Why We Oppose Papal Claimants

© 1999 by Robert F. Hess, Editor, the Saint Francis Newsletter

Revised: October 9, 1999.
As of this date there has been fifteen people who have conducted a conclave or assumed the papacy.

They Are Scandalous.

David Bawden, who took the name of Michael I, was elected by his Mother and Father and four others on July 16, 1990. Does the will of six conclavists obligate the rest of us?

This writer could easily have more than six supporters were we to conduct a conclave. We could have 15 people: our four children, their spouses and our seven grandchildren, all of whom are here in Paradise CA. We could easily become Pope Bob I!

Fr. Lucian Pulvermacher, O. F. M., Cap., was elected by between 50 and 100 people, but he's not saying. Is he embarrassed? The Capuchin Franciscan took the name of "Pius XIII." Does the will of "50 to 100" conclavists obligate the rest of us? Only twenty-eight followers attended his "consecration" as a bishop on July 4, 1999. The day was a holiday here in the States and a Sunday, with most people off work. Why didn't more supporters attend? Could it be that their numbers are few?

As of October 9 '99, some 25,601 people have visited his papal page on the Internet and not one has been featured in their World Reaction page to congratulate him. Not one!

Comments on our negative writing on Pope Pulvermacher have been received from only about four people - those who worked towards his election. One is a "Pius XIII cardinal" now, a Gordon Bateman in Australia. He is a married layman. We suspect the other four are also cardinals, perhaps some were created "in petto" (created in the breast, secretly.) In all, Pope Pulvermacher created seven cardinals, two announced and five kept secret.

Why haven't we heard from any other supporters? Is it because their sect is very small? Do they obligate the rest of us to follow Pope Pulvermacher?

The "Mystical" Popes

On our web page we list seven men who claim that they were made pope by God or Our Lady. We call them the "Mystical" Papal Claimants.
  1. The first papal claimant that claimed to be 'mysticly" chosen was Michael Collin. It was on October 7, 1950, that he was allegedly mystically crowned by God the Father, no less. ("The Life Story of the True Vicar of Christ, Pope Clement XV - Miraculous Pope -- 1960 Fatima Secret," distributed by St. Joseph's Church, Cicero, IL, 60650.)

  2. Next in line is papal claimant Gaston Tremblay - Gregory XVII - who claims he was "mysticly" made the pope by Jesus Himself on June 24, 1968. (The Mystical Pope, April 22, 1993. Sanctuary of the Keys, St. Jovite, Quebec, Canada.

  3. The third person to claim a mystical appointment is Clemente Dominguez Gomez. According to Palmarian Church literature, Our Lord Jesus Christ paced the papal tiara on Clemente Gomez on August 6, 1978. (His Holiness Pope Gregory XVII, undated pamphlet, page 9.)

  4. Next, Francis Konrad Schuckardt. In a booklet on his life, a "reference to Bishop Schuckardt as Pope Hadrian VII" is found with "a chart showing Our Lady of Guadaloupe presenting the Papal tiara to Bishop Schuckardt." (Letter from Fr. Denis Philomena Marie [Chicoine], CMRI, dated June 21, 1984. Section 2, Claims to the Papacy, page 3.)

    No date has been found by this writer, but Schuckardt�s "papacy" was challenged by the CMRI in Spokane, Washington, in 1984. So for the sake of argument, let's say he was "crowned" in 1984.

  5. Fifth in line is the Frenchman, Maurice Archieri, who goes by "Peter II." He is either in Paris, or one of its suburbs. His assistant priest originally wouldn't discuss with me who ordained and consecrated his pope. Archieri, according to his web page, was mysticly given the Papacy in 1995 "by operation of the Holy Spirit." (His web site now includes a section on the episcopal lineage of Archieri. It goes back into what appears to be Old Catholic lines.)

  6. Then there's Peter II, Chester Olszewski, who lives in Bradford, Pennsylvania. He used the name of "Peter II" in 1980 and again in 1997. In "1977, the Daily News reported that Olszewski was preaching a new religion, which 'teaches that God has picked [Olszewski] to be the new saviour of the world." (The Philadelphia Enquirer, June 19, 1997, page B01)

  7. Lastly, Fr. Valeriano Vestini, O.F.M., Cap. He goes by the name of Valeriano I. He claims to have received the papacy from God. (Personal correspondence from South America, Sept. 25, 1999. Quoting from a cult awareness page in Italy.) This mystical papacy was supposedly created in 1990.

