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Persatuan Sains & Ilmu Hisab


Committee members:

Mr Goon Swee Kum
Mr Israel Solomon
Mr Lum How Kee
Mr Koh Kwai Hong
Mrs Teoh Hunt Thuim
Cik Salleha bt Hj Muhammad
SUO Hussein b Mud
P/Sgt Au Chai Onn
Mohd Bakri Dahlan (Until June)
Basil Devendran (From June)
Affendi Abdullah
Abdullah Chik
Nur Effendi Abd Aziz
Yusuf Rahmat

1978 brought a difference in the selection of office bearers. Unlike the previous years, this year the selection system was by means of lot casting, in which each putra (science stream Putras only) was given a ballot paper filled with the candidates' names for the various posts in the society. Although there was little campaigning, there was an encouraging response from the putras, the above officer bearers were elected in the process.

The society started its activities for the year with the publishing of the science Bulletin 'the Putra'. Despite competition from other clubs and societies, the "bulletin" managed to grab hold of the putras to donate articles of scientific interest. On the whole, the publishing was successful but we have to leave it out in the second term due to lack of time.

The Biological garden which is now two years old has flourished and is being well kept by the fourth formers. The aquariums at our fish-rearing site have also improved and many of the fish have been able to breed successfully. It is hoped that the aquarium and the garden would serve as an important factor in ecological studies for the putras.

The society also sent a team to participate in the Inter-School 6th Form Science. Quiz organised by the Victoria lnstitution's Science Union. This quiz was for the Esso-Challenge trophy. The putras did quite well and out of several schools taking part, we came up fifth.

At the Collegel level, the society is organising the Annual Inter-Coy Science Quiz very soon. The initial date of the quiz was fixed for late June but due to the mid-year examinations being held at the same time it had to be postponed.

The Society has also other activities to be carried out before the end of the year. This includes a visit to the Chemistry Department, the screening of more science films and also visits to various firms such as the Lever Brothers Malaysia Sdn Bhd, and the New Straits Times. The society hoped that with less college activities left, these activities can be carried out as planned.

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