Rattery Information
My Rats
Ratty Fun
Rat Information

The PAR Family

Jack Bandit of PAR


Nickname(s): Jack, Bandit, Jack Attack, Jackalope

Birthday: Summer 2004

Color:  Black

Markings: EnglishBerkshire


Parents: unknown x unknown

Status:  Alive, companion only

Health:  Health Records Excellent. 

Temperament:  Jack is a curious boy who loves to romp around and attack socks.  He is extremely intelligent and needs supervision when playing during free range time.  He can get anywhere he wants, no matter what kind of preventative measures are in place.  He doesn't care much for snuggling, unless someone is rubbing him behind the ears--his favorite place.  He enjoys giving kisses and grooming fingernails of those he loves and trusts.

His Story:  Jack Bandit was a rat that I didn't expect to have.  He came to me in November of 2004 as a rescue from a pet store.  It was love at first sight.  The plan was to have him live with Ytterboe and Kittlesby, the older male rats I had, but for whatever reason Kittlesby wouldn't accept him into the colony and he was left alone.  I started looking for a cagemate for him and located Kain in early February.

The friendship between Jack and Kain was an iffy one.  Almost as if he had learned from Kittlesby, Jack was slightly pushy with shy baby Kain.  While not overly aggressive, I had doubts that they would ever be able to live together.  Slowly, however, Jack's dominant nature ebbed and Kain started to open up to having a friend.

Jack is a highly adventurous boy who loves to get to places he knows he doesn't belong.  His current favorite sleeping spot is under the bed, but his favorite hangout spot is on top of the TV (which is hard to get to).  He loves attention and will make noise so that I will come and see him.

He is the top rat of his cage and loves to remind Kain, Oz, Nitro, and Kasi about it when they forget.


The Many Faces of Jack Bandit

Last Updated: 04/30/06

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