The Poetry Pages
Technical section
Title 1

Dislocations &
A Technical Abstraction
Title 2Austempered Ductile Iron
Title 1

Title 3Casting Defects

Title 2
Title 3Where have all the foundries gone?

Title 2
Title 3Role of People

Title 3My lost out love

Title 4

Quality Page
Title 1

Essense of Quality &
Definition of Quality
TS 16949
Title 1

Title 2
Title 3
Title 4
Title 5

Title 1Title 3

Humour &
Title 3

Humour &
Educational Limericks
Go short 1
Title 1
Go short 1
Title 1

Title 2
Title 3
Title 4
Title 5

Title 1
Title 2
Title 3
Title 4
Title 5
Title 6

It's for Foundrymen


Total Quality people

People! Are there very Special People?

People. Very important people!
Colloquially, in eyes they live as an apple,
But in real Effects, they may only trickle;
inpite of a high brand, they act as Fickle,
In routine work they yield products simple.
Though, their inputs may have been ample,
Yet, results are no bigger than a dimple,
So these, remain, only gratuitous people!

Yet, People. Some very ordinary people!
Contrary to the class above (who saddle)
Ordinarily, succeed to create market ripples,
In limited opportunities, which barely twinkle?
And create niche areas where they act nimble;
These people, the focused lot of people,
As and when they Unidirectionally couple,
Can potently team up energies to quadruple.

Some people, Those very serious people,
Who believe in Juran’s Trilogical principle,
Are really noble, graceful and professional,
Albeit they be scientific and predictable,
To be God’s gratefully adored individuals,
So, they display attitudes never so Critical,
Effectively controlling reigns when saddled,
They direct processes as done in a participle.

Yet, People. All of these able soul-ed people!
Who clamor to improve; bad habits to nibble
they learn-n-civilize even when they chuckle
while preserving the good gains as to a pickle,
Such people are motivated, smartly scrabbled,
they use Hand, Head and Heart to do marvels,
Can break away holy light, even from marble,
in organizational advance the conducting people

Such People. a few of the very (un)usual people!
trust in ‘Personal Quality’ like a TQM disciple
they adapt to tile with other Quality personnel!
And in routine work may process ways simple,
but sure their products will give outputs ample.
Their focus and reliability may defects belittle!
Adores them the world: of dependable people!
They are unmistakably our Total Quality people!

© 2006 Prof Priyavrat Thareja


@ 2004 Priyavrat Thareja

Title Goes Here
Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci taion

Title Goes Here

Title Goes Here
Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci taion

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