









This page contains information about most of the recordings I've been involved with.

Scroll down the page and click on the jacket images and links to purchase recordings, listen to samples or learn more.
If you wish to purchase recordings you can do so online via the following link:


The following video player features 11 different videos posted to YouTube that all have one thing in common, my music. Several contain me playing musical saw on the street at Seattle's Pike Place Market. The quality of some of these videos is low, probably because they were captured using low res cell phone cams. My favorite among these is a recent discovery featuring me offering a melody variously known as "The Sawplayer's National Anthem", "Oh Say Can You Saw" and "The Saw Spangled Banner". It's one of the best videos that I've found captured of my musical saw playing and posted at YouTube.

There are also several videos of me playing my homemade 'Nobro' resophonic guitar. The quality of these ranges from excellent to poor, again depending upon the quality of the capture device used. I've singled out several below that stand out but do check them all out. I'm certain you'll have a favorite or two.

And, there's even one video featuring me playing washboard in a rare concert appearance from almost 20 years ago. With me on stage, in Redding CA at their Old City Hall venue, is Crow on guitar, playing and singing one of his original songs, "Rocker's Deesease" and Artis The Spoonman, playing his digital spoon kit. Enjoy!

Below, posted to YouTube in mid-October of 2008 is one of my newest songs, "Wall Street Bail Out Blues."
Captured (LIVE) on the street at Seattle's Pike Place Market.

After viewing the video of this song, Wall Street Journal writer Robert Tomsho arranged to interview me by phone. We connected on January 20th and he included me and my song "Wall Street Bail Out Blues" in his article about contemporary song writers taking on the recession. His story was featured on the cover of the Journal on Friday February 6th 2009. They even included a photo of me with the article. A clip of one of my song's verses is also part of the online version of the story. You can view Rob's article at the following link.


2 million people have seen my picture and read about me and my song in the Wall Street Journal!

Five days after this article was featured in the U.S., it was featured in the European issued version of the Wall Street Journal on February 11th 2009. After seeing the article posted in the Euro WSJ, the weekly French news magazine, Courrier International, decided to reprint this story in the next issue of their publication. I'm waiting to find out exactly when this issue will be released. I've heard it was to happen the last week of February and I'm looking forward to seeing a couple of copies of the magazine appear in the mail.

The really wonderful thing about all of this international press attention is that it focuses on my songwriting. In Rob's article I'm mentioned side by side with major songwriters like Woody Guthrie, Neil Young and Tom Paxton. That ain't bad company to keep.

No, it ain't the cover of the Rolling Stone but hey, who knows, I'm not counting out any additional fallout in that direction. Nevertheless I, of course, am both thrilled and amazed at the coverage that my song, "Wall Street Bail Out Blues", is continuing to receive via Robert Tomsho's article. Who'd a thunk, that after all these years of being ignored by the main stream music media and denied attention by entire genres of music enthusiasts, labels, agents, agencies, festivals, bars, restaurants and yes, even some coffehouses, ;o) that I'd finally get more press than I could shake a stick at via this unusual source? You can knock me over with a feather.

It appears that synchronicity and serendipity are working hand in hand in my favor. I must be doing something right!


Watch the music video of my new song, "These Old Shoes" on YouTube!

So far this year (4/2008) I've managed to produce three new cds of all original songs. Each has a different focus.

Buy the CD
REGGIE MILES: These Old Shoes
click to order

"These Old Shoes" features 12 of my sweeter and sillier songs.

Buy the CD
REGGIE MILES: War Mongerin' Man
click to order

"War Mongerin' Man" contains 13 socially relevant messages.

Buy the CD
REGGIE MILES: Handsful O' Blues
click to order

"Handsful O' Blues" has 11 fingerpicked and bottlenecked slide blues and novelty songs.

They are now all available online via CD Baby. http://cdbaby.com/all/reggiemiles Click on the link to listen to clips of each song. Or, visit my EZ Folk website http://www.ezfolk.com/audio/reggiemiles to listen to full versions of most of the songs on these recordings as well as a diverse selection of others featured there.


