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Peter Paul's wysiwyg Scrapbook - A collection of virtual absurdities and visual nightmares

Welcome to the realms of fantasy and surrealism where the mind goes beyond the boundaries of gravity and physical evidence.

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If you look at this empty parking lot you might already have guessed what I do to earn some money. Yes, I'm a very bad guy. I like to steal other people's cars. And I especially like to steal cars on the internet. All you need is a fast computer, a fast internet connection and fast getaway software. Then you can steal as many cars as you like and still get away with it.

Once I was so quick stealing a car I left the shadow on the street. When you steal a car you should never forget to take the shadow with you. Otherwise the police can tell what kind of car is missing. Every car has an individual shadow of it's own. Just like people too. On the internet these shadows are also known as digital fingerprints. If the internet police find a digital fingerprint like this they know who it belongs to. Then they come and get you to clean up the street. Shadows without cars are a big mess.

This is the car I stole a few weeks ago. Isn't it an ugly car? It looks terrible to me. That's why I stole it. I didn't want to see anybody driving around in such an ugly car like that. That's just an awful sight. Just imagine everybody driving on the streets in such horrible vehicles. Uaaah! I don't know who owns this one but if anybody out there knows the owner you can tell him what I think of. it. But if you like more of these yellow cars than drop by Westvillage and have look for yourself. They have loads of  junk there.

The first thing I do when I've stolen a car I paint it black and hide it in my black garage. Now the car doesn't look so ugly anymore, does it? That way nobody can see how many cars I have stolen. Try to count all the cars in there. Pretty difficult you see? That is what is known as a black hole. My computer and the whole universe are full of black holes too. Maybe that's why they call it the (w)hole universe.  I bet there are a lot of things hidden away in those holes that no one has ever seen before. My black hole is different. I've got the copyright on this one and that means it belongs to me. So anybody who tries to steal my black hole from me is in for trouble. Because stealing black holes from the internet is against the law.

When I have some time I rebuild those ugly fat cars and make them look faster. They are much more fun to play with. I think I'll sell this one to the guy who owned it. If he likes it he will have to pay a lot of money. You know why stealing cars is so much fun? Selling a car like this to someone who doesn't even recognize his own car again is fun. This is what we call recycling. This way Bill Gates became a billionaire. He takes an old program, makes a new design, gives it a new name and sells it again and again and again. And most people don't realize that they are still buying the same old junk they already have on their own computers. I bet Bill Gates is having a lot of fun too. He owns the biggest copy shop in the world. That's right. He has the copyright for the biggest junkyard on the internet.

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