Megan Follows

Actress  of  “Anne of Green Gables”

       Actriz de “Ana de las Tejas Verdes”

 Actrice de   “Anne... La Maison aux Pignons Verts”

"Megan Follows photo"
                 THE SERIES OF TELEVISION  
        "ANNE OF GREEN GABLES"    
Here you will know in brief dates  all  the   mysteries  the  successful Canadian  television  series  "Anne of Green Gables”,   produced  and directed by Sullivan Entertainment, and interpreted by Megan Follows, Colleen  Dewhurst,  Richard Farnsworth, Patricia Hamilton, Marilyn Lightstone, Schuyler Grant, Jonathan Crombie, Charmion King, Jackie Burroughs, Joachin Hansen, Christine Kruger, Cedric Smith, Paul Brown, Miranda de Pencier, Trish Nettleton, Jennifer Inch, Jayne Eastwood, Dawn Greenhalgh, Vivian Kings, Samantha Langevin, Robert Collins, Rosemary Radcliffe, Morgan Capman, David Hughes, Wendy Lyon, Zack Ward and Frank Conver. You will know like gesture the project, in which places there were effected the filming, anecdotes, the different parts that it tells to history  and other many things more.

This television series section was created on Friday,  March 19,  2004,    in Spain.


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 © 2004,  by Portamarc Spacenet.



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