The Cyber Dwelling of a Canaanite Pagan
Pagan Message Boards

  Looking to communicate with pagans?  Have a question?  Seeking advice?  Talk with pagans around the globe and from different religions via message board!  These boards welcome anyone with an interest in pagan topics.  For more ways to network, see the Pagan E-Lists page for additional groups.

General Pagan Boards

The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum
The Cauldron is a forum for those who like to discuss and debate pagan topics in a polite and intelligent manner.  A variety of pagans and non-pagans with different perspectives, beliefs, and backgrounds come together to converse here.  The forum is always active with many thought-provoking discussions. 

A Witches' Thicket
A Witches' Thicket is another very active forum bustling with discussion.  Witches, pagans, and anyone else interested in witchcraft and pagan religions will find a variety of subjects to talk about here. 

Annwn's Cauldron
Annwn's Cauldron is a wonderful forum for pagan and witchcraft discussion and resource suggestions.  A well-respected witchcraft course is also set up in the forum that allows members to work through the free lessons at their own pace and get feedback from the creator of the course and other members.

Teen Witch Online
Teen Witch Online is a forum for teen pagans and witches to find information and share ideas.  The forum is staffed by experienced adults who enjoy talking with teens and answering questions.  The board is carefully moderated to maintain an appropriate environment for younger people.

The Midnight Garden
The Midnight Garden is a great place to visit for anyone who likes a mixture of playfulness and thoughtful discussion.  One will find members who follow a variety of religions here sharing their ideas, beliefs, and opinions in a friendly and mature fashion.

Specific Pagan Boards

Asatru Lore
Asatru Lore is a forum for those with an interest in the religion of Asatru and other heathen religions or heathen-influenced paths.  Those with an interest in honest and respectful discussion and debate are welcome regardless of beliefs.  

Ta-Mery: Kemetic Paths
Ta-Mery is a forum devoted to Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) spirituality and religion in the context of modern paganism.  No particular temples or organizations are endorsed here.  Different approaches and views are respected.  Anyone who has an interest in Kemeticism is welcome.
Questions? Comments? Suggestions?
Contact me at:
[email protected]
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