~ Watch Me Grow! ~
Autrianna's Health Journal: 19 - 24 Months
18 Months Old
My latest picture! I'm 18 months old here!
Where I Started ~ Birth Stats:
Weight: 7 lbs 4 oz, Height: 19 in,
Head Circumference: 34.3 cm
I Don't Feel Well - Date: August 8, 2001 - 19 Months Old
I've had a cough since my 18 month check up. Dr. Wynn felt like maybe it was just congestion from all this teething I'm going through (these molars are rough!) Since it's been about 5 weeks and I still have the cough mommy took me back to see Dr. Wynn again. He thinks I might have a sinus infection that is causing the congestion and coughing - since everything else checked out to be perfectly healthy. He gave me some Omnicef to take for 10 days. It's been a few days now and the cough is gone!
I Don't Feel Well - Date: August 28, 2001 - 20 Months Old
I've got a cold and my eyes have been bothering me so mommy took me in to see Dr. Wynn. He says he can't find anything with my eyes so we're going to see a pediatric opthamologist next month. He can't do anything for my cold, but he did give me some new chewable vitamins instead of that nasty liquid stuff. Now mommy has to get me to actually chew them instead of sucking on them and slobbering them everywhere!
I Don't Feel Well - Date: September 9, 2001 - 20 Months Old
I woke up at 2 am screaming. Mommy & Daddy thought maybe it was a nightmare or a night tremmor. I didn't seem to be fully awake, but I was screaming and saying "hurt" - rubbing my eye again. After about 45 minutes we pakced up and went to the ER. The doctor said I got a corneal abraision (cut on the eye). He said I probably scratched it with my bracelet (the one I won't let Mommy ever remove) or with my fingernails. They said it should heal with no problem and no vision effects within a couple of days. The doctor and nurses were very glad Mom & Dad brought me in. They said a corneal abraision is VERY painful ... I could have told them that! I got some eye drops and some narcotics for the pain! (Mom & Dad shouldn't laugh about this... but they couldn't help it: On the way home from the ER the drug started kicking in. Out of nowhere I said "dog" and started laughing. I'd bob my head up and down like I was dancing. Good thing I only had to have that one dose of the medicine. The next couple of days Tylenol and the eye drops were enough for the pain)
Ear Checkup With Dr. Riddle - Date: September 17, 2001 - 21 Months Old
Time to check out those tubes. Dr. Riddle said the left tube is starting to come out but the right one seems ok still. It's been about 8 months, so they're right about on track. He said we'll just watch when they fall out and see if I get more ear infections again. If I do then we'll have to put another set of tubes in. We'll be back in 6 months to check them again.
Eye Check With Dr. Abrahms - Date: September 21, 2001 - 21 Months Old
We followed up with Dr Abrahms, the pediatric opthamologist, today. I had to have my eyes dialated, but it was worth it - he said my eyes are perfectly healthy. No problems so we don't have to go back and see him. Good thing, because I was getting pretty sick of those eye drops!
Well Baby Visit - Date: December  28, 2001 - 24 Months Old
Doctor Wynn says I'm looking great and growing just perfectly. I'm starting to show some signs that I might be ready for potty training, but Mom & Dad aren't quite convinced yet, especially since the baby might interrupt life a bit. So we'll wait and see what happens. Here are my stats:

Weight: 25 lbs, (30%) Height: 33.5 in, (30%) Head Circumference: 48.75 cm (75%)

My latest feats: I'm doing so much now, where should I start? I'm speaking in sentences now, my favorite is to say "All done ...." and tell you to stop doing whatever you're doing that I'm sick of ... usually it's something like "All done diaper change" or something like that! I love to run and jump, climb and play. I'm getting a new room soon since my baby brother is on his way. I'm a big help to mommy so I'm sure I'll be a wonderful big sister - as long as he doesn't try drooling on MY toys! =)
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