Megan Follows

Megan Follows

Actress of “Anne of Green Gables”

Actriz de “Ana de las tejas verdes”

Actrice de  Anne... La Maison aux Pignons Verts

ATTENTION:   It informs to all  MEGAN FOLLOWS  and  LMM fans,   that this website is currently being  MOVE  to a new direction.     The  NEW WEBSITE  be available in coming weeks,   with a new design and new photographies and data.

The new website is: 


Other languages.  Autres langues. Otros idiomas.

Versión en español

Versión en español.

Version en Français

Version en FranÇaise

Anne Shirley

 This  is a  unofficial page dedicated to the wonderful Canadian actress 
 Megan  Follows  born  in  the city  of  Toronto,  on  March 14,  1968,  
 protagonist of  "Anne of Green Gables" television series.

 Also  dedicated  to  Lucy  Maud  Montgomery  Canadian  writer  of   the  
 books of  "Anne of Green Gables".




-Megan Follows Biography.                               to go-1

Button biography

-Megan Follows Filmography.                           to go-2

button filmography

-Megan Follows Theatre Work.                        to go-3

button theatre work

-News of present situation on Megan Follows. to go-4

button news

-Megan Follows photo album (Photo Gallery).  to go-5

button photo gallery

-The series of television "Anne of Green Gables". go

button television series

-The books of  "Anne of Green Gables" and his   
Lucy  Maud  Montgomery.                 
to go-7

button books of LMM

- Links.                                                               to go-8

button links


button contact




           Megan Follows ( Jack Flacco photo)
                           Original photo:  Jack Flacco web.



         Anne Shirley



           Megan Follows

  If  you want to read or to sign in my visits book, click in the drawing.  

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Anne Shirley

Anne Shirley

    Also you can visit this page       
    in the directions:


            Megan Follows

Megan FollowsAnne Shirley


This page was created on Friday,  January 10,  2003,  in Spain.


 Last update:  On Friday,  April 22, 2005.


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