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Peter Paul's wysiwyg Scrapbook - A collection of virtual absurdities and visual nightmares

Welcome to the realms of fantasy and surrealism where the mind goes beyond the boundaries of gravity and physical evidence.

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It' wonderful to visit katkam when it's NOT raining cats and dogs. But does it really have to be catfish? Hard to believe isn't it. You see all the people in the street? They are all running. It's a race and they call it the "Sun Run". It takes place once a year. That is when the sun runs away and it rains catfish. I wonder what will happen when they have a race called the "Rain Run".

The very next day Willie the window wiper dropped by to wipe the wet windows clean. Soon they will have to get someone to clean up Willie the window wiper in case he gets wiped out. Katkam is hoping that will never happen. Because then she will have to wipe the windows herself.

The window wiper left his ropes hanging from the roof. Later that night he had to come back because he forgot his car keys on top of the building. He wore a disguise so that no one would recognize him. Katkam recognized him right away. He forgot to take off his rubber boots.

Little Mary is sitting on her swing. Her mother told her not to go down and play in the street. That is far too dangerous for little girls. There are too many cars and they drive very fast. This way her mother can always keep an eye on her from the kitchen window. Katkam sees her too. But why is little Mary hollering? Maybe it's because nobody is coming to push her swing.

Billy's mother told him to go outside and play with his little sister. Katkam thinks they are having a lot of fun together. Billy thinks so too.

On sunny days katkam likes to go for a swim during her lunchbreak. She only has time to swim from one side of the pool to the other and back again. Then lunchbreak is over. She needs 30 minutes to get back to the office where the camera is. But  that's only when the elevator is working. Otherwise she has to do some extra stair jogging to get back in time. That way she stays fit for the rest of the day.

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