The first Steven Tyler 
page on the net

*Steven modeled Betsey Johnson's clothes, with Isabella Rossellini

*What Steven wants on his tombstone..Here Lies Tyler, The demon of screaming, who never woke up from the dream he was dreaming, untill one day he drank some magic potion, now all that's left is some sweet emotion

*Steven is part Cherokee Indian, as well as Russian on his mother's side, and Italian on his father's side

*Steven has one sister. Her name is Linda, she's a schoolteacher in Vermont

*On December 15 Aerosmith volunteered to replace toys collected for the Toys for Tot's organization. Toy's for Tots had been robbed of over $10, 000 worth of toys.

*What Steven looks for in a friend... Someone who loves me unconditionally

*Who Steven looks up to most.. My wife, because I like being down there

*If Steven could look like someone else he would want to look like... Rick Dufay

*If Steven could be reincarnated he would want to be.. An osprey, or an eagle, they're so endangered

*Aerosmith used to own Mama Kin, a 250 capacity club on Lansdowne Street in Boston Mass.

*Aerosmith in an investor in the House Of Blues chain.

*Does Steven believe in Love at First Sight?.. Yes, but only if it's based on one part intuition, two parts animal attraction, three parts lust, and four parts luck

*Steven had his motorcycle accident on January 24th 1981. He crashed into a tree on his way to pick up Mia's babysitter, and split open his heel.

*Steven was born on March 26th 1948, in Yonkers, New York

*Steven was voted #1 hard rock performer by Hit Parader

*Aerosmith is featured in the computer games "Nine" and "Quest for Fame"

*Steven's fave holiday is Christmas

*Steven's first car was a forest green, 1948 Jeep

*The most unusual place Steven has had sex is in a confessional

*Steven's present car is a red Jeep

*Steven has four pets, two birds named Knuckles and Speedy, a rabbit named Rosie, and a fish

*If Steven could be invisible he would go to the girls locker room at Hollywood High

*Aerosmith was in Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, the movie

*Steven is featured on Motley Crue's Dr. Feelgood album

*Steven at one point used the name "Steve Tally"

*Aerosmith is featured in the arcade game "Revolution X"

*Aerosmith joined with Run DMC in 1986 to do another version of "Walk This Way"-- a rap version

*Steven has 2 bumper stickers on his Jeep- "Recycle" and "Save the Rainforest"

*Aerosmiths first gig was at Nimpuc Regional High School in the fall of 1970

*The first song Aerosmith wrote was Movin' Out

*Steven is on the Elmopalooza tape, and a spoken word album

*Steven lives in a suburb of Boston

*Steven's favourite place is Maui

*Steven would rescue his cat if his house caught on fire

*Steven uses Manic Panic hair dye

*Steven's real last name is Tallarico

*Steven chiselled his initials into a rock by his summer home

*Steven is on Elmopalooza singing "I Love Trash"

*Steven Tyler sings on the new Ringo Starr album, as well as playing the drums on one track.

*Steven has a cameo in "Clubland"

*Steven has a feature role in "Goodnight, Joseph Parker."

*If Steven could no longer be a musician, he would want to be either a gigolo, a gourmet chef or a park ranger.

*Steven's favourite flavour is almond, and according to Liv, he smells almond-like

*The first record Steven ever bought was Pretty Things

*Steven was 15 when he lost his virginity... to a hooker, none the less.

*Steven's favourite Simpson's character is Mr. Burns

*Evidentially, Steven always insists his hotel room has nine pillows.

*Steven's favourite Just Push Play song is Just Push Play.

*The scarves on Steven's mic stand used to hold his drug stash.

*Steven's favourite flower is the rose

*Steven's biggest crush is on Janis Joplin

*Steven once had sex while making a public service announcement

*If Steven had the power to change anything in the world it would be... his underwear

*Steven's favorite venue to play was the Barn in George Mills New Hampshire

*Steven's all-time idols are the Tazmanian Devil and Cherry Pez

*If Steven was doing something other than making music it would be... trying to climb out of straight jackets

*The best moment of Steven's career was "arriving in Budapest with 5,000 people at the airport in a place we've never played before"

*Steven would want to be leading man in the movie "Pink Flamingos"

*The one skill Steven would like to master is "selfatio"

*If Steven had to pick a famous painting that most represented him it would be.. "a cross between Dorian Gray and a Toulous-Lautrec"

*Steven Tyler's favorite albums of 1997: Aerosmith "Nine Lives", Jonny Lang "Lie to Me", Mary Me Jane "Tick", Beck "Odelay", Chemical Brothers "Dig Your Own Hole"

*Steven's favorite Aerosmith songs to drive to are Eat The Rich and F.I.N.E

*Steven always wears a gaurdian angel pin when he flies

*Steven's favorite food is chicken pot pie

*Steven's favorite movie is The Wizard of Oz

*If Steven could be a historical figure from any era he would be Daniel Boone

*Steven's most prized possession is a raptor claw switch blade knife

*Steven's favorite book is "Above Top Secret" by Tim Good

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