Above is my first video posted to YouTube. It's my version of an old blues song, "51 Highway Blues". This was caught live to digital media at Conor Byrne's pub in Seattle's Ballard neighborhood. The event was a cd release party for the Blue Healers' new recording "Shake You Down". They invited me to join them on an old Otis Spann song for this recording, "My Love Will Never Die". They asked me to use my saw to cover the lead lines that were originally played by two horns. They also invited me to play a set of my own songs at the party. The place was packed with fans. It was a great show.


A recent composition, "Katrina Blues", a song I wrote in response to the devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina, was included in the sound track of a newly released documentary by New York filmmakers Gustavo Villanueva and Alessandra Zeka called "Katrina and the 3 Million Dollar Tiger".

It's always a pleasure to hear from fans. Here are some comments sent to me about "Katrina Blues" by Dave York of Medford, Oregon.

"I've been in this business a long time (been making my money in music since 1967) and very seldom do I hear something that reaches out and grabs me the way Katrina does. I love acoustic slide, but I love acoustic slide that is played with heart and soul. ...you know...record people give you about 15 seconds and if your stuff doesn't grab them, they "round-file it". I see why it's gonna be in a movie. It has that grab's ya' feel from the get go. Thanks for sharing." (Dave York - Medford Oregon)

In the works is another CD called, "Reggie Miles Live @ The Flying Pig". This show had some wonderful highlights that were captured live.



I was first approached by Honorary Mayor of the Pike Place Market, Michael Yeager, last year. He wanted to include some footage of me performing on the street in his new film, "Sprezzatura (The Genius of Being), Celebrating the Pike Place Market". This project about the Market was scheduled to coincide with the 2007 100th year anniversary celebration of this Seattle landmark. The film was completed and released in early 2007.

I was happy to oblige. It's not every day that I get invited to be a part of someone's film project. Little did I know how well represented my music would be in his production's soundtrack.

Music from my latest bottleneck slide blues cd "51 Highway Blues". can be heard playing in the soundtrack from the very first scene. The music of six different songs from my cd continues to appear throughout the film, intermingled with the music of many other performers who regularly busk at the Pike Place Market. Then, at the very end of the film, there's a cameo of me playing my homemade Nobro resophonic bottleneck slide guitar while my song "Katrina Blues" is featured in the soundtrack.

I'm thrilled with the way Michael's film featured me and the music from my recording "51 Highway Blues".


11 New and Used Blues (Now featuring "Katrina Blues")

(Click on the jacket image to view the contents on the flip side.)

Buy the CD
REGGIE MILES: 51 Highway Blues
click to order


Live! "At The Crossroads" is now available in limited editions.

(Click on the jacket image to view the contents on the flip side.)

I am presently in the midst of several new recording projects. Folks have gotten an earful of "At The Crossroads" and told me it passes muster, or, no, wait a minute, maybe they were asking me to pass the mustard. I'm not sure, but that could mean that many parts are edible with the right condiments, or maybe it's difficult to swallow without something to kill the taste. So, if you're lookin� for something to listen to that lacks relish, and needs mustard, by all means give my CD a spin.

It features a couple of friends, Jack Cook and Hugh Sutton, playing along with guitars and keyboards. It's an eclectic mishmash of obscurities from the dimly lit archives of America's wasteland, resuscitated for your perusal.

So, act now! Don't wait! Be the first one on your block to run out your door screaming wildly, I got it! Then when your neighbors calm down, and you convince them that you haven't contracted some contagious infirmity, you can tell them all about the many gems therein like, "The Man With The Weird Beard", "The Cute Little Girl With The Shimmy In Her Pants", and "Some Little Bug". Don't be surprised though if they turn away with fearful expressions, running, shrieking and threatening to call the Hazmat team or the men in white coats to come and take you away.
It's just their way of saying that they've already got a copy.

