Sieving a range with Mikael Klasson’s proth_sieve:


Several projects make use of proth_sieve including PSP, RieselSieve and SoB. It is a handy method of eliminating k/n combinations, thereby avoiding waste of precious time.


Proth_sieve works differently on SSE2 capable machines (such as P4s and new AMDs) than on other machines. Choose a version appropriate to whether or not you have SSE2. If you don’t know if you have SSE2, then look here.


Instructions on how to sieve a range with proth_sieve:


1. First of all you have to reserve a range at the website of whatever project you are helping. If you need help doing that look for the guide about that specific project on this site.


2. Download your version of proth_sieve (preferably from here but if the page cannot be found then it’s mirrored here).


3. Unzip it (if you downloaded from the mirror then unzip your version from the zip inside the zip).


4a. Download the newest version of sob.dat (or Riesel.dat for RieselSieve)

PSP:              If you’re sieving for PSP, then get it here. Note: This is the “combined” sob.dat, which is used to sieve for both PSP and SoB.

RieselSieve:    RieselSievers should get riesel.dat from here

SoB:              If you’re doing SoB then get it here. Note: This is the 991-50M dat.


4b. Extract it to your proth_sieve directory replacing any sob.dat already there.


5. Run proth_sieve and you should see the following screen:

Proth_sieve asking for work


6. Enter the starting number of your range. Press enter. Enter the ending number of your range.


7. Now proth_sieve goes to work. When it’s finished (then it shuts itself down or asks for more work) you must submit the results (the fact.txt) to PSP, SoB, Rieselsieve or whoever you’re working for.


How to use Rieselator/Sobistrator:

I’m assuming you’re now happily running proth_sieve, but maybe you want to know how long it takes to complete your range? You can use Sobistrator for that.

Sobistrator is a helpful tool, which allows you to monitor proth_sieve at multiple computers at once and see how long it takes to finish a range. There is also a Rieselator available to those who are testing k*b^n-1 instead of +1:


For PSP and SoB:

1. Download sobistrator, unzip it and run it


2. Click the options button and (if you want to be credited) enter your SoB username in the “username” (if you’re from PSP you don’t enter anything).

2b. If you’re working on a PSP range then change the website at the top of the options menu to “mailto:[email protected]”.


3. On the right side of the list of machines (which will probably be empty) are 3 buttons. Click new and enter a name and the locations of fact.txt and SobStatus.dat (if you aren’t already sieving then they won’t appear).

Configuring my first machine


4. Click OK and OK and you should be able to see your new PC appearing on the list of machines. You can then click Refresh to get a clear view of how much has been done and when you’ll be finished.


5. If you want to report in with new factors periodically, simply click the “Copy new” button. Then you’ll only need to paste the factors into the submit form/email which will pop up (PSP users remember to write your name in the mail).


6. After you have successfully submitted the factors press the “Mark as old” button to avoid submitting the same stuff twice.


For RieselSieve:

This is the exact same approach as above apart from that you have to download rieselator instead and that you’ll have to find the RieselStatus.dat instead of SobStatus.dat. It’s very straightforward so if you understand the guide to sobistrator, I believe this will be just as easy.



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Index – Mersenneforum Projects

   Sieving with NewPGen

   Using LLR

   Using LLRNET

Checking for SSE2




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