My Time in Bosnia
October 1996 - April 1997
The Following are pictures of when I was Sationed in Bosnia with the US Army.  I was assigned to the 299th Forward Support Battilion, 1st Infantry Division (The Big Red One)  I will add more comments and pictures.  Come back soon.
Guardian Base
This is Where I lived for the 7 months in Bosnia.
I lived in the far back left corner, the one you can't see that is behind the large building in the center.  However I spent the 6-7 months in a tent just like the ones in the right front of the picture.
Carl Ballinger and I (r) on the tarmac of Commanche Base, Bosnia, Mar/Apr 1997
Carl Ballinger and I (r) in the Support Operation Office, Guardian Base, Bosnia, Mar/Apr 1997
Me in front of the "White House", AKA Danger Forward, Hq, (f) 1st Infantry Division, Bosnia, Mar/Apr 1997
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The Sava River Bridge
(US Army Version)
This is as you start to cross.  Note the sign of the Bridge building unit.  It came from Texas, and is one of the only remaining float bridge units in the US Army.
This was taken from the center of the Sava River float bridge.  It is a picture of one of the boats that put the float bridge in place
This taken from a truck that I was on at the center of the Sava River Floatbridge.
This is a picture of the bridge as we were coming up to the bridge.  You can see the first part of our convoy crossing the bridge, a 5k fuel tanker.
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