A small but very important railway station in its day! Situated some twenty kilometers South of Hastings,(on the Hawkes Bay line) With multiple tracks, bankers and a very involved signalling system.This station even boasted a refreshment room (demolished in 1945) and an external open loo for the gents! The work commitment of this station supporting up to six workers and with accommodation in the way of railway houses built purposefully for the workers and families.

The traffic of the day was, everything from livestock of various types to wool and any other manufactured good that had to get over the hill. - hauled by steam engines of various types until steam was no longer King - then the diesels took over. It was during this period of the sixties that the decline in trade took over and the railway suffered, The small stations were no longer needed, the need to stop and pick up water so often was not necessary, eventually in 1981 the goods track was pulled up , maintenance declined, the station and non used buildings were left for dead.

Opapa Railway Station was closed up and left as if leaving work on Friday evening, BUT never re-opened the next day, between this time and 1993 a lot of vandalism occurred and everything removed from the building (even the toilet bowl) leaving the barest of shells - not by Railway workers we are told, but by thieves and vandals, even the water tank and stand were removed from the property, presumably used for firewood -
** thieving blighters.**

The grounds became overgrown and non definable, the building started to deteriorated faster and left for firewood - until -

In 1993 a few people saw this deteriorated building and decided that it should be brought back to life - A few words to the owners and these few people just in the nick of time managed to save it from the bulldozers and definite loss forever. - At least this part of our Rail heritage has so far been preserved.

Now that group of two or three has extended to over twenty five volunteers whom give their time to help restore the station, Such is their interest and devotion to Railway History - Work done so far includes clearing of the grounds and making the lawns mowable, the building had to be totally repiled and rotten wallboards replaced as with corner boards, and the building painted and the guttering replaced.

The grounds require constant attention and further restoration is yet to come with the resurfacing of the platform which to date has to be the most expensive and extensive project tackled, repairing the door frames and doors. And replacing missing items from inside the building.

But this all takes time and effort and money, This money coming from grants from the Eastern And Central Bank Community Grants, The rail Heritage Trust and with members contributions, which have been made up of subs, selling of cans and firewood when available.

The Friends Of Opapa Railway Station WILL see this project finished.

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