Does God the Father, or Our Lord Jesus Christ, or the Blessed Mother mysticly crown a pope in 1950, 1968, 1978, 1980, 1984, 1990, and finally again in 1995, seven popes within 45 years? Was the previous mystic pope dismissed by God before He again made one of the claimants pope? Why didn't the previous "popes" step down after the next took over? When one considers these facts, they soon realize why we call the mystic popes a scandalous bunch.

Three In The Wings

Surprisingly, three others appear to be unaware of the above papal claimant history as they make plans to be your "pope."

Australian William Kamm, who is also known as "The Little Pebble," is posed to come forward as Pope Peter Romanus II when John-Paul II dies because Our Blessed Mother allegedly told him that he will be the next pope.

In Washington, D.C., Kenneth J. Mock, who may have worked for a papal conclave since the late 1980's, appears intent on a lay/clergy conclave when a sufficient number of people from most continents are represented. He has been active in Spokane, Washington, in holding conferences that explored the possibility of a conclave. That three factions broke from his Instauratio Auctoritatis Ecclesiae has not detoured his plans.

Those defections were: in 1990: David Bawden who took the name of Pope Michael I; 1994: Fr. Victor von Pentz, who became Pope Linus II; 1998: Fr. Lucian Pulvermacher, OFM CAP., who took the name of Pius XIII.

A Woman Pope At St. Jovite?

A former student at the school of the Monastery of the Apostles at St. Jovite, Quebec, Canada, alleges that a woman pope is there, ready to take over when Gaston Tremblay dies. Imagine that, a woman pope! The allegation is made on a cult awareness site on the Internet. See our Conclave Watch web page for further information.

Pope Pius XII's 1945 Decree

Considering the scandalous record we just enumerated, is there any wonder why we hold firm to Pope Pius XII's Vacantis Apostolicae Sedis (1945)?

Had the conclavists obediently followed the wishes of our last true pope, we would not have the present proliferation of wannabe popes. His Holiness said that only the Cardinals can elect a pope, and the laity and others could not.

Yes, this does present a problem.

According to two articles in the 30 Days magazine, all the cardinals in the world are from John XXIII to the present John-Paul II. (30 Days, issue # 3, 1994, page 20; issue # 11,1994, page 27.)

Since the acts of power of those who deviated from the Catholic faith can not be considered valid (cf. Cum ex Apostolatus and Canon Law # 188, no. 4), the appointments by false popes John XXIII throught John-Paul II are invalid. In effect, we do not have cardinals today in the Catholic Church.

But this could change if at least one or two Catholic bishops unaffected by "Vatican Council Two" come forward from Eastern Europe, Asia or perhaps out of retirement.

Such a bishop or bishops could declare the Vatican apostate and make preparations for a conclave.

We could support such a development as long as the bishops totally rejected the "Second Vatican Council" (1962 - 1965), be attached to the Holy Mass as it was set in 1570 by Pope St. Pius V, and be of the traditional Catholic faith. They must not be of any of the various "bishops" from the questionable traditionalist sects. We could add more conditions, but let this suffice.

We would have to study such a development very closely before we would support and promote it.

But God could have something entirely different planned. So let us not be in a rush to have more "conclaves" that create more "popes."

Why We Created The Papal Claimants Web Site

Two reasons:
  1. It is our opinion that, if people could see what has been done by some conclavist traditionalists, they would realize that the approach is wrong.

    As we can see from the information in the web site, scandal after scandal has come from some of the claimants.

    If the movement was from the Holy Ghost, it would be flawless and it would have worked.

  2. By placing all this information the Internet we open it up to critical inspection. Two benefits are:
    1. Mistakes would be brought to our attention and we would correct them promptly.

    2. People would contribute details where they are lacking.

As a result, the site would become an accurate depository of information concerning papal claimants. As such, it could help Holy Mother Church by preventing more papal claimants.

Our Advice

Let us wait on Almighty God to restore the papacy.

It could be done through a handful of true bishops coming out from retirement, as we said earlier.

Or perhaps the many prophecies of the saints and mystics are accurate, which happens to be our own personal opinion.

God, through a divine intervention, could restore the papacy.

But we must do our part if God is going to help us.

Let us study and pray. Study your Catholic faith and help others understand why and how the present Modernist Apostasy came about.

Pray and sacrifice as Our Lady of Fatima requested in 1917. You know the requests she made there: say the daily rosary, wear the brown scapular, and perform your daily duty.

Pray fervently that God will step in and restore His one, holy, Catholic and apostolic Church.

And pray, too, that we do not experience any more scandalous one-candidate conclaves and outright assumptions.

Ad Jesum per Mariam, Robert F. Hess, Editor, St. Francis Newsletter, 1554 Kay Court, Paradise CA 95969-4303
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