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Open Letter to Hillary Clinton from Steve Bassett - PRG

Dear Senator Clinton: In March 1993 billionaire Laurance Rockefeller initiated an extraordinary approach to your husbandˇ¦s administration via the Office of Science and Technology Policy headed by Dr. John Gibbons.
A memorandum from Mr. Rockefellerˇ¦s attorney Henry Diamond dated March 29, 1993 conveyed a request to meet with Gibbons 'to discuss the potential availability of government information about unidentified flying objects and extraterrestrial life.' Rockefeller, a friend and supporter of you and your husband, wanted to meet with the President and inform him there is a belief in many quarters that the government has long held classified information regarding UFOs which has not been released and that the failure to do so has brought about unnecessary suspicion and distrust, and that Many believe that the release of such information on a basis consistent with national security would be a significant gesture which would increase confidence in government.

Thus began a three-year effort by a notable American to convince your husband to essentially be the Disclosure President and end a then 46-year truth embargo on providing the full facts to the American people regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.
This effort, which included meetings, reports, briefings, a book, draft letters to the President and more, came to be known as the Rockefeller Initiative. You were aware of this initiative from the beginning as was a key advisor to the President, John Podesta. You and your husband met with Rockefeller at his Wyoming ranch in August of 1995.
Your husband tasked a close friend, Associate Attorney General Webster Hubbell, to look into the UFO issue at the Department of Justice and elsewhere. He tasked John Podesta, his eventual Chief of Staff, to reform and accelerate the document declassification process. You were kept informed of the ongoing initiative and helped draft a letter from Rockefeller to the President.

It is notable that John Podesta, the founder and now CEO of the Center for American Progress, in 2002 and 2003 called for the release to the public of all UFO and related documents in government files. In 2004 Governor Bill Richardson, UN Ambassador and Secretary of Energy during your husbandˇ¦s administration, made a similar request for documents pertaining to the events in Roswell, New Mexico during July of 1947.

These facts are known from news articles, public records and, most importantly, from nearly 1000 pages of correspondence and documents obtained by researcher Grant Cameron from the Office of Science and Technology Policy via the Freedom of Information Act.
Additional relevant documents are expected to be released soon from the Clinton Presidential Library.
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