My Peoples!!!

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This is Kyle Arnold Abbott AKA Zike (pronounced schike).  He's best known for his cats (CK and Coco) which are really cool, but not as cool as Beavise's cat Eyes!  Kyle is also famous for his ability to sweat a 100 more times more than most people, inability to swim and ability to eat a lot of cheese.  Kyle holds respectable records for eating food at McDonalds and has about 63,000 fruit straps in his house and enjoys throwing them at me daily (which is good).  If it wasn't for Kyle I wouldn't have my almost daily intake of fruit straps and Jake wouldn't have any one to punch and chace him.  When Kyle has kids he is going to call one Mineral Water and the other Ruddigar.  Thanks to Kyle the world is a better place and people now know about the "ogre walk", Lufwaffe and the well known fact that Caaaaaanaaaaaadians talk slowly.



Xav And Co.

Real name: Xavier Brennan

Nick names: Xav, X, Polar, Polar bear and Bundy bear

Best Known as: X

X plays cricket for Warrenbayne (pronounced whaaaarn-baaaaaayne!) and lives in Goodinear Drive (AKA North Pole).  He works at KFC and one day hopes to grow a goatee and a moustache  so that he can have free chicken because people will think that he is The Colonel.  Xav likes to listen to Hate Breed and go crazy doing so.  He plays cricket for Warrenbayne, but Warrenbayne aren't very good this year mainly because Russell isn't putting his back into it and Xav isn't playing much.  Xav lives on a diet of penguins, seals, KFC and Bundy.  Some times Xav does TV adds for Bundaberg Rum and has featured as a New York tourist, in a urinal, as a "drop bear" and has been used to spy on women through a trophy plaque.  



Joe's house - Click For full sized image

This is Joe's house on weekends.

Name: Joseph Mack

Known as: Joiss? or Joe

Composition: 25% blood n guts n all that stuff, 40% Canada, 35% Australia.

Joiss, son of Terry Mack, is an old FCJ boy from way back and lives in the infamous Charles Street along with the likes of Rob Convery (Bosnia) etc...  Joiss Was in Canada for most of 2002 and was popularly written about by me, Kyle and co. in English.  Joe is famous for perfecting words such as "nyaaaaaah...", "nyaaahdit" and "todditt", and also that trade mark butt head which he still wears today and his lock jaw.

Joe has been associated with Rotary (they de-ported him to Canada) and Mita 10 which has left him open to jokes by funny man Lenny and Rob Harrow etc. (this was in its prime during business management, 2001).

Joiss is now the big man on campus at the Dunlop Campus and is currently rated 10/10.



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