The Cyber Dwelling of a Canaanite Pagan
Pagan E-Lists
Mailing lists can be a great way to network with others.  Yahoo Groups has thousands of e-lists available to choose from.  These are a handful I've run across that put an emphasis on academic sources and critical thinking.  For more ways to network, see the Pagan Message Boards page for additional groups.

General Pagan Mailing Lists

The Cauldron and Candle
A well-established monthly pagan newsletter with book and tarot deck reviews, news pertaining to the main forum and website, articles, humor, and more.  Back issues can be found here.

Reconstructionist Interfaith

A list for those interested in recon-centered discussion, outreach, and networking.  Anyone with an interest in pagan reconstructionist religions may join in and participate as long as they follow the rules and stay on topic.

Specific Pagan Mailing Lists

The Wiccan Collegium
The Wiccan Collegium is dedicated to fostering an atmosphere open to learning about the Wiccan religion through questions and discussion.  Seekers, newcomers to Wicca, experienced Wiccans, and anyone else with an interest in learning more about Wicca are welcome.

Amber and Jet
Amber and Jet was created for those initiated into or sincerely interested in exploring British Traditional Wicca groups.  Networking, community support, debate, and honest discussions can be found here.  A Seeker list is also available to help people find local groups for teaching and initiation.

Natib Qadish
Natib Qadish welcomes anyone who wishes to discuss various aspects of the ancient religious practices and beliefs of Canaan.   Read back through the archives and check out their files, photos, links, and recommended reading list.

Hellenic Paganism
A place for discussion about ancient Hellenic religion and culture and modern Hellenic-influenced religions.   

A Hellenic reconstructionist group focusing on the beliefs and practices of modern Hellenic recons.  Discussions vary from ancient worship to living life as a Hellenic in today's world.

Jewitchery (NEW)
An intermediate to advanced list for "jewitches" or those who combine Judaism with some form of paganism, witchcraft, magical practice, or mysticism.

JudeoPagan Basics (NEW)
A beginner-level discussion group for those interested in modern Jewish pagan, magical, and witchcraft traditions.

Religio Romana
A discussion group for those interested in or active in reconstructing the religion of ancient Rome.
Questions? Comments? Suggestions?
Contact me at:
[email protected]
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