Searching for the Pope: Extra-Ordinary Papal Election Round-Up.

This site and the pages below are devoted to the endeavour for justifying "Conclavism," the extra-ordinary means being explored for supplying the Church with a true pope, or finding if this has already been achieved.
MAIN DOCUMENT: Papal Claimants See also Robert F. Hess' Papal Claimants page

  1. Fulton Sheen On Catholic Controversy.
  2. Mr. John Lane's "Some comments on Lay papal elections."
  3. Mr. John Lane's "Bellarmine on extraordinary papal elections."
  4. Robert Hess Against An Extra-Ordinary Papal Election.
  5. Rebuttal of Hess' Position
  6. Orthopapism - Mission Statement & Fundamental Jusitification of An Extra-Ordinary Papal Election
  7. Against the Claim of David Bawden, 'Pope Michael'
  8. Excerpts From Bawden In Favor of An Papal Election...
  9. Constance, in the Catholic Encyclopedia, article on 'Infallibility'
  10. Catholic Encyclopedia article 'Election of the Pope'
  11. Catholic Encyclopedia article 'Papal Elections.'
  12. Catholic Encyclopedia article 'The Pope'
  13. Catholic Encyclopedia article on the Ecumenical Council of Constance. Very Relevant!
  14. In Defence of Innovations
  15. Various topics...
  16. A Final Request to "Linus II" & "Pius XIII" to prove their claims to the papacy.
  17. Lucian Pulvermacher in Defense of Occultism.
  18. Home Alone?

Prakash John Mascarenhas, Bombay. India.
Papal Issues Site at EOPERU: Extra-Ordinary Papal Election Round-Up
Email me at Prakash John Mascarenhas @ Yahoo!
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