Scratch Gallery
WOOF!  WOOF!!  Dog busy at work scratching and ruining otherwise perfectly beautiful white paper here!  Drawing is my "secret" pastime.  Actually it has been the case for most of my life, but most people just don't know I draw, or that I still draw.  For the most part they don't care at all, which is probably a good thing.  You'll only find pencil work here.  The last time I've touched a paint brush was in high school, and it wasn't even to paint.  Some say my style got a slight touch of anime/manga, which is weird cuz by default I never draw people with massive eyes.  But they say anime doesn't necessarily imply massive eyes.  I guess it's one of those things without a clear distinction, like the sexy and unsexy girls.  Wait ... I DO see a clear distinction between those 2!!

Over the past 1/2 year, I've only been updating my EW (Elfwood) online gallery.  They claim they're the largest online art gallery, and it IS an empire!  It's cool cuz you can comment on each other piece by piece, and some girl artists there are pretty cute.  Muwahahaha!  At least their photos are.  Now if only I can somehow get their addresses and stalk them ... Anyway, I'll probably maintain this puny gallery.  The EW site is like a totalitarian state.  Actually it ain't that bad, but it definitely lets you know who's the dictator.  There's a secret police group who rejects or even delete pictures that break the "rules."  And since all incoming artwork has to be inspected one piece at a time, it may take a while for any of my stuffs to be published online.  Sure I admire their organization skills, but sometimes I do feel like being the boss of my own house ... ok, so what there's only me in the house? 

I also have a gallery at Epilogue.  They're even more totalitarian cuz they inspect your stuff for high quality too.  I guess it's a good thing to keep the level of junk down.  They got some pretty famous artist there too.  I'm unworthy!!!  I'm in inferior!!!
Recent Scratch Book
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Scratch 8
Scratch 9
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Scratch 11
Scratch 12
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Old Scratch Book
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Scratch 7
Scratch 8
Scratch 9
Scratch 25
Scratch 26
Scratch 10
Scratch 11
Scratch 27
Scratch 28
Scratch 29
Scratch 30
Scratch 31
Scratch 32
Scratch 33
Scratch 34
Scratch 35
Scratch 36
Scratch 37
Scratch 38
Scratch 39
Scratch 40
Scratch 41
Scratch 42
Scratch 43
Scratch 44
Scratch 45
Scratch 46
Scratch 47
Scratch 48
Scratch 49
Scratch 50
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