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Birth Details

The Name

My Birthday:
23rd of May

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2 0 0 0
5/23: date of birth
6/8 (2 weeks old): first smile (probably just gas)
7/3 (1.5 months): first
real smile
7/30 (2 mos): first laugh
8/20 (3 mos): held bottle unassisted
8/23 (3 mos): able to sit unsupported
8/27 (3 mos): first
real laugh
9/29 (4 mos): ate solid food (rice cereal)
10/2 (4 mos):
able to sit for extended periods of time
11/1 (5 mos): able to roll over multiple consecutive times
11/7 (5 mos): first vacation
12/14 (7 mos):
first tooth (lower middle)
2 0 0 1
1/2 (7 mos): crawled for first time
1/5 (7 mos): mastered crawling
1/22 (8 mos):
first word, "mama"
3/4 (9 mos): took
first steps
3/5 (9 mos): able to crawl up stairs (all the way up)
3/11 (9 mos):
mastered walking
4/04 (10 mos): first sat siri akal (hands together)
5/04 (11 mos): first haircut
6/3 (12 mos): first
kiss (with another girl)
6/12 (12 mos): first time at the beach (Kauai)
6/12 (12 mos): first time in the pool
7/29 (14 mos): first time playing with other kids

(Dad likes to brag about me!)
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