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Jesus Talks With Grandma

My Grandma Mott was a wonderful, Godly woman. All her life she followed the Lord with all her heart. However, in her later years, she began to suffer many serious illnesses, including serious skin cancer, a major bowel blockage, osteoporosis which reduced a woman with perfect posture to one humped over in a wheelchair, and more. Many times she prayed to be released from her body of suffering to go home to Jesus. And yet, she lived on, with great daily suffering.

One day, as she lay bedridden alone in her room, she was again praying for God to take her home, as she was in great pain and sorrow. And then, she sensed someone had entered the room and was standing at the foot of her bed. She opened her eyes and looked up - and there stood the object of her heart, her beloved Savior, standing there just as clear and real as you or me, and looking upon her with such great love. She spoke up and asked Him, again, to take her home; that she felt she was no longer of any use to Him or others. But gently he told her, "I need you stay on earth a little longer. You have grandchildren who need to come to me, and I need you to pray them into my kingdom." Grandma was probably a bit disappointed to have to stay, but at the same time she had great joy, for even in her time of trouble, her Lord still had work for her to do; she still had opportunity to be involved in bringing others - even her own grandchildren - to Jesus.

How do I know this is true? The family had gathered in because it seemed impossible that Grandma should be with us much longer. As I walked by her bedroom door, she saw me passing, and called me in to her room, to tell me of her meeting with Jesus. And although she did not get well again, she did stay with us for quite some time longer, faithfully fulfilling the call of her dear Lord Jesus.

And I know that her prayers were being answered. I myself am one of those for whom her prayers brought results. Most of her grandchildren are faithfully following Jesus today, and I believe that someday her prayers for all of them will be answered. May I also be faithful, as was my grandma, to my Lord and Savior, Jesus! I too, look forward to the day when I shall see Him face to face, in my heavenly home... and perhaps, who knows, even here on earth, clearly as did my Grandma. In fact, I have already had the privilege of seeing Him at a distance, in church (you can read about that in another of my miracle stories), and also one time where there was a period of great darkness in my life - both figuratively and literally, as I was laying in the dark, and suddenly a great light such as I have never before or since seen, streamed through the door, and in the light, I saw Jesus clearly outlined, a shimmering glow around his face, facing me, his hands out-stretched. Perhaps it was "only" a vision, but its reality is unquestionable, and I have never forgotten. "Even so, come, Lord Jesus!"

Norma Hill

Date May 12, 2007

My name is Norma. I'm married to Lionel. We have 5 kids - Taryn, Sarah, Robyn, Wendy and Peter, and one grandchild, Tony. At the moment, I am teaching French and Home Economics at a Christian School. I also enjoy writing, reading, facilitating Christian study groups, exercise, gardening, playing guitar, and a multitude of other interests.

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