Paper 3 :

The parasite angiosperm plants

Written by Ramin Amir mardfar

            Paper 4

The parasite angiosperm plants those are which want to help from other excellent plants to produce some of necessary materials for themselves. Broomrege, dodder and masslinn are examples from these plants. Broomrege and dodder don't have necessary materials for photosynthesis and can't synthesize necessary organic materials for themselves. Therefor, these plants gain necessary organic materials from other excellent plants. Masslinn, has necessary materials for photosynthesis but doesn't have necessary materials to absorb water and mineral materials from soil, there for grows on other trees and acquire water and mineral materials from them.
According to classification low, simple elements (components) are aggregate in one class and complex components are made other wise complex and combined components are made of simple components that lye on the side themselves. Because the plants are members of this world, also classification low is true about them. It means that the plants also must be formed from lying on the side of simple components together. But, what are these components? Before are understood that cell is smaller than formational components of excellent plants and we understood that structural components of excellent existents are their body tissues and systems. But according to "ingredients' independence" law these components must maintain their independence and can be able to live in appropriate conditions alone. Dodder (parasite plant), doesn't have leaf to photosynthesis, and root to acquire water and mineral material from soil, but has vessels to transfer material and reproductive organs for seed production. If we know the plants are made of simple components, description of this matter is very simple. According to classification low, the plants are made of simple components as reproductive system (flower), material transmission system (vessels), photo synthesis system (leaf), water and mineral maters absorption from soil (root). According to ingredients' independence law these ingredients can live independently in suitable conditions without need to other components. There is not leaf and root in dodder, but there is flower and vessels, that is, dodder only is formed by lying on the side of two simple component and formational components of leaf and root don't participate in it. There for, dodder, doesn't have leaf and root and only has vessels and flower. Formational components of " masslinn " include three simple components those are leaf, vessel and flower. Root component doesn't participate in this plant. Hence, masslinn can't acquire water and mineral from soil. This is exactly similar to that we observed about Lichens and complex molecular. But a question is asked here: Hydrogen atom and Oxygen atom are identified for us and they are present in nature before they formed water molecule. When we say that an alga and a fungus lye on the side and form a lichen, the alga and the fungus were existed in nature before and then according to environmental conditions they had to live symbiosisly. Is this matter true about formational components of the plants? Is vessel apparatus that we named it as a simple and formational component of the plant, are existent independently in nature before? When we analyzed a water molecule, two components are obtained for us. For reconnoiter of this components, we seek analogs of the components, among elements, and we observe that one of these is similar to Hydrogen and another is similar to Oxygen. Hence, we say that a water molecule are formed of Hydrogen atom and Oxygen atom. When we analyzed a lichen to more simple components, seek the corresponding components in lower class, i.e. among mono cellulars or simple polycellulars. When we found corresponding of them, we say that a lichen are formed of a fungus and a alga. Therefor, when we talk about the components of excellent plant, we must seek its corresponding formational components in a lower class. We observed that vessel system of the plants can account as a simple component. therefor we must seek corresponding of it in a lower class and say that, this component was existent in nature before, so put with coordinate existents in one class and formed a excellent plant. There, we compare the structure of vessel system with simple polycellular existents till found same of it there. Vessels are made of long and narrow fibers that are formed of lying on the side of long and narrow cell. Do we observe among simple polycellular existents similar to it?
The fungi are simple polycellular, are often formed of narrow fibers as mycelium. These fibers are made of long and narrow cells lying on the back of another. Can be known them similar to vessel system? If we put the mycelium of fungus parallel beside another, almost it is similar to which we observe in vessel systems of the plants. Almost this is same that we seek it and we can say that a component form vessel systems of the plant is same of simple polycellular fungi which are existent in nature freely. So, these fungi put in one class with other existents and make next more complex existent as excellent plants. Of course, this matter need to many evidences, but we now pay to find other similar of formational components of plants. Photosynthesizing organ is one of the formational components of plant. Is there similar of it among simple polycellular existents? This organ is formed of parenchyma cells that include coloroplast grains and perform photosynthesis function. Among primary polycellular existents, there are diverse green alga that almost similar to this organ of plants. Mosses are simple polycellular existents that have parenchyma tissue and perform photosynthesis. Therefor polycellular alga or mosses can be supposed as a similar to photosynthesizing tissue of excellent plants. And can be said that a moss independently is existent in nature before. But then put in one class with a polycellular fungus to remove of self needs and lived symbiosisly. In this symbiosis life, moss under took to photosynthesis and fungus performed transmission of material and this symbiosis between fungus and moss caused to ascend to higher class and formed a more complex class as excellent plants.


Paper 4  

             Book 1: Relationship between Gravity and Evolution

             Emil: [email protected]


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