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3ACV06: Bendless Love
First UK airing: Sky One, 8:30pm, 18-2-01

"He's a menace to every straight person in the company!"

On the face of it, this should have been a big, blaring, warning sign episode. Flexo and the Robot Mafia dragged back in the same story? Hell, Matt 'n' Dave, why don't you haul in Guenter, Cubert and Michelle while you're at it? However, thank TPTB that this wasn't a guest star episode -- instead, the non-regulars were wheeled in for jokes and plot advancement, then quickly removed so the main cast could all have their scenes, which is the way it should be.

It was quite weird that this was the third romance-themed episode of Futurama in a row -- presumably Valentine's Day was responsible for it being shown quite a long way out of order. First Fry/Leela, then Amy/Kif and now Bender/Angleina. Funnily enough, only one of those relationships worked out... they must be saving the others for the season finale of about year six.

All that aside, 'Bendless Love' was standard Futurama fare -- some good jokes (I thought what Bender did to Zoidberg's slinky was hilarious!), some fairly obvious ones and a story that had its moments but didn't really linger in the mind. Characters like Elzar did their regular schtick but without adding anything new, and Angleine, a couple of one-liners aside, wasn't the most memorable guest character the show's ever had. 3ACV06 wasn't anywhere near Futurama's high points, but then it was comfortably clear of its worst episodes as well. Apart from that, there's not a lot more I can say. Hey, at least it saves valuable bandwidth!


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