Abstract Figurative Oil Acrilic Ink and Mixed Media Works




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Not to the liberal genocide: protest march against the bastard ex. Pt. Carlos Saul Menem government

¡Judgment and punishment, in Nuremberg style, to all the guilties of Argentina disaster: Raul Alfonsin(Military genocide men's liberty helper), Carlos Menem(The Goodfather I), Fernando de la Rua(Mr. Gardiner), Eduardo Duhalde(The Goodfather II), Nestor Kirchner(President of Kirchnerland) and their accomplices: I.M.F., Domingo Cavallo, the mercenary journalism(Clarin, Pagina 12, Canal 7, Canal 9, Canal 13, Canal 11, Radio 10, Radio Mitre, Radio America etc.)! The Argentineans have said ¡GO HOME! to the bastard, corrupt, criminal and genocide government politician class.
We are on The Titanic board that has hit the iceberg, so far on the cover, the musicians continue with their music, but in the third class, the water arrives us at the neck and is going to the first. We hope that the Captain dies on board.
In honour to Alejandro Olmos, I agree to the external debt investigation.
In the same way: Judgment and punishment to Tony Blair and G.W.Bush, guilties of Irak invasion. In the past Malvinas war, in the present Irak destruction, the same bastard, pirat and criminal hand: The Imperialism.

Judgement and punishment in Cromagñon style to Ricardo Ivoskus, Carlos Biglieri and Roberto Acquafresca guilties of building fire denounced in my Photogallery. I denounce malicious inspections at our rubber shop, in Villa Lynch since 1973 after my denounces here and the argie "justice".

Surprise to genocide Grl. Menendez and Bussi in the present on board of a V.I.P. dead flight by the Royal Kirchner couple.

¡Stop to the argie and foreign maffias (specially the Royal Kirchner couple) guilties of a virtual civil war here!

¡Judgment and punishment to Pt. Kirchner and Juan Carlos I de Borbon who is only king at El Pardo Palace in Madrid, traitors to Gualeguaychu people (Botnia environmental conflict), and guilties of a virtual war between Agentina and Uruguay!

¡Congratulations to Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, first "elected" female argie president, queen of terrorists, theaves and tramps!

The Argentines union is a little miracle for few days by the 2006 F.I.F.A. World Cup in Germany, and the Pekerman's "potrero" footballers, specially Messi, Saviola and Tevez. Naturally, the "potrero" is pure, not the World Cup in Germany.
Always during the World Cup, the people have the sponsors permission for to be patriot, then the bald land essence return them to the reality.

In loving memory of Evita Peron:¡Not to the Pt. Kirchner reelection. He is a traitor for the payment of the illegal F.M.I. external debt, casual environmental defender, sponsor of the mercenary journalism, artists, official "piqueteros" and others.!

¡Judgment and punishment to the Intendant Anibal Ibarra and his accomplices(Omar Chaban and others), guilties of the massacre at The Bailanta: Ciudad Cromagnon, under fire on december 30, 2004. In the same way to the Intendant Ricardo Ivoskus(Goodfather) and his accomplices: Lidia Naim(his wife), Carlos Biglieri(corrupt ex-councillor of Villa Lynch), and others, guilties of the corruption at Gral. San Martin Municipality, where there are not environmental controls, clandestine manufacturing, industrial security, fire risk, etc.!
¡In our "democracy" we are all missing persons!

¡Judgment and punishment to Felipe Sola(Governor) and Santiago Montoya(tax-collector) for to gain expensive taxs in Buenos Aires province("maffia" land, without justice, education, health, jobs, security, environmental controls and cultural projects.) by unconstitutional procedures with the mercenary journalism complicity!

I agree to Javier Rodriguez Pardo's environmental and minery works.

¡Justice for the child Marcela Iglesias, dead squashed in february 1996 by a Danilo Danziger's heavy iron sculpture, on Der Bruke Gallery(without Municipality habilitation), Paseo de la Infanta, Palermo park, Buenos Aires!

¡Congratulations to the original people of Bolivia for their first President: Evo Morales. We hope that he does not forget them in the future!

¡Congratulations to the Palestina people for the return to Gaza! In the same way, some day we will return to our homeland.

My solidarity to the victims of the Asian tsunami disaster.

¡I agree to Leon Ferrari's art exhibit at Recoleta Cultural Center that was critical of the Catholic Hierarchs, censored and then authorized by the bastard and corrupt argie justice!

¡I agree to the Mapuches' refusal to accept the bastard Benetton's proposal!

My solidarity to the critic and combative journalist Liliana Lopez Foresi that was censored in Kirchnerland(in the past Argentina, in the present a devastated land.)
¡We have a dream: a homeland not a factory!

¡Judgment and punishment to Vladimir Putin, author of the massacre in Beslan!

In Memoriam of all innocent victims by the international terrorism:
¡Not to the blood "democracy"!

¡I agree to the 1st. Human Cloning for therapeutical purposes by the United Kingdom scientifics!

¡Not to the Argentine troops in Haiti!

¡The monument in memoriam of Diana Spencer by the United Kingdom is wonderful, but the water will not erase the hipocresy!

We are living an emergency in a bald and devastated land by the military and politician governments, without justice, jobs and education. In the present Argentina is a factory, but in our dreams is a beautifiul homeland.
This is an experimental art site, in agreement to: social justice, human rights, ecology, free expression: in the streets, mass media communication and all art exhibits. Moreover in refusal to: all human discriminations and the hyperlink prohibition or regulation on Internet.
All my denounces and political opinions are absolutely under my responsability, not the persons linked or mentioned here.
A rose in memory of Eladia BlazquezYou are listening "El corazon al Sur", beloved Tango by the excellent poet, composer and singer Eladia Blazquez. Thank you so much for your visit.

Argentour Site in creative process Birds of Argentina Contact me

Copyright Osvaldo Ernesto Pasero All rights reserved Updated june 2009 Buenos Aires Argentina On Internet since 1999
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