~ Watch Me Grow! ~
Autrianna's Health Journal: 13 - 18 Months
15 Months Old
My latest picture! I'm 18 months old here!
Where I Started ~ Birth Stats:
Weight: 7 lbs 4 oz, Height: 19 in,
Head Circumference: 34.3 cm
Trip to the Ear/Nose/Throat Doctor - Date: January 19, 2001 - Almost 13 Months Old
We met with Dr. Riddle and he said I was the perfect candidate for tubes. Where I've already developed an allergy for 2 of the 7 families of antibiotics (penicillin and supprax) and I've had so many ear infections in my first year of life, this was the best route to go. Mommy & Daddy didn't want to have me on antibiotics as a suppression therapy or have to just keep treating the ear infections as they came and risk me developing a resistance to the antibiotics or develop more allergies! This should also help since I'm rarely even symptomatic when I get ear infections and mom has to kind of guess if she should even take me in to the doctor. With tubes in my ears will be able to drain when I get an infection so they won't get too bad. The surgery is scheduled for January 30th. Mommy & Daddy are pretty nervous but just want the best for me!

My latest feats: I've gotten brave and have been walking all by myself now! Mommy & Daddy knew I wasn't too far off. I just wanted to make sure I could stand up without holding on to anything just in case I lost my balance in the middle of the room and had to get back up without any help. I'm so determined. I love doing it all by myself!
My First Surgery - Date: January 30, 2001 - 13 Months Old
Today I got tubes put in each ear. I had to wear a little hospital gown and slippers (mommy wishes she had brought her camera - boy did I look cute!) The nurse gave me my own little bear that was wearing a scrub hat just like me! I got to play in a room full of toys. Mommy & Daddy were expecting to be able to be with me until they put me under the anesthesia, but the nurse came and got me and they had to wait in the toy room. It was *sooooo* hard for them. The nurse took me in the back but Mommy & Daddy could hear me crying the entire time. (They didn't actually put me all the way to sleep - they like to just use enough anesthesia to block the pain, but not enough to knock me all the way out since I'm so small).

After about 15 minutes - though it felt much longer to Mommy & Daddy - the nurse brought them back to see me. It looked like I was awake and just really miserable, but the nurses explained that I was just having a hard time coming out of the anesthesia so I wasn't really awake enough to recognize them and that's why Mommy & Daddy were having such a hard time soothing me. It took a few hours after the surgery for me to not feel so bad, but by evening I was toddling around and playing like normal! Ya wouldn't have guessed that I just had surgery!
I Don't Feel Welll - Date: March 19, 2001 - Almost 15 Months Old
Starting a couple weeks after my surgery I started having episodes where I would throw up a few times a day for a day or so at a time. I had about 3 or 4 of these episodes - all mostly about a week or so apart. Mommy took me to see Dr. Wynn and from what he could tell he thought it was probably just the virus that was going around and I was having a hard time getting over it. Well, when I had this last episode over the weekend Mommy decided to take me in again - this just wasn't normal! Dr. Wynn checked me over and listened to Mommy about what was going on. He found that I had a sinus infection that was making me nauseated and the drainage in my throat was causing me to gag and throw up. I also have an ear infection - but the tubes weren't draining because I had some major wax buildup hiding where Mommy & Daddy couldn't clear it out. I'm taking another antibiotic (Omnicef) and after a couple of days I started feeling *much* better! For now I'm not having any milk - probably for another month or so. Dr. Wynn said that with Daddy's history with milk troubles and my tummy still trying to settle down that it would be best to stick with the cheese and yogurt I love so much!
Well Baby Visitl - Date: March 28, 2001 - 15 Months Old
I got two of my immunizations today. The good news is that I'm all done until kindergarten! After being sick off and on for so long (practically a whole month), mommy was relieved to have me weighed and see that I'm starting to break the curve I was on. I'm still only in the 10th percentile for my weight, but the projection I *was* headed at would have put me around 5%. Dr. Wynn says my walking is getting really good and that I'm right where I should be with all the milestones. Here are my stats:

