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Board of Officers: 2002 - 2003


Dwi Poetranto - President

Heru Santoso - VicePresident

Simon Shi - Treasurer

Retired Chartered Accountant after over forty years' experience in the public and private sectors. Born in Cianjur and grew up in Bandung and Jakarta. Favourite dish: Gado-gado Cemara style. Having been Permai's Treasurer in the past years, Simon will once again play a key role in helping the Board of Directors make this another successful year.

Anthony Hardy - Assistant Treasurer

Grace Santoso - Secretary

As a new resident in Vancouver, arrived in April in 2001 to join her husband and two daughters, she is currently acting as a housewife after spending the last 22 years working in a foreign bank in Jakarta. She has recently decided to take her early retirement to be together with the whole family. With her banking experience background and leadership, she is committed to do her best to help make the association a better tool for the Indonesian Communities in reaching their goals.

Ken Sinaga - Assistant Secretary

Ken was born in North Sumatra. He graduated from Bandung Institute of Technology in 1992 with major in Mechanical Engineering. He has over ten years of working experience in Engineering Consultant, Satellite TV, Oil and Gas and Electronics Retailer. He arrived in Canada in the spring of 1999. Currently his wife and he are living in Vancouver.

Ganis Satria - Logistic Officer

Daniel Suharya - Programming Officer

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