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1ACV11: Mars University
First UK airing: Sky One, 8:30pm, 29-2-00

"All he handed in was a paper smeared with faeces. He tied with Fry."

I was a bit worried about this episode before I saw it for one very simple reason -- American universities are very, very different from British universities. The entire concept of fraternities and sororities, for instance, is something with absolutely no counterpart in the UK. Students in Britain find similar people to get drunk with without the help of complicated societies. With only Animal House and Scream 2 to provide background, would I understand the jokes?

Fortunately, they turned out to be all I needed. Although the promos had made it look as though Bender's antics with Robot House would be the main focus of the episode, they turned out to be the B-story -- and the A-story about Fry's rivalry with Guenter was a procession of razor-sharp gags delivered with absolutely perfect timing. Just as well, since if you were looking for insightful character comedy, 'Mars University' did it as well as The Nanny. (Ouch!)

Any show, whether comedy or drama, that allows a guest star to take centre stage in a story is always running the risk of failure. No matter how good the character, the fact is that he or she isn't one of the people we've invested time and (hopefully) some degree of emotional attachment into, so we really don't care that much about them. With Guenter getting so much attention -- easily as much as Fry, and certainly more than Leela -- 'Mars University' was at times in danger of turning into 'The One With The Talking Monkey'. The Simpsons can get away with the occasional episode where a secondary character like Burns, Skinner or Moe comes to the fore, because they're already quite well-defined (you should hope so, after 11 years). Futurama, on the other hand, is still building up its secondary cast, and it's barely soon enough to give regulars like Amy or Hermes an episode of their own, yet Guenter just appeared out of nowhere (probably for this one appearance, though -- as I've since been informed about the suicide booths from my review of 1ACV01 -- I should never totally rule anything out) and became the focus of the episode. If the jokes hadn't worked so well, 'Mars University' would have been Futurama's first flop.

As for those jokes, they ranged from the clever (the contents of the Wong library, "I don't know how to teach -- I'm a professor!", Mentholyptus Hall) to good ol' toilet humour (hey, even Shakespeare used it) via the amusingly cruel. The Professor gassing a treeful of jungle creatures, and the payoff, cracked me up -- all those Tom & Jerry cartoons I watched as a kid must have made me a sucker for violent acts against cartoon animals. It was also good to see the evil genius side of the Professor getting a rare outing. Maybe he'll finally get around to building those octagonal atomic monsters some day...

One bizarre thing was Guenter's voice, which sounded so much like Nelson Muntz that I expected a "Ha ha!" and was convinced Nancy Cartwright would be credited as a guest star... but it turned out to be Tress MacNeille. Truly uncanny mimicry. Either Fox has a backup plan for if the voice of Bart Simpson wants a pay rise, or my official Simpsons book messed up the 'Who Does What Voice' credits. (Another bizarre thing was the opening theme -- I almost had a fit because for a few seconds I thought that Sky had screwed up the sound!)

Incidentally, season two is turning Futurama into The Parody Show™, at least based on its first three episodes. Titanic in 'A Flight To Remember', a triple-bill of Star Wars, Independence Day and Ally McBeal in 'When Aliens Attack', and now Animal House here. I don't think even The Simpsons did parodies three weeks on the trot. (Hell, I don't think even Spitting Image did!) Time for something original, I think...

A final question -- what was Amy, who as we all know is a member of Kappa Kappa Wong, doing on the Epsilon Rho Rho float in the parade? That girl will go with anybody!


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