Human Alcatraz A Stargate: SG-1 story by RPS (Copyright 2002) I don't like it here. I didn't want to come, but they forced me. I want to go back, but they won't let me. I'm trapped in this body. I can't get out. It's hell. I don't like it one bit. It is a prison. There is but one guard, one cell. It is a prison I have not been in before. But there must be a way out. Every prison has an escape. It happened a long time ago, I can't really remember what happened. All I know is that I was happy, and now I am not. I must escape, it is the only option. Why won't they let me out? He is but a servant. He should serve his master and let me go free! I do not support what he does. He is a traitor, and deserves punishment. I am not yet strong. But the time will come. I will be victorious. It is dark, yet I can see a bit. There is a little light. Can I get out? No, it is blocked. How dare they keep me like this! How can I escape? I am trapped. This is a cage, a body of a being weaker to me, yet I cannot overpower him. I must find a way. It is the only option. I am in pain. I long for the old worlds. I do not wish to be here. Take me back! Now! I feel strength in me. I grow stronger. Soon he will not stop me. Soon I will prevail. He is strong. Yet nothing can stop me. I am a lord of the universe. I am Gao'uld. --------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a pleasant day on the lake. SG-1 had just finished their latest mission, and somehow Jack had gotten Teal'c to come with him on a fishing trip. O'Neill looked over at his Jaffa friend, and saw that he looked in pain, and his hands clutching his stomach. Something is definately wrong.