The first Steven Tyler 
page on the net

To apply, just send an email to me at [email protected] with your name, your page's name, your page's address, and anything else you think I should know about it as I consider it for the award. The awards will be given out.. I don't know. Monthly maybe. Depends when I feel like it and when there are enough submissions to make a real judgement. So send in your pages!! Bonus points will be given for a Steven-Tyler focus, as well as for a link to my page on your site. And sucking up always helps too. So do monetary bribes. Feel free and all that. Oh, and write something like "Steven award" in the subject of your email so I know what it's for. Thank you.


  • Winner for 2000:

    ||- news -||- facts -||- aero-speriences -||- pictures -||- quotes -||- articles -||- odd facts -||- fiction -||
    ||- misheard -||- survey -||- top ten -||- trivia -||- links -||- wallpaper -||- award -||- new -||
    ||- back to start -|| 1
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