Random Work

This is a place to stick all my work which doesn't fall under one of the Series headings, so you'll probably find quite a variety here (as soon as I get round to writing it). At the moment this section holds three complete stories, the first two written back in 2001 and my first attempts at writing Science Fiction, the third shortly after in 2002. Additionally it holds one incomplete story, last worked on back in 2003 which perhaps, one day, I will resume.

The Relic - my first attempt at an original sci-fi story, this is where it all began. Written in 2001 it ended up on the Galaxy Ezine Website, and although I lost the e-mail I got some very nice feedback from the editor of the page which then prompted me to write a second story for that site, Stargazers.
The Star Trek references are pretty obvious (a Starship named Duras, and the Remus sector) which I can blame on it being the major influence on me to start writing Science Fiction, though the story isn't very Trek-ish. On the whole though I like to think it's got small original elements to it and stands out as a short, distinct from what I'd normally write.

Stargazers - The second story I wrote, I like to think its nice and qaint, in some ways closer to a bit of poetry in it's length and style than a normal narrative. It was after this that I started writing my first Star Traks stories, which is strange as you think I'd have become a better writer yet I think the storytelling in these two shorts is far superior to The Rediscovered Country.

Human Alcatraz - Stargate SG-1 is actually a series which, back when I watched it on a regular basis, I preferred to Trek in all it's incarnations. I only watched up to about Season 5/6 until University meant I lost track of what was happening, and I've never really got back into it and got a hang of what's happening now with the new SG-1 and Atlantis, etc. Anyway, this short focuses on Teal'c sometime between Seasons One and Three, and in particular his symbiont, and was originally posted on FanFiction.net back in 2002 under the author name of Iolauny. Looking back on it now the story name is fairly stupid: Teal'c isn't human.

Foundation and Seldon - I am a massive fan of the works of Isaac Asimov, whom I would probably class as my favourite science fiction author (Iain M Banks running a close second). Another story posted at FanFiction.net, starting back in 2002 through 2003, it was my little walk through his Foundation and Robots Universe. Incomplete (in fact the introduction is barely finished), it's a story I think has potential and I wish to resume one day.
I should warn it contains spoilers for pretty much anything with the name Asimov on it, and will probably not make sense to any but Asimov fanatics like myself as it threads together loose plot points from the Foundation novels by Asimov himself, the Second Foundation Trilogy by David Brin, Gregory Benford and Greg Bear, and the Caliban/Inferno novels by Roger MacBride Allen.

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