Weight: 19 lbs 10 oz, (10%) Height: 30 in, (30%) Head Circumference: 47 cm (70%)

My latest feats: I'm doing so much! I love climbing stairs, on to the couch, chairs and any other toy I can find! I can say a few words now like: "juice", "bread", "bite", "Kiya" (our new puppy), "banana" (sounds more like "ba-a-a"), "dada", and "ball". I'm also signing a few words now too: "more" (useful when I want more food), "hungry" (though "more" usually serves this function), and "all done/finished" (I like to use this one to tell mommy & daddy that I'm all done with my diaper change even though they haven't quite finished - or let them know I really don't want any more food). One of my favorite games is to find your (and my) eyes, ears, nose and mouth. I also love story time and can point out my favorite objects while mommy & daddy read about them. For example, if you ask me where the bunny in the story is I can always find it!
I Don't Feel Welll - Date: April 7, 2001 - 15 Months Old
I woke up extra early this morning. At first mommy & daddy thought I was just hungry since I ate an early dinner the night before. Then they noticed my left ear was draining - a sign that I had another ear infection and the tubes were actually draining this time. We had to see the after hours doctor and he thinks I also have allergies which caused my congestion - which almost always leads right to an ear infection! So I'm on an antibiotic (Zithromax this time) and allergy medicine (Ryna - 12 S). I'm also taking Tylenol for the ear and teething pain (I'm getting my molars to top it all off)!
I Don't Feel Welll - Date: May 1, 2001 - 16 Months Old
I wasn't being my normal happy self this morning. Then by the afternoon mommy noticed my right ear draining which means another ear infection. We went to see Dr. Wynn. He gave us the ear drops to use again and changed my allergy medicine to the Claritin to see if that will do a better job. Looks like the allergies caused some stuffiness and runny nose which inevitably causes the ear infections. Hopefully we can stop the cycle!

My latest feats & more cute stuff: I love throwing my diaper in the garbage after diaper changes. Of course, I also like throwing other useful stuff in the garbage like food straight from the fridge or mommy's papers. =) Much to mommy & daddy's dismay, I also like trying to take things *out* of the garbage - but they don't let me do that much! I know a few more signs now like "play" and my all time favorite "cheese". Helping mommy with the laundry is a lot of fun. We have a front loading washer so I can dig in there and help move the laundry from the washer to the dryer (and back again). I'm such a big helper and amaze mommy & daddy at every turn!
Well Baby Visitl - Date: June 29, 2001 - 18 Months Old
I had a great check up today. Dr Wynn was impressed with just how much I can talk (and I was even being a bit shy!) and how much I can sign. He checked me over and said I'm healthy and growing wonderfully. As he observed how much I can do he told mommy that developmentally I was at about the level of a 2 year old. He said to keep up the good work and he'll see us back when I turn 2! Here are my stats:

Weight: 22 lbs, (15%) Height: 32 in, (50%) Head Circumference: 48 cm (75%)

My latest feats: I am talking sooooo much now! Some of my favorite words include "blankie" (pronounced more like "gee-gee"), "Jake and Nanny" (Jake & Savannah are my friends), "buckle" (I like to buckle my own car seat and high chair), and I also like to repeat just about anything you can say (gotta watch it now! lol). If you listen throughout the day you can even hear me counting "one, two, threeeeee! I am also signing even more. I can sign "bird", "again", "please", "thank you", "milk" "pain/hurt", and "bed". I still love reading books every day and can tell you just what everything on the page is. We also went to the zoo for the first time on Father's Day and had a blast! It was so exciting to see all those animals I've seen in books and decorating my jungle bedroom in real life! The Meerkats were my favorite (probably because The Lion King is my favorite movie and Timone is a meerkat). I also love "mo" (Elmo), Tigger and Winnie the Pooh. I still eat really well and Mommy & Daddy have even been able to start phasing some milk back into my diet. I seem to be doing really well, no problems so far. Strawberry milk is a close ranking with cheese for my favorite food!
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