Here are a few reviews.

"I've received quite a few recordings, but few (if any) have reached the level of "Reggie Miles (with Ham Gravy) At The Crossroads"� a great CD, great... slide guitar, honky tonk pie-ano... traditional bluesie - brilliant... the whole album "swings", including the slow pieces. It's a mixture of Bluesey, jazzy, juggy, eclectic stuff...Solid, solid, solid."
(Rick Fielding)

"Too cool for words! One part Sonny Terry, one part Tiny Tim, and three parts Mister T! LOL!! Really enjoyable stuff, man!"
(Amos Jessup)

"This extremely entertaining (and downright fun!) CD is one that I will treasure for many years to come! I would heartily recommend this CD to anyone� wonderfully wacky tracks here�
Multi-instrumentalist Reggie Miles has succeeded in capturing the vaudevillian essence of depression era blues�
On "At The Crossroads", Reggie sings down-and-dirty lead vocals and performs on harmonica, saw, washboard, and a "Frankensteinian" instrument he built himself, called a Nobro, which is a hybrid of a Dobro and a National resophonic guitar. The traditional blues compositions, "St. James Infirmary Blues" and Gershwin's "Summertime" are both given amazingly eerie, bizarre, interpretations featuring Reggie playing a saw."

(Diane Wells)


My first solo recording, released in 1995, "Stray Dog Blues".

Bottleneck blues.

(Click on the jacket image to view the contents on the flip side.)

"Country blues with a novelty twist....a down home gravely voice and a driving slide guitar....A highly enjoyable collection. This is a must buy."
(Chris Lunn, "Victory Music Review")

"It's that kind of CD, full of great BLUES and played to perfection by a terrific musician and very good singer."
(Reviewer: Michel CHESNAIS)

Buy the CD
REGGIE MILES: Stray Dog Blues
click to order


Two casettes I'm in the process of remastering are, a 1988 release called, "Strangers With Candy Go Ape", and a 1991 release, "Strangers With Candy". Strangers With Candy was a jug band that I worked with for about 15 years. There are still folks who ask for these two recordings even though they've been out of print for years.

Strangers With Candy Go Ape


Strangers With Candy


You can also listen to my work with various artists on these fine recordings.


"Book of Puzzles" is the second CD by Eric Apoe to feature my musical saw. Listen for me on the cut called,
"The Mind Control Waltz"


A newly released CD called, "Djangolotry", by the jazz/swing band Zazou features some of my musical saw on a beautiful love song written by keyboardist Hugh Sutton called "Quasar".


In 2002 the folks at the Mudcat Cafe organized some of the vast talent represented by their membership, and released for sale a series of CDs, five in all, called "The Mudcat Cafe Blue Plate Special". The sales help to support the site. I�m proud to say that they chose one of my compositions to include in the mix. You can hear my song, "The Girl With The Shimmy In Her Pants", and a whole host of incredible artisans display their virtuosity on this set of recordings.

My song is track #10, and is included on the disc with the plum colored jacket called "Plum".


You can hear me playing washboard and musical saw on a couple of cuts for a CD project that Tom Lewis produced and released in 2003 called "360� All The Points of the Compass".


In 2000 Eric Apoe recorded and released his CD "Dream Asylum" and asked me to play a musical saw solo on the title cut.


I also provided a musical saw track for a 1999 release by David Lee Howard called "Silver Dreams".


On the 1995 Jim Hinde release called "Freedom Road" you can hear me singing back up vocals and playing washboard and harmonica. Over the next couple of years Jim and I did several other projects together.


Bill Merwin, alias Captain Swing, asked me to join him on a project he called "Fun With Reggie". I sang back up vocals, played washboard pre-cussion, and even a little slide guitar on that one. I think the Captain still has a few of these available on CD.


In 1989 I was invited to record some washboard sound effects for a Tim Noah recording called "Kaddywompas".


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