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3ACV04: The Luck Of The Fryrish
First UK airing: Sky One, 8:30pm, 25-3-01

"Here lies Philip J Fry, named for his uncle, to carry on his spirit."

When can a great episode be a bad thing? When it points out just easy it is for comedy writers to take the lazy way out. 'The Luck Of The Fryrish' was something that doesn't appear often in sitcoms (which at the most basic level is what Futurama is), a funny show that also has a genuine emotional impact. Fry's discovery at the end of the episode -- and the flashback that led to it -- were truly affecting, and go to prove (not that I was in any doubt) that Fry, unlike the overweight male lead of another Matt Groening animated sitcom, really does have the potential to evolve as a character.

Which brings me back to my original point, because taking the easy way out when writing a Futurama script just leads to one "Isn't Fry a moron!" joke after another. 'A Fishful Of Dollars', 'Mars University', 'Fry And The Slurm Factory' and (ugh) 'The Cryonic Woman' are all examples of this kind of story. It's a lot easier to take the piss out of a caricature than it is to devise a way to put a character through the wringer about something that actually matters to them, after all.

But then, some people like Adam Sandler movies, so what do I know?

Enough of this rampant pseudo-intellectual analysis. 'Fryrish' filled in a lot of Fry's backstory, introduced his family (and explained just why he was so delighted they'd been dead for a millennium in 1ACV01) and kept up continuity with what we already knew about him. And what could be a more human angle to a story than sibling rivalry? Sure, we all like robots and mutants and floating space brains, but it's refreshing to see such a down-to-earth plot given a unique twist.

This episode actually had a lot in common with an episode of Voyager, '11:59'. Both shows revolved heavily around flashbacks to our recent past, both concerned the family of the central character and both ended with that character discovering something previously unknown about their family history. The weird thing is, that despite Voyager ostensibly being a drama (although I disagree -- DS9 was drama, while Voyager is action-adventure, as far as I'm concerned) and Futurama obviously a comedy, the latter produced a far more personal and effective story. Come on, you'd have to have the cold and logical heart of a robot not to have had at least a little lump in your throat at the end. This episode definitely joins the greats.

It was slightly odd that Amy wouldn't think the name 'Philip J Fry' seemed a bit familiar, seeing as she's from Mars herself and does seem quite proud of the fact. On the other hand, she is only a C-student -- maybe history's not her thing. (One whole line for Amy this week! Good job Lauren voices Inez too, which let her double her involvement in the episode!) You would also think that the Professor might have known he was a distant descendant of the legendary Philip J Fry, though on his part good ol' senility can account for that.

Maybe some people might think I'm being overly sentimental in giving 'Fryrish' five blobs, since it could be argued that the rate at which jokes were delivered was slightly lower than usual. I disagree. After all, the show did end with our heroes having just desecrated a grave -- not normally something associated with mushiness!


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