Toastmasters International
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Meeting Roles
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North Garland/Richardson Toastmasters

Meeting Roles

The "Big Three"

  • The TOASTMASTER chooses a theme, prepares an agenda, and conducts almost the entire meeting.
  • The TABLE TOPICS MASTER* calls upon members at random to give 1-2 minute impromptu "mini-speeches" based on the questions asked.
  • The GENERAL EVALUATOR conducts the evaluation portion of the meeting, as well as evaluates both content and technical aspects of the meeting.

The Toastmaster's Assistants

  • The GRAMMARIAN provides a "word of the day" and listens for "interesting" uses of the English language, both good and bad. Everyone is encouraged to use the word when they get a chance to speak.
  • The AH-COUNTER listens for filler words such as "ah" or "um" that interrupt our intended message. All participants, except for the prepared speeches, will hear a beep when one of these "crutches" are used.
  • The TIMER keeps track of time and notifies the participants when their speaking time is up with the use of various colored cards.
  • The VOTE COUNTER collects and counts the votes and passes on your comments to the speaker.

*A Word On Table Topics

Table topics is a way of getting everyone involved in every meeting. Those without a role will usually be called on first.  Guests are not requested to participate.

North Garland/Richardson Midday Toastmasters
Garland, Texas

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