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The Sego Lily
A Relief Society Help Page

See "What's New??? for date of last update.

Note:  Not an official page of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, although it does support the mission of the church. 

I chose the name "Sego Lily" as a name for this page, because in the Relief Society handbook I read:

"The sego lily was selected as the emblem of Relief Society because of its usefulness in sustaining life in the early pioneer settlements.  It is also an appropriate symbol of purity, beauty, patient waiting through winter and darkness, and storing of strength for a time of blossoming."

I would like this site to be "useful" in helping my fellow sisters "sustain life" in their callings in the Relief Society.   There are other Relief Society sites which are wonderful and I recommend you visit them. 

The ideas I've collected here are actually things that have been sent to me, or that I've saved from a Relief Society email list (click here for subscribing instructions) that many sisters participate in.  Often I see one or another sister write "I can't find such-and-such idea that was posted to the list,  please post it again."

The idea for this site was born from a desire to have these ideas accessible to sisters to aid them in their callings and also to organize all the information and ideas I have saved into a usable format.  I hope that this site will be useful to many.   Debbie Delfin

Write me! Send your ideas or comments!              Graphics used from:flowers

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Debbie Delfin
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