Problems with the Indus Civilization Dating

The Western scholars date the Indus civilization to have existed around 3200 BC to about 1800 BC. However, this dating is problematic as it does not agree with other facts. It is interesting to note that the celebrated Indologist Max Muller, who gave much of the dates of Indian history, believed that the earth was created 4004 BC as claimed by biblical scholars. He felt that the Indian civilization could not be older than that... and it could not be older than the other existing civilizations. So he put all dates within a timeframe that was acceptable to his mind frame.

Author: NOVO

E-mail: [email protected]             4th July 2000

The Western scholars have dated Indian history in an arbitrary way, which in many ways squeezes its history. Here I shall point out a few of the problems with the arbitrary dating.

The first obvious problem is the time given for the civilization as large as the Indus to create such large and sophisticated cities far more advanced than other civilizations of the time. These cities are not only sophisticated but also extremely homogenious. It almost seems to be overnight with the western accepted dating. There seems to be squeezing of history. How did the self-sufficient village communities suddenly create great cities and trade at such an incredible level as they did?

Kosala is the first empire after the Indus civilization ended that we know. The Jain religion has its foundations in this empire. There were 24 Tirthankaras of the Jains. The first of whom was the first emperor of Kosala. The last Tirthankara was Mahavira, who lived around 500 BC. If we consider each Tirthankara to have lived a modest 50 years. Then the empire of Kosala existed even in the 1650 BC period. If we take the average life a little more like 70, then the empire existed even in 2100 BC. That is of course assuming that every generation had produced a Tirthankara, which does not seem to be the case. The existence of this empire in such ancient times throws serious doubt on the Indus dates since this empire is supposed be formed after the civilization ended and the nomads adapted to India and had settled..

The Mahabharat and the Ramayan are two of the four world great epics. The Mahabharat is about a great war fought at Kurukshetra, inside India (Kosala). When the Mahabharat events are dated astronomically the date is 5561 BC, in direct contradiction to the uncertain and arbitrary western dating of around 500 BC. The Ramayan yields a date of 7323 BC.  NOTE: The events in the two epics mainly take place within the Kosala Empire. This pushes the dating of the Kosala empire.

Now the Vedas were written much earlier than Mahabharat and all of these pieces of  literature were composed after the destruction of the Indus civilization and thus once again shows that the Indus civilization dates are incorrect.

A more direct problem is with the river Swarasvati (Ghaggar-Hakra). This river no longer exists but its dry river bed was discovered by satellites in our time. The river dried out around 3000-2000 BC. This is a very interesting fact. The Swarasvati River was sacred to the new comers, the Aryans. It is mentioned in their ancient texts as a mighty river. In the ancient texts the river is called a mighty river, almost an ocean. So when the Aryans had come to India, the river must have existed in full glory... not even a dying river. So the Aryans must have entered India long before 3000-2000 period. This once again forces the dating of the Indus again to be challenged.

So the question remains, when was the Indus civilization in existence, if not during 3200 - 1800 BC.


Scientific Dating Of Mahabharat





Scientific Dating Of Ramayan









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