For those unfamiliar with the 136th NYSV, this regiment fought in both the Western and Eastern theaters of the Civil War. These soldiers were recruited in 1862 in Western New York (Allegany, Livingston, & Wyoming Counties). During the Battle of Gettysburg in July 1863, this regiment defended the exact position now occupied by the Gettysburg National Military Park Visitor Center. These soldiers also participated in Sherman's March to the Sea and numerous battles.
Click here for links and information on other parts of this web site, particularly items concerning the Gettysburg Visitor Center issue and web site index.
Reunions of descendants and friends of the 136th New York State Infantry are held at Letchworth State Park, NY.
View a photo from a picnic by clicking here.
At leaset 233 groups have adopted positions on the Gettysburg battlefield. The Descendants of the 136th New York Infantry adopted this regiment's position in 1996. Our agreement has been renewed with the National Park Service. We traveled to Washington to attend a Congressional subcommittee hearing in February 1999 to defend our adopted position. Read our Congressional Testimony by clicking here. We do take our duties seriously, don't we?
The total number of participants in the Gettysburg National Military Park's "Adopt a Position" program in 1998 was 1,757 people, donating 8,128 hours of volunteer time. Since 1996, when the program was launched, groups have cleared brush, repaired stone and wooden fencing, repainted fences, improved and maintained trails, and painted historic structures. Participants include civil war round tables, reenactment units, school and university groups, businesses, service organizations, scout groups, military units, families and individuals.
If you are interested in doing some work with our group, send an e-mail to the address at the bottom of this page or send a note to the following address:
Liz Kaszubski
Descendants of the 136th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment
1463 Fairfield Drive
North Tonawanda, NY 14120-2250
You don't have to be a descendant to assist our efforts or to join our organization. All you need is a dedicated interest in the 136th New York Infantry and in restoring and protecting its battle position at Gettysburg.
Check out our web page about our dealings with the press about the Gettysburg Visitor Center Issue.
The Action Alerts We Used Worked!
If you are a descendant of any of the following soldiers of the 136th NYSV Infantry Regiment, please contact:
CLOW, Benjamin; COATS, Morris; IPPY, George; LUTHER, Bruce; MCELHENY, John; PERINE, Thomas; ROBINSON, Milon; SHELDON, Arthur; & WOOLHISER, George.
There is an ongoing historical project that is researching a large number of Civil War soldiers who passed through Fairfax, Virginia. Over 100 of those soldiers signed their names, regimental designations, and much more on the walls of what is now called the Blenheim House in the City of Fairfax, Virginia. The actual soldier's signatures are still on the walls, and it is considered one of the largest Civil War graffiti collections in the United States.
Remembering the soldiers of the 136th NY Infantry Volunteers:
Submitted by Karen C. Lewis ... kindly add my great great grandfather to your web site:
William E. Altoft, Co. D-- Enlisted in Gainsville, NY on 29 Aug 1862 and died at Lookout Valley, TN on 16 Jan 1864.
� 2006 [email protected]
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