Relationship Poems by Ellen Kozisek

(poems dealing with feelings about relationships and people, and that don't fit neatly under "Friends", "Romantic Love", or "Letting Go and Loss")

I love you.
I love all that you are.
My inner child loves you.

The broken places in me
when you share the brokenness in you.

And yet, I see, you are strong and beautiful.
As, I have come to realize, so am I.

Angry, so very angry.
Why am I so angry?
The anger consumes me,
Eats me up inside.
I hate him.
Why does it matter?
Why does *he* matter?
I hate him.

I don't hate him,
I can't hate him.
I hate how he makes me feel.
How do I feel?
I don't know, I don't know...
Confusion, anger, hurt, love

I don't want to like him.
I don't want to care about him.
Too hard.
I want to be friends.
I want him to go away.
He challenges me.
Do I want his friendship?
Yes... so very badly.
He hurts me...
His criticisms sting...
He doesn't understand.
And yet
We are not enemies.
We argue and fight,
Yet there is something there
I don't want to lose.

tangles vines
weaving in and out of each other

where does one stop
and the other begin?

I don't know how to feel.

Should I love him?
Should I hate him?

He makes me react.

in love

He makes me long for... something

For you, Lord.

He makes me fall in love with you.

He made me believe he cared.
He said he was my friend
... and I believed him.

Was it a lie?

Or are his feelings
as jumbled
as mine?

Was he lying to me,
or is he lying to himself?

starting over

a friendship intense
too close
too far

what next?
don't know
too confused
mixed up

starting over
at the beginning

a father figure
lost little girl cuddles in the arms of her daddy
absorbing his love

I want your love
I want your attention

Your kindness feed something in me
I am a hungry little bird, wanting more, always more

A touch fulfills
yet creates more need
leaving a bigger hole

When you notice me
I want you to notice me more

When you are caring
I want you to take care of me

I want you to be me
I want you to be my adult who takes care of me

No words.
I have no words.
How can I capture in a poem
My love for you?

A love so deep
So strong
So pure.

Freely given.


My love for you.

Ellen Kozisek -- About Me

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©2005 Ellen Kozisek
Created: July 13, 2005
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