I owe thanks to much of this page to Wilson Urbien a retired salvation Army officer from the Philippines. Who has offered much guidance that has helped in my journey.

Having dealt with some of my beliefs about Jesus I would turn to the Holy Spirit. I see him quite simply as 'The Spirit of God' or 'God in Action'. Sometimes other phrases such as 'That of God' , 'Rising Christ', 'Light Within' are used but, to my mind, mean the same. Here is a description of how the doctrine of the Trinity came about:
What or who is the Holy Spirit?
In the early history of the church, the divinity of Jesus Christ nor the person of the Holy Spirit were never a controversial issue. Believers know who Jesus was. He was the chosen of God. In Jesus was seen visible the character and personality of Yahweh. In other words, in Jesus was seen who God was in the confines of the human flesh.
The Holy Ghost, or Holy Spirit or Spirit of God was presumed to be God's extended presence or power in the world. This presence was promised by God as a 'he' or an 'it'... depending on which side of the pneumatological colour one belongs.
Then the Nicene controversy. At first, the issue on the divinity of Jesus was a friendly argument between believers. They talked about it and argued with each other on the streets. But it was never a dividing factor in the community of believers. Then here was the two personalities who are now very familiar figure in church history - Arius and Athanasius. Arius was an ordinary priest while Athanasius was a bishop.
At the start, the community of believers were divided between Jesus as only human and Jesus as human and divine. We know about the issue raised.
There was a time when Arians were a majority in the Roman Empire. But Athanasius, being a powerful bishop, turned the tide in his favour by threatening and physically maltreating the Arian believers.
The controversy became a serious matter that eventually divided the Roman Empire. Emperor Constantine himself was very concerned that the Christian community, once an oppressed group, was now a primary cause of irreconcilable disunity in his empire. Because the issue was causing havoc in the empire, Emperor Constantine had to pressure the leaders of the Church to come together to settle the issue. Thus the succeeding councils were called under the influence of secular power.
If there were any shameful parts of the Church history, this controversy would be one of them. In spite of political intervention by the Constantine and succeeding three emperors, the Arian controversy was never settled peacefully. History records that the issue was one of the initial causes of the separation between the Western and Eastern Orthodox Church.
Because of the political influence of Bishop Athanasius over the other bishops of the churches, the traditional belief that Jesus is both human and divine was curved and propagated in the Holy Roman Empire.
When the powerful bishops agreed that Jesus was both human and divine, they were faced with another serious problem.
For if Jesus was God and human, then the Christian community will now be confessing two Gods... God of Israel and the God of the Christian community. This would be a great denial of the Old Testament God of Abraham. Surely there was and is only one God. So how can the early church theologians settle the issue? Therefore the issue of bi-unity. That Jesus and his Father were one. But this caused another theological problem. Was Jesus and God his father the same one person or were they two different entity? So to resolve the problem, Christian theologians invented the two persons in one God. The doctrine was a result of trying to reconcile manmade theological assumptions and they thought that the issue was settled.
But now, comes the issue of the Holy Spirit. Who or what is the Spirit of God? Theologians of that century had to sit down once more and reconcile the problem that their former theological nonsense had caused. So they had to decide what to do with the Holy Spirit.
But since they were able to conceive of the two persons in one God, adding another person was no longer a difficult one. So out of another theological meandering, the Holy Spirit was made God and added to the list of two. Now there became three persons in one God.
Therefore, what we believe now about the doctrine of trinity was formed out of manmade assumptions that we have embraced as true biblical teaching.
Had the great theological thinkers left the unexplainable mystery of Jesus Christ and the Godhead untouched, there would be no such diverting issues of argument between Christians that up to this day is causing a lot of division and hurt to the body of Christ.

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