To Bali in December, 1999

From Jakarta it was a 25 hour bus trip across the island of Java to get to the ferry which took us across the water to the island of Bali. This picture shows the interesting mixture of technology with traditional Indonesian ways of life. The modern motorcycle carries chickens in the traditional baskets made of bamboo, while up ahead can be seen a horse cart, motorcycles and trucks.

On the way across Java we were slowed seven or eight times by groups of people, mostly youth, collecting money for the local mosque or Islamic program. As travelers pass by baskets and nets are held out to catch the offerings.

The beach in Kuta, Bali. It wasn't a day for good surf. A Balinese beach worker told us the best months for surfing are in July and August, which are winter months in Bali. It must have been a boring day for this rental business. The waves were about 3 feet high, "blown-out" and "walled-up."

Up a mountain and close to one of the famous Balinese lakes we stopped for a bite to eat and something to drink. We asked this lady where we could get some corn and she said, "Well, I can think of one good place, off the top of my head!" I'm just joking of course, but I must admit, the corn she sold was truly delicious. Also, to the right of the woman you may notice the most common bottled Indonesian drink -- the "Teh Botol" (Tea Bottle) -- a sweetened tea drink especially refreshing when "dingin" (cold).

Not too far from the mountain lake where we ate the corn, are numerous durian sellers scattered along the highway, blended in with the most beautiful views of "sawah" (rice paddies) in the whole world.

To Have The Father's Heart@Atonement@A Theological Analysis of Singapore@Indonesian landscape, Bali@Prayer and Revival,@Pengakuan Iman Rasuli@ Secular Scientists Refuting Evolution@Counseling Asians and Indonesians@A Biblical View of Crisis@An Appeal to the Ruling Class@My YWAM Daze@Moral Government Theology: Is It Pelagian?


Last Update: March 07, 2000

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