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Is Charles, the Prince of Wales, fit to be king?

Is Charles, the Prince of Wales, fit to be king?

By: Reed Oxman

Charles Philip Arthur George Windsor was named at his birth on the 14th of November 1948. Charles, the eldest child and son of Queen Elizabeth II of England, Great Britain, Wales, and all Territories, is the current heir to the British throne. Born to Elizabeth and Prince Philip (Philip Mountbatten of the royal family of Greece) in 1948, a year after the young royals wedding, and four years before Elizabeth became Queen with the unfortunate death of her father, the reigning King of England.

Charles was ordained Prince of Wales in 1958, serving as a pilot and commander in the Royal Navy from 1971-76. In 1981 he married Lady Diana Spencer. Diana, known as the "Peoples' Princess", died in 1997 in a high-speed car chase in Paris, France. Prior to Diana's death, Diana was named Princess of Wales and became a royal in her own right. Diana was soon stripped of Her Royal Highness title when the royal couple separated in 1992. They divorced in 1996. The royal union did produce an heir and "a spare", Prince William (Born in 1982) and Prince Henry (also called Harry, Born in 1984).

After Diana's death, Charles officially acknowledged having had a lengthy clandestine affair/relationship with Camilla Parker-Bowles. Their relationship continued throughout his entire royal marriage to Diana Spencer. Charles and Camilla met in the early 1970s, becoming friends, and later romantic partners. Due to the pressure to marry a woman who could bear him heirs, Charles married Diana, while Camilla (or Dog face as she was affectionately known) married Army Captain Andrew Parker Bowles in 1973.

After Diana's death in 1997, Parker-Bowles became recognized as Charles steady companion and partner. Buckingham Palace advisors held many a meeting concerning Parker Bowles eventual role should it become a fact to deal with if, unfortunately, Charles would become king. Amid much public chatter concerning the propriety of their relationship, or the lack of it, the two were married in a civil ceremony in London on the 9th of April 2005. Their non-religious union was blessed the same day in a ceremony at St. George's Chapel in Windsor Castle, attended by only the royal family, relatives, and very close friends from both the groom's and brides families.

Queen Elizabeth II gave Parker-Bowles the HRH Title of Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cornwall. Why an obscure place like Cornwall? Well, One of Charles's many titles is the Duke of Cornwall. Under no circumstances, according to British Law, will Camilla ever become Queen Camilla. Such a concern has materialized when Charles, the Prince of Wales and the current Heir to the British Throne, married Camilla, the once mistress and now wife of Charles.

When you poll the British Citizens on the original Question: Should Charles become King, if Elizabeth II were to step down or, God forbid, suddenly pass away. The various answers that you could potentially hear are as numerous as the number of British Citizens that were polled. Now, having a better understand of the Royal Life of Charles Philip Arthur George Windsor, what might be your opinion if asked?

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