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3ACV10: Where The Buggalo Roam
First UK airing: Sky One, 7:00pm, 21-4-02

"Now remember, Kif, the quickest way to a girl's bed is through her parents. Have sex with them and you're in."

Hooray! Amy finally broke through the 400 lines mark! In 49 episodes (bearing in mind 'A Tale Of Two Santas' has managed to slip by Sky's radar, dammit), that's almost 8.5 lines per week! (Huh, doesn't sound quite as impressive put that way.) So, the big question now is, will she crack 500 lines by the time the series ends?

Well, it's a big question for me.

So, what did I make of this year's Amy show? Or, more accurately, last year's Amy show, thanks to the deliberate 'hiatus'-inducing stupidity of Fox's schedulers. (Hey, does that mean there'll be a this/next year's Amy show? Or a last/this year's show next year? Or a this year's and next year's this year, or a last year's and this year's next year? Hey, this is nearly as confusing as time travel!) Well, I liked it. Not a world-shaker by any means, but it was fun and fast-paced, the plot was there to advance the jokes rather than the other way around, and even the characters who weren't playing a major part in the story (which in an unusual change included Fry, Leela and Bender!) all had their moments. Even Hermes got in a couple of good gags, and how often does that happen? Fry's parade of "Where?" jokes wore a bit thin, but Zoidberg continually abusing the Wongs' hospitality worked because each time the joke was repeated, it built on the last time. I can't say I'm surprised that even Amy got mad about it eventually. Who'd want to be related to Zoidberg?

Other funny parts: the Pepto-Bismol (and Fry having it slathered around his mouth while he eats), Zoidberg and the caviare, Bender's rant at Fry's ghost story, and Leela taking time out to squirt her eye full of Optrex. The business with the Slurm can was a great reversal of the expected joke (which I was expecting even though I'm British! I obviously watch too much American TV) as well.

The big news of course was that Amy and Kif haven't, y'know, done it yet. And thanks to Fox, they've been dating for a year! Maybe she doesn't deserve her past reputation. After all, the only person we know she's got off with is Fry, and he's just the slut of the universe! (I'm sure that, by 3002AD, human society will have advanced enough to include male sluts.)

There was plenty of stuff for detail fanatics to pick up on about Amy and her family, and it was good to see a part of Mars that wasn't Mars University for a change. Liked the bit about the Great Stone Ass of Mars, as well. Because the whole 'Face on Mars' thing is a bunch of arse!The designers and animators seemed to have a lot of fun with the show as well, right down to little details like the horseshoe on Kif's belt pointing in an unlucky direction. Will he ever get a break? Wait, what am I saying -- he's dating Amy! The bastard!

By the way, Bender (or John DiMaggio -- the DVD revealed that he sounds just like Bender!) just has the greatest cruel and filthy laugh imaginable. I wish I laughed like that!


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