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the key to proficient and successful time tracking and management in your work place. It is a software-based time and attendance system complete with robust hardware that allows you to collect and organize your employee time data simply and accurately.

Choose the Best Time and Attendance Company

Choose the Best Time and Attendance Company

Is it time to replace that old time clock? Smart leaders have learned that today's time and attendance systems provide more security, better reporting, and enhanced usability, compared to old-fashioned time clocks. The best time clock attendance manufacturers will design a system that's easy for your employees to use and at the same time, gives you the control and information you need.

Do a detailed comparison of each time clock attendance company. Don't just trust companies when they say their system is easiest to use: Try it yourself or check out their track record! Genuine / reputable companies should be able to demonstrate both the hardware – the contactless (RFID) cards, swipe cards or badges that employees will use to clock in and out – and the software, the administrative interface you'll use to manage the system.

Another characteristic of the best time and attendance companies is that they'll help you integrate their system with the rest of your HR and security infrastructure. Most importantly, is how the time and attendance software will need to connect to your payroll system: it's best if the entire process is automated. In other wo0rds, let the experts (with foundation of experience) customised it all for you. Another common point of integration to take note is between time tracking and access control systems: with one swipe of a card or the latest RFID (contactless) smart card system, an employee can clock in and unlock a door.

Are time clocks in the market the best choice?
At the end of the day, even the best time clocks are easily abused. “Buddy punching,” clocking in or out for a colleague, is common place, and while it may be only 5 or 15 minutes in most cases, it can quickly add up to a more serious problem. Modern time and attendance systems prevent abuses like these.

However, the best time clock attendance companies offer systems that strike a balance between security and respecting employees' privacy. While you could choose a biometric system like a biometric fingerprint scanner/reader/encoder to verify every employee, is it really worth it? Look for a time and attendance vendor who is realistic about the level of security you need and demonstrates an understanding of how the entire system will impact your employees and benefits your company.

Other characteristics of the best time clock attendance companies

Here are several more questions to consider in your search for the best time and attendance company:

  • Do they take the time to get to know your business, environment and specific needs?
  • Do they have other clients in your industry and of your size?
  • Is their proposal detailed, practical and clear?
  • Are maintenance programme and upgrades included? How regularly? How much?
  • Do they have after sales support service to help you if your system has any problems?
  • Do they have a solid track record in the industry


Ultimately, the best time and attendancetime tracking companies are those that regard your business like a partner, taking time to understand your needs so they can offer a real solution that you'll be happy with.

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