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Last modification: May 3/2005 12:30 CEST

Peter Paul's wysiwyg Scrapbook - A collection of virtual absurdities and visual nightmares

Welcome to the realms of fantasy and surrealism where the mind goes beyond the boundaries of gravity and physical evidence.

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Visitors who made it this far and would like to buy one of my junk mobiles

If the people don't have enough money I make smaller sized junk mobiles. They still look kind of cute though don't they? This one only has engine space for a one cylinder motorcycle motor. Even if it doesn't  drive very fast it's quite enough to make a loud noise to disturb the neighbors if you like.

This one is designed for people with very long legs and who like to go for a walk. There is even enough space for a twelve cylinder Ferrari motor as well. But then the tank is so small that you can only fill in half a gallon of gas. That should be enough to get you around the block at least once. Then you have to walk to the next gas station and get another half a gallon of gas. That way the driver gets much more exercise and can enjoy the scenery. He saves a lot money that way too. And the air stays cleaner.

If you're missing a picture here don't worry. I'm surfing the netl looking  for the parts I need to make it a real piping hot steam mobile. In the meantime you can try to use your own imagination before it goes blank. Or you can come back later to see it. Or if you prefer it can be adjusted to a two cylinder steam engine with a one hundred gallon water boiler. It doesn't need gasoline. All you need is wood or coal to fire it up. You have to get up two hours earlier every morning to get the water boiling before you can drive to work. But you can use it to cook a good breakfast at the same time. Cars like that will someday have to get us through the energy crisis when we run out of oil. I wonder what a steam car like that would sound like. Just imagine: five hundred of them all stuck in a traffic jam in downtown New York on a hot Friday afternoon in August. That's some boiling hot rod news isn't it? And all of them just blowing their whistle at the same time.

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