU [synthesis] is the best protection [antithesis]
against international speculators [thesis]"
(A member of the
Swedish Parliament)

"In every possible way we must develop the significance of our super-government by representing it as the protector and benefactor of all those who voluntarily submit to us."
("Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion," protocol no. 6: Take-Over Technique, made public in 1903)

Ring of European Freemasons Organisation
for the Reform of Masonry (left)

Some similarities with the European Union flag, or?
The blue and yellow colors are the same as the Rothschild family use as "theirs".

The ring symbolizes a closed circle, i.e. everything coming to an end.

Don't you want to expand the
present day European Union?
- Then you are a Minimalist!

(It's the new Illuminati-word for people resisting, so get use to it!)
And if you are totally against this New World, then you
are of course an "isolationist." Ah, beautiful new world.
Notice that these "anti-words" have a real negative ring to
them ("minimal" and "isolation").

In a newly made speech by Samuel Berger, President Clinton’s Jewish national security advisor, and in a book entitled New World Coming: American Security in the 21st Century, which was assigned to each participant, fears of "isolationism" and "nationalism" were expressed repeatedly.

Tony Blair (Sephardic descent?) at the end of 1999 tried to make the word "conservative" dirty in Britain - but failed.

Being an anti-Cosmopolitarian and national equals "extremist". The Jewish pseudo-scientific "psychoanalysis" suggest it's "psychopathology" "disturbed personality" or "disorder". Just as advocated by the Jewish regime in the Soviet-Kahal Union. (An obvious projection.)

"'Reality control', they called it: in Newspeak, 'doublethink'"
--George Orwell, "1984," ch. 1

Try to make some new words yourself!
Of course these words don't occur by accident.
For further encouragement on these new words read Orwell's

Some of the most ugly words they use as mantras are:
globalization, mondealism, secularization, equality, tolerance.

What is means is very simple:
One world empire, one culture, one people.

"Tolerance" equals tolerance to others and intolerance
to oneself. The natural result is "equality" i.e. a grey,
boring, ungodly mass of "tolerant" people. Since it is all
taken to the extreme. But it of course doesn't have to be
all black or white - but in the way it is (mis)used it MUST,
since it is part of this "great plan": the long-lost dream of
Babylon. "Multiculturalism" in a "one-word society" is only a fantasy when the barriers fall.

Some of the "newspeak" and "double-think" in that book is attachable to the present Illuminati-work; for example "peacekeeping forces" (meaning making war for "peace"!) Another example is the popular word "Free trade," which in reality means that small farmers must subdue to big corporations.

In Orwell's book the Ministry of War is really called "Ministry of Peace," and it makes war all the time. Just like NATO (soon EU's VEU) uses arms and their One World professional army. But NATO doesn't make war. No, the people controlling NATO and their élite branches, the international bankers manipulates people into war - and of course there is a big war industry. Israel has for example provoked several wars in Africa, which it also supplies arms to.

"[T]he peoples, utterly wearied by the irregularities and incompetence... of their rulers, will clamour: 'Away with them and give us one king over all the earth who will unite us and annihilate the causes of discords, frontiers, nationalities, religions, State debts, who will give us peace and quiet, which we cannot find under our rulers and representatives' [...] By all these means we shall so wear down the peoples that they will be compelled to offer us international power of a nature that by its possession will enable us without any violence gradually to absorb all the State forces of the world and to form a Super-Government. In place of the rulers of today we shall set up a bogey which will be called the Super-Government administration [or the 'European Parliament']. Its hands will reach out in all directions like nippers and its organization will be of such colossal dimensions that it cannot fail to subdue all the nations of the world."
(Source: Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion - made public 1903!)

The "Super-Government administration" or the new
"Councils [Soviet] of People's Commissars"? A number
a chair on the back row is "666" (the last one?)

Council of Europe (elite group)
European Commission (directing group)
/     \
European Parliament (666 chairs?)

"This plagiarism [of the Protocols] is an anti-Semitic forgery from the beginning to the end without any connection whatever with Jewish personalities, groups, organizations or conferences. [...] It is, therefore, they duty of all decent men in the world, be they non-Jews or Jews, Anti-Semites or Philo-Semites, to work with all their might and see to it that this shameless lie, forgery and calumny disappears from the world[!]. [...] It ought to be made clear to all those who know the 'Protocols' that the publication is a plagiarism of fatal world importance. The work of enlightenment is not only a duty to the calumniated Jews, but also to truth, for it is no exaggeration to say that the so called 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion' are both one of the most insolent forgeries of all time and one of the meanest calumnies which has existed in human history."
--Count Heinrich Coudenhove-Kalergi; "Anti-Semitism Throughout The Ages" (English translation, Hutchinson, 1935); see the special role played by Kalergi below

(The essence of the Protocols may be presented in a unglamorous way, though not incorrect in its facts, and therefore working against Kalergi and his ideas - which of course instead should be honored as "enlightenment" and "the next step in the management of human affairs" [Weizmann].)

