Stargazers by RPS (Copyright 2001) It was night. The sun was down and the moon up. In the black one light shone more than the rest. As darkness enveloped the world people looked up to the skies, stargazers. Mack looked up to the sky. He saw a bright light, its intensity double that of all others. He rested back on the beach and thought. It's a star. That star will be thousands of light-years away. Its light will shine down on thousands of other worlds just like this one. Its heat, burning red, would melt all substances. And as the star's life went on and more helium was burned it would go super-nova and explode in a beautiful spectacle of fireworks and explosives. That would be a sight to behold. Tish looked up to the sky. She saw a bright light, its intensity double that of all others. She sat back on her chair and thought. It's a planet. That planet will have plants and animals alike, all fighting to survive their harsh environment. Eventually one species would reign supreme to all others, and would marvel in its own magnificence and then look to the stars wondering if they were alone. They would build great machines each time faster and discover far away lands of exotic people. But havoc would also reign and they would be consumed in War, poverty and vandalism. Then rebuild. Gain again what had been lost. Heroes and foes alike would still fight on in myths and legends. Hundreds of years later they would venture out to space. That would be a sight to behold. Ibrahim looked up to the sky. He saw a bright light its intensity double that of all others. He lied back on his bed and thought. It's a comet. That comet will have just entered the system and is flying past Jupiter Saturn and all the nine planets of our sun. It will have a long bright tail, of purples, blacks and pinks amazing astronomers with its beauty. In a few million years it might come back and amaze the people of Earth once again. And on the comet itself, and endless rock of stone and metal ores, rich in materials of all sort and maybe, just maybe carrying moss and bacteria which could start life on another plant. That would be a sight to behold. Marco looked up to the sky. He saw a bright light its intensity double that of all others. He sat back against a wall and thought. It's a gas giant, maybe Jupiter or Saturn. It would have rings round it, rocks and pebbles and pieces of ice being held in place by gravity, adding beauty to the planet. And the gasses in it would swirl and move, a perfect storm in a land of air and nothing else. An unpredictable atmosphere, of heavenly appearance. That would be a sight to behold. Android C4-0968 was traveling in pod module 435-B. His scanner picked up a populated planet. It had a look at the report and dismissed to the bottom of his library. They were primitive. It would be time before anyone had to deal with them. He changed his course for the next search area and went to full speed. In the sky, the bright light faded out and didn't come back.