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3ACV03: A Tale Of Two Santas
First UK airing: Sky One, 7:00pm, 30-6-02

"My God, the real Santa! Get him, Jesus!"

Ah, Sky's schedulers. They can always be relied upon to put episodes on at suitable times, like having a Christmas episode in midsummer, absolutely as far from Christmas as it's possible to get. Still, I shouldn't moan too much. At least they finally got around to showing it!

Not quite as good as Santa's first Xmas outing, but a close second nevertheless, 'Two Santas' had Bender in an uncharacteristically helpful mode, which made his eventual rampage, after becoming the target of every citizen of NNYC, all the more entertaining (I especially liked him nailing the little girl with the bicycle gun for her second year running). Although it was hard to hear under the sounds of battle and the screams of terrified people, Christopher Tyng did another good job of perverting traditional Christmas music to sinister ends, as well. Also worthy of note was John DiMaggio's perfect mimicry of John Goodman's voice for Santa *and* Dan Castellaneta's for the Robot Devil!

The musical number, which sometimes in the past has brought shows to an abrupt stop, worked well here, although Sky inevitably blanked out Bender swearing (in the first showing, at least -- to my annoyance, the Friday repeat went out uncut, and of course I wasn't taping it!). What was the deal with the elves holding hands, by the way? Is this some weird Christmas thing that only happens in the States, like not having a proper Boxing Day?

The Professor turning into an unstoppable gun nut was a great bit of business, and the way he kept plugging Bender with his shotgun just added to the rare sympathy for our favourite evil robot (did you know that Slashdot actually ran a poll where you could vote for your favourite *non-Bender* sci-fi robot? They obviously knew who would have won otherwise...). Amy didn't half look cute in her Santa gear too, and Zoidberg was brilliant as Jesus. "I help those who help themselves!"

The downside is that this episode marks the end of another season of Futurama, and a stupidly truncated one at that. As the saying goes, fuck Fox. (It seems their current policy is to treat shows they don't own as badly as possible, so they can cancel them and make way for in-house shows that cost less and earn them money in foreign and syndication sales. Business it may be, but it's also very shabby and short-sighted. However, they're losing market share by the day, so maybe viewers who like their shows to be at least half-decent will get the last laugh.) But anyway, time to enjoy the festive Xmas weather. It may be July now, but it's pissing down with rain -- just like a real British Christmas!


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