Advise to newly called Stake RS President

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Hi .... My name is Carolyn and I have been recently called as the Stake Relief Society President. I am humbled, excited  and wondering what to do next. Any suggestions? besides the obvious knee work. TIA

Kay Brown
Subject: Re: RS: New Calling

Congratulations! or should I say condolences? As a relatively new Stake RS secretary in the new Stake RS presidency, we know what you are going through. The main thing we are learning is communication and in a timely manner. I remember getting stuff from the stake just a week or even the day before. That has improved under the last Stake RS presidency.
Another is to realize that although you will love all the women in your stake, your responsibility is over the Ward RS presidencies and secretaries. You are a RESOURCE not the AUTHORITY (their Bishop's are their direct line of authority and they report to them and are responsible to them). It makes it difficult sometimes because you will want to go in there and say "This is the way to do it!!!" and yet you really can't. You can TRAIN, ENCOURAGE, INSPIRE, etc. I would especially emphasize they (and You) read and use the principles and guidelines in the handbook, "information for Priesthood and Auxiliary Leaders on Curriculum 2001-2004", and the letter & topics on Home, Family, and Personal Enrichment to get a through grounding of the programs of RS.
I would also study section 16 in handbook book 1, "Gospel Teaching and leadership" and "Spiritual and Temporal Welfare" in handbook book 1, pg. 255 to 260.  It helps to read all this because sometimes we think something should be done a certain way but it really can be done in many different ways. Some things that we think are the only way is a ward or stake tradition or are carryovers from previous handbooks (boards are an example).  That was another thing we learned.
The Handbook is inspired because it gives principles with a few specifics. If you follow these, you will lead the wards in the direction that is pleasing unto the Lord. An example of what I mean of this is music. When I was president, I had a new 2nd counselor who had the assignment of Education. The stake counselor orienting her stressed that she had to have 3 months worth of music prepared or it was not done right among other things. After she left, my counselor was very overwhelmed. I encouraged her to do the program but in her own way. It worked. We did have music every Sunday but not necessarily had 3 months on paper. You have to work with the people and the people we had just didn't do it this way. The principle was to have inspirational music for Sunday. One way was to prepare 3 months in advance. Another was to have it done for one month. Another was to tell us that Sunday!! But the end result was that music was part of our meetings. She was performing her calling.

With Love and much prayer for your new calling, K
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