One of the main themes of the "Protocols" is the words: "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity'' which as the connection between Freemasonry, Communism and the idea of a World State.

Below is part of a message by (Heinrich Graf?) Coudenhove-Kalergi:

"Your forefathers hurled three great words into the history of Europe: freedom, equality, fraternity! France brought political freedom to Europe. All the revolutions of the past century were but the echo of the great French Revolution. Renew your mission! Proclaim to the world the outbreak of the third revolution! The revolution of brotherhood! Step forth, with determination, gentlemen, to the forefront of the great movement which is pulsing through Europe, and lead the Europeans through brotherhood to unity! While the Star [pentacle] Spangled Banner of freedom flutters in the American West, while the Red Flag Of Equality [pentacle] flutters in the Russian East, may you in the centre between these two worlds, unfurl the Banner of Brotherhood, from man to man, from class to class, from Folk to Folk, from continent to continent! Only then can Europe again become the centre of the Earth, and France the centre of Europe!"
("Open Letter To The French Chamber" by Coudenhove-Kalergi, 1924)


Coudenhove-Kalergi obviously tries to mask his Jewish ideas by claiming to be the benefactor of the whole world, Jew and non-Jew alike. He wouldn't be using such words if the receiver of the letter wasn't a gentile, but a Jew. The ideas seem to be related to the ones of Rhodes, Disraeli and Rothschilds who expanded the British Empire (to India and Africa).

At the revolution in France February 1848 Freemasons participated in great numbers in the peoples' rebellion of Paris. The provisional government formed after the abdication of Louis Philippe included six Freemasons among its ranks, including the Jew Adolphe Isaac Cremieux (the infamous President of Alliance Israélite Universelle 1863).

Isaac Adolphe (i.e., Isaäc Mose)
Crémieux (1796-1880)

The "Red Flag of Equality" (mentioned above) was actually the old Jewish banner.

"Charles IV, prescribed for the Jews of Prague, in 1354, A RED FLAG WITH BOTH DAVID'S SHIELD AND SOLOMON'S SEAL, WHILE THE RED FLAG WITH WHICH THE JEWS MET KING MATTHIAS OF HUNGARY in the fifteenth century showed two pentacles with two golden stars. The pentacle, therefore, may also have been used among the Jews. It occurs in a manuscript as early as the year 1073. However, the six-pointed star has been used for centuries for magic amulets and cabalistic sorcery."
(Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. VI, p. 550)

"An example of the prevailing spirit of these organisations and their Masonic founders may be found in the Pan European Movement of the Viennese higher degree Freemason Coudenhove-Kalergi. This movement worked for the merger of all European Nations into a Federal State, called the Pan European Union. As the movement took on greater proportions, Coudenhove-Kalergi withdrew from his Viennese lodge as a tactical cover, to avoid implicating the lodge in his political activity. [...] The demand for a great supranational Federation Of States, whose members would represent a barren racial mongrelism [and destruction of cultures], and in which only the race of nobility of spiritual graces, the Jew, would be allowed to remain pure, is the uttermost consequence of the Masonic ideology [and the European Union]. The Grand Lodge Of Wien went enthusiastically to work for the Pan European Union in a call to all Masonic chief authorities. [...] Freemasonry is completely Jew dominated. That this is especially true of the Jewish higher degree organisations and Supreme Councils, has already been stated. Uniform policy among these higher degree Jews is assured by the fact that these same Jews are also members of parallel Jewish organisations, such as the B'nai Brith or the Alliance Israelite Universelle. Thus, the Masonic lord in England pulls the same string as the Jews in the American lodges and the Jewish wirepullers and Jewish Freemasons in the League of Nations [later: United Nations], when Jewish Masonic interests are at stake."
--Dieter Schwarz; "Freemasonry: Ideology,
Organisation, And Policy," 1938-1943

In 1925, Coudenhove-Kalergi wrote the
following sentences in his article "Practical Idealism":

"The Mankind of the future will be a racial mongrel. Today's races and castes will fall before the increasing overcoming of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian Negroid race of the future, outwardly similar to the ancient Egyptians, will replace the multiplicity of Folks through a multiplicity of personalities."

German original:
"Der Mensch der fernen Zukunft wird Mischling sein... eurasisch-negroide Zukunftsrasse, äußerlich der altägyptischen vielleicht ähnlich... eine Vielfalt der Persönlichkeiten... Führernation der Zukunft... eine neue Adelsrasse von Geistes Gnaden"

The text "Nobility," published in 1924, says of the Jews on page 39:
"Thus finally, out of all these persecutions, a small community arose, hardened to steel by a heroically borne martyrdom of the spirit, and purified of all elements weak of will or poor of spirit. Instead of annihilating Jewry, persecution [read: anti-Semitism] has ennobled Europe despite itself through an artificial selection process, raising the Jews to the leading Nation among all Folks. No wonder then that this Folk, sprung from the ghetto, has become a spiritual nobility in Europe. Thus has a kind Providence given Europe a new race of nobility and spiritual graces through the emancipation of the Jews, when the feudal nobility fell apart."

"The fact is we cannot be destroyed. It is a physiological fact; a simple law of nature, which has baffled Egyptian and Assyrian kings, Roman emperors, and Christian inquisitors. No penal laws, no physical tortures, can effect that a superior race should be absorbed in an inferior, or be destroyed by it. The mixed persecuting races disappear, the pure persecuted race remains. And at this moment in spite of centuries, or tens of centuries, of degradation, the Jewish mind exercises a vast influence on the affairs of Europe. I speak . . . of the living Hebrew intellect. You never observe a great intellectual movement in Europe in which the Jews do not greatly participate."
--Lord Rothscild; the character "Sidonia" in Benjamin Disraeli's "Coningsby," Chapter XV of Book IV, London, 1844, p. 249

The Masonic newspaper "The Beacon" enthused about the thoughts of the higher degree Freemason Coudenhove-Kalergi, and stated in March, 1925:
"Freemasonry, especially Austrian Freemasonry, may be eminently satisfied to have Coudenhove-Kalergi among its members. Austrian Freemasonry can rightly report that Brother Coudenhove-Kalergi fights for his Pan European beliefs: political honesty, social insight, the struggle against lies, striving for the recognition and cooperation of all those of good will. In this higher sense, Brother Coudenhove-Kalergi's program is a Masonic work of the highest order, and to be able to work on it together is a lofty task for all brother Masons."

The Protocols, Zion and the European Union

"As long as the Jew has not succeeded in mastering other peoples he is forced to speak their language whether he likes it or not. But the moment that the world would become the slave . . . it would have to learn some other language (Esperanto, for example) so that by this means the Jew could dominate all the more easily. [This was amazingly written in 1925!]
How much the whole existence of this people is based on a permanent falsehood is proved in a unique way by 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion', which are so violently repudiated by the Jews. With groans and moans, the Frankfurter Zeitung repeats again and again that these are forgeries. This alone is evidence in favour of their authenticity. What many Jews unconsciously wish to do is here clearly set forth. It is not necessary to ask out of what Jewish brain these revelations sprang; but what is of vital interest is that they disclose, with an almost terrifying precision, the mentality and methods of action characteristic of the Jewish people and these writings expound in all their various directions the final aims towards which the Jews are striving. The study of real happenings, however, is the best way of judging the authenticity of those documents. If the historical developments which have taken place within the last few centuries be studied in the light of this book we shall understand why the Jewish Press incessantly repudiates and denounces it. For the . . . peril will be stamped out the moment the general public come into possession of that book and understand it."
--Adolf Hitler; "My Struggle," Vol 1, ch. XI, 1925

"Nowadays, if any States raise a protest against us it is only pro-forma at our discretion and by our direction, for their anti-Semitism is indispensable to us for the management of our lesser brethren. I will not enter further explanations, for this matter has formed the subject of repeated discussions amongst us."
(Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, no. 9: Re-education; published in Russia 1903)

Coudenhove-Kalergi's flag

The "Austrian-Hungarian Count" Richard Nikolaus
Coudenhove-Kalergi (1894-1972)

The first political institution to be created by governments in Western Europe after World War 2, with the purpose of promoting greater European unity and cooperation, was the Council of Europe, which brings together parliamentarians. The Council was set up in 1949 (the year after the creation of Israel) and the headquarters were established in Strasbourg, where the first assembly met in August of that year.

One emblem presented to this assembly "was the blue flag with a golden (not yellow!) circle and red cross [of the Crusade Templars?], which had been adopted by Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi's Pan European Union in 1923."
(Source: The European Union fact sheet "Agreeing on an emblem")

Red Cross of the Templars and
Rosicrucians (left) and Cabbalistic Baphomet

(Old "anti-Semitic" phrases for international Jewry are: the "ring of the golden international" or just the "golden international"! The man who killed Abraham Lincoln , Mr. Booth, belonged to a Masonic lodge called "Knights of the Golden Circle"!)

Count Coudenhove-Kalergi's emblem of 1932

Why twelve stars?

"Finally it was agreed to settle on twelve golden stars in a circle, as twelve is the symbol of perfection; there were twelve apostles; there are twelve hours in a day; twelve months in a year; and there are twelve signs in the Zodiac. It is clear from the deliberations and resolutions that the Council of Europe did not want to create merely a flag for their own institution but indeed a flag for all of Europe. Moreover, all the national flags of the Council of Europe's member countries consisted of bars or crosses. The European flag was different. It would not be identified with or mistaken for one of Europe's national flags."
(Source: The European Union fact sheet "Agreeing on an emblem")

The "European flag" was officially adopted on December 8, 1955.

In 1986 "all the European [Economic?] Community institutions adopted this flag as their symbol. Instead of having a variety of symbols it was felt that one single European symbol would encourage a sense of unity and solidarity as well as pride. One single flag would put the idea of a united Europe on the map. A European flag would make 'Europe' readily visible - both inside and outside Europe."
(Source: The European Union fact sheet "Agreeing on an emblem")

Emblem of FBI, with 13 stars

The old American flag with
13 stars (states) in a circle

13 stripes and 13 stars, in "EU formation"

"Some scholars speculate that the Hebrew letters in 'echad' ('one' for God) add up to 13 - the count of arrows and leaves in the eagles talons which symbolize both the 13 original states and the tribes of ancient Israel (including that of Joseph's two sons).
What was more tangible was our founding father's admiration for the Israelite model: 2 centuries of self-rule under the Judges, the world's first major experiment in national autonomy and democracy. [...] Truly, the founding of our republic reached deeply into Jewish history for inspiration and reward."
(WWW: Dor LeDor: Jewry's Role in Human Advancement)

The (13) Star(s) of David (Solomon)
from the American one dollar bill;
12 tribes and a god... or?

"You accursed Goyim... Do you not know that the Jews are Abraham's
noble blood, circumcised, and kings in heaven and on earth?
Whatever they say is right."
--Martin Luther, former philo-Jew

Unofficial EU flag?

"Furthermore, the Magen David [Star of David]
has 12 sides: David as king unified the 12 tribes."
(Jewish Rabbi; in fact Saul did that, David split them)

The European Union and United States
unites the world

"... twelve golden stars in a circle, as twelve is the symbol of perfection; there were twelve apostles... It is clear from the deliberations and resolutions that the Council of Europe did not want to create merely a flag for their own institution but indeed a flag for all of Europe... It would not be identified with or mistaken for one of Europe's national flags."
(Source: The European Union fact sheet "Agreeing on an emblem")

The 1897 official
Zionist Congress logo

Jacob's 12 tribes interlocked
in "wicked Judah"

The twelve stars of the "European flag" are problably symbolic for "the Èlite. Previously, the number of twelve has been used as a symbol for the twelve tribes of the House of Israel and Judah, and are visible in the organization of some lodges and their high council of twelve members, and one supreme leader.

(The House of Israel: Reuben, Simeon, Issachar, Zebulun, Gad and Asher, Joseph, Dan and Naphtali; the House of Judah: Judah, Levi, and Benjamin)

The twelve tribes of Jacob

"The Jewish people taken collectively will be its own Messiah. Its rule over the world will be achieved by the union of the other human races [the rest of the twelve tribes]... In this new organization of mankind [NWO] the sons of Israel, who are scattered all over the world, will be prominent element everywhere, without encountering resistance... The governments of the peoples, who form the world republic, will administer public funds everywhere... Thus the promise of the Talmud will be fulfilled that the Jews will hold the keys to the goods of all peoples of the earth [!] in its possession when the time of the Messiah comes."
(Levi Baruch in a letter to Karl Marx; as quoted in Salluste's "Les Origines secrètes du Bolchevisme," Paris 1930, p. 33; translated by RCF)

Twelve "Sieg runes" in sun-formation on the floor of the
castle Wewelsburg of the German SS

(S = Sieg, as in V = Victory)

Churchill and his "V"

"Ironically" Hitler had a design for Europe had he won WW2. He called his vision "Europaische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft," translated "European Economic Community"! EEC is today known as the European Union. (Source: D. Icke)

Jacques Santer

Jacques Santer, former President of the European Commission, a Bilderberger who sits atop the enormous European Union bureaucracy which tells "elected" governments what they can and cannot do. He's a high front-man of the élite.

Council of Europe (elite group)
European Commission (directing group)
/     \
European Parliament (666 chairs?)

The Jew Prodi is the new president, and the Jewess Fontaine the new president of the Parliament (1999).

Nicole Fontaine & Romano Prodi
wearing Illuminati attributes

For some reason the chairman of the European Commission is also a Jew. It feels odd to see a Jew lead a discussion against Arab Iraq and Saddam Hussein, and have all blame put on Saddam for the sad situation where Iraqi children die. American Jews are in charge of the official American anti-Iraqi policy and the international boycott which result in bad medical quality and food supply.

In April 2000 there were some rumors about Prodi leaving his office, since he "hadn't done enough." This was discussed at a press conference by his "spokesman," one Mr. Levi.

Media told the tale of how "EU thinks that Prodi has let the individual countries get to much power for themselves on the behalf of the European Union which has lost power".

Jewish-Canaanite beauty?

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