Poems of Friendship by Ellen Kozisek

Funny, crazy
Console, delight, love
Being there for me

A Poem of Love

I don't know where I'd be
If it wasn't for you.
I was a tiny seed.
You were the sun.
I thought I was unworthy of love.
But you saw me.
You thought I was beautiful.
You shined your love down upon me.
I loved you.
With the light of your love I grew.
I began to feel
That I too was lovable.
You taught me how to love.

I too am a sun.
I shine my light
so that others may grow.
Yet I am still a flower
That needs the light of love to grow.
As you,
Who were the the sun for me,
Are also a flower.
Let me be a sun
And shine upon you
To help you grow.
I will always be your friend.

a father figure
lost little girl cuddles in the arms of her daddy
absorbing his love

Ellen Kozisek -- About Me

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©2005 Ellen Kozisek
Created: December 18, 1998
Updated: July 13, 2005
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