I've created this page to share some of my projects with the world. Send me an e-mail   toandrey(at)yahoo(dot)com   if you have any questions, suggestions or cool projects of your own.
My most recent projects can be found here:   GitHub     Hackaday     Thingiverse     Sourceforge (old)

Robotics & AI

Perception & Time is a paper about perception in Artificial Intelligence (2019)

NOW Symbol is a paper about my research in AGI (2017)

ITSTIME is a paper about robotics (2014).

RANDadamus prediction (2011)
when space becomes time
time becomes perception
and all senses are one
robots are born

Incomplete list of Robotics and AI books I have read with short reviews and descriptions (1999-Present)

Software Projects

distributAr is a framework for distributing computations across the network. Primarily designed for distributing Artificial Neural Networks (2018)

Macros to execute multiple tasks in a single thread in "C". They are continuation control flow constructs for embedded systems and others where threads are not available. (2013)

Montecarlo simulation in C++ of the Monty Hall problem. (2010)

DupSynch is a Java file utility to synchronize files, find file duplicates and sort images into folders. Incorporates JSort listed below. (2010)

ForkEach is a C# template class that offers an easy way to make your programs multi-threaded:
ForkEach<string>.IN(stringArray,delegate(string item){ Console.Out.WriteLine(item); });
It supports locking and handles exceptions. (2008)

Wiggler [C++] is a Win32 Mouse Gesture utility to help you scroll up and down on a text page in any application. Must have if you do not have a scroll wheel on your mouse! Start wiggling left to right to scroll down, and right to left to scroll up! (2007)

C# Window Capture Utility that sends snapshots over the network. WinCap runs on the server computer and captures window screenshots from a window with specified name and sends it over the network to a viewer with capability to select which part of the image will appear in high resolution. (2004)

C# console redirection is pretty easy. You can send everything printed to console in your program to a log file or show it in an RTF text box (RichTextBox) These are the 2 C# classes that do that.(2004)

If you want to keep track of your incoming and outgoing network connections, this utility [C++] traces routes to your existing connections in the background and displays them. A GUI interface could be added to create a very useful utility that displays a map of the hosts you are connected to. (2002-2003)

For those of you who have a digital camera, JSort [Java] makes it easy to sort your picture collection with a single click. Although written in just a few days, it does the job and I haven't seen any other utilities that do the same thing. (2002)

Cat&Mouse [Java] uses ANN to follow a dot around the screen but the network never learned. (2002)

Java applet client-server control for a webcam. This little utility uses a servo motor and a Ferrettronics ft639 servo controller to pan a web cam. (2002)

Java is a very addictive, probably because of all that coffeine. This little mozaic was written to make tiled images out of any picture. Here is a command line version.(2001 - 2002)

Web spiders: one in perl, one in C++ and one in Java. Spiders written in C++ and Java store all information in a Microsoft SQL server database. (2000 - 2001)

NetPlorer uses TCP or UDP to connect to any server utilizing a text based protocol and send commands to it. Partially implemented protocols are SMTP/HTTP/POP3/QUAKE3 etc. Written in C++ using pure Win32 API. (1999)

DCFG - Dirt Cheap Frame Grabber is a very neat NTSC video frame capture program that utilizes home-made hardware for the price of a few dollars. Here are some pictures.  I did not create it, but I wrote a [C++]  Linux port for it. It is an awesome toy. Since it was my first electronics project (dcfg202.zip), I screwed up the pcb layout. DCFG uses parallel port to scan 20x200 12 grey scale pixel frames and displays it as 40x100 pixel video. It does direct hardware IO and therefore you have to run it as root. (1998)

Have you ever heard "Oh, you are that guy who wrote this thing" ? This 20 line reverse finger script is how some people remember me. (1997)

Hardware Projects

FiberGrid is an inexpensive 3D printed optical sensor framework for robotics.(2019)

Street Camper is a pop-up camper that folds into a box on wheels. (2019)

My scrapped 3D printer project (2012)

CD changer.   This is a part of a CD changer I am designing so I can dump all of my DVDs to HD. It uses a servo modified for continuous rotation. Works like a charm! (2008)

Building an underwater ROV back when there were no 3D printers. It took me over five years to build. I went through 3 failed thurster designs before I got it to work. Check out these pictures. (2000-2005)

KisBus - (Keep It Simple Bus) is a PC+MCU based Robotics Framework that utilizes serial port to interface to multiple PIC12F683 based devices ising binary protocol. The devices in mind are ADCs, PWM drivers, PPM generators, stepper motor controllers, Digital IO etc... Framework is composed of PC[C++] and PIC12F683[ASM] code. Main goal is to do it as cheap as possible with minimal number of components, fast. Sourceforge link. This project was made obsolete by introduction of PIC12F1822, PIC12F1840, PIC12LF1840T48A which have hardware USARTs (2006-2007)

Matryoshka boat took a few month to build. See the results for yourself. (2004)

Spud Guns - here are some pictures of my potato guns. (2002-2003)

Walker bot pictures and video.   It swings constantly and there is no stable platform for the sensors. I came up with it way before Robo One. (2002)

VCR Backup - Since PIC micro controllers are capable of generating NTSC video and DCFG (see above) is capable of capturing NTSC video, I wanted to build a device that will use a VHS tape to record digital data. I have a prototype. Writing drivers for PC would not be very hard - just a parallel port driver, DCFG driver and an error correction scheme. In the old days, it would be really cool to have such a device since it could store Gigabytes of data on tapes. (1999)

Games & Graphics

3D graph visualization program using anaglyph glasses. (2019)

Block Bored is a game prototype similar to asteroids. Uses SDL for sound, graphics and text. (2019)

123 is a 2048 game clone for unix console. Github link. (2016)

This is a [C#] little app that generates random images where you can find some funny shapes like a fat lady and a lion (2005)

A screensaver in C# that displays 3d flight through space filled with spheres (2004)

I wrote this Puyo-Puyo game [Java] as a programming test while trying to get a job at gameloft. (2004)

This game of Bust a move is just a sketch. Written in java it's easy to extend and understand. (2003)

Clone of the original Star Wars game written in Java. (2002)

My first game was a multiplayer ping-pong [C++] game for unix shell. It used an ncurses library to draw text based graphics. There could be up to 4 players at a time and you can chat while playing. It's pretty cool but it might not work well on some terminals. Also timing needs to be fixed. (1998)

Plasma Animation anyone? - written in C++/asm this simple grey scale plasma animation utilizes INT 10 video mode 13. It compiles under DOS. Executable which runs under windows XP and older is included. (1996)

Page is up since Nov 23, 2002   Last updated April 